Use "lichen scrofulosorum" in a sentence

1. Orange Crustose Lichen Candelina submexicana Candelina submexicana orange Crustose lichen interspersed with Circinaria caesiocinerea Crustose lichen (light gray), Collema fuscovirens foliose lichen (black) and tiny bits of Caloplaca foliose lichen (yellow)

2. Their names grow shallow with lichen.

3. The rock is full of lichen.

4. This contains lichen, which eats algae.

5. Maybe I was on some damp lichen.

6. This Crustose lichen produces numerous, crowded, cup-shaped apothecia

7. I heard the ointment is effective for treating lichen.

8. Crustose lichen stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

9. Lichen is classified into Crustose, foliose and fruticose species

10. His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.

11. The walls are black and slimy with lichen and pigeon shit.

12. 1 His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.

13. Or , blue, red, or purple dye extracted from several species of lichen lichen , usually slow-growing organism of simple structure, composed of fungi and Explanation of Archils

14. Lichen welcome new and old customers patrons, business negotiations and work together.

15. (a) This is a Crustose lichen found mostly on marine rocks, Caloplaca marina

16. A bird soars over the lichen - draped remains of Manorbier Castle in Wales.

17. ‘ Lappo (Alectoriae and Usneae of the beard-lichen type) is not joegel, not

18. Follow on between two fences with lichen-encrusted hawthorn trees on the right.

19. Crustose (not comparable) (lichenology) Of a lichen, growing tightly appressed to the substrate

20. (a) This is a Crustose lichen found mostly on marine rocks, Caloplaca marina

21. On the upper levels of the church lichen deposits have reached unacceptable levels.

22. A lichen is an organism made up of two separate species, fungi and algae.

23. A Crustose, chinky-lobate rock lichen with a shiny, cinnamon-brown, marginally-lobate thallus

24. We have a wide variety of links to lichen and bryophyte information, journals, and publications, including our official publications the Bryologist and Evansia.We have a variety of grants to help support bryophyte and lichen research.

25. Annular lichen planus (LP) is a rare form of lichen planus, which is a condition that affects the skin and/or mouth.In Annular LP, specifically, affected people develop ring-shaped, slightly raised, purple lesions with no central atrophy (tissue breakdown).Purely Annular LP is very rare; however, Annular lesions occur in approximately 10% of all cases of lichen planus.

26. The lichen-crusted walls bedecked with city grime capture my attention time and time again.

27. Lichen myxedematosus is a chronic cutaneous mucinous disorder and is classified into four clinical variants.

28. See many examples of Crustose lichens at the Oregon Digital lichen photo library at https:

29. From the Cambridge English Corpus The symbiotic state enables the lichen thallus to Colonize extreme …

30. Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens.

31. There are three main forms of primary Cutaneous amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis - multiple itchy, raised spots which are

32. Long-range transported N was found to be important in determining the occurrence of acidophilic lichen species

33. These include allergic contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic dermatitis, nummular dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus and psoriasis.

34. There are three main forms of primary cutaneous Amyloidosis: Lichen Amyloidosis - multiple itchy, raised spots which are

35. Many instances of this disorder may be associated with lichen planopilaris, lupus erythematosus, morphea, and folliculitis decalvans.

36. The thatch of what remained of the subsided roof was streaked with the dark green of lichen.

37. Not only sulphur, but also N compounds had a strong influence of the occurrence of acidophytic lichen species.

38. Yetchiko Bedeguar Yetchiko Bedeguar is the electronic alias of Pete Flood, a drummer, composer and lichen-encrusted woodfellow

39. Chitosan-based nail formulations are useful to treat nail inflammatory diseases like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and lichen planus.

40. Other possible but rather uncommon differential diagnoses include lichen planus, histiocytosis X, acrodermatitis enteropathica and vitamin B6-deficiency.

41. The triumphant plant, a combination of lichen and cactus, certainly would look weird to the eyes of man.

42. Subtleties in the texture of the grit, patches brushed clean of lichen, told him where to place his feet.

43. He kicked the grey into a gallop, and it thundered across the grass, throwing up torn lichen and humus.

44. The Rodney Dangerfield’s of the lichen clan are the Crustose (Crustose) lichens that grow closely adhered to or inside rocks

45. Assessment of epiphytic lichen flora at # remote ICP Integrated Monitoring sites showed that N determined the occurrence of acidophytic lichens

46. 23 He kicked the grey into a gallop, and it thundered across the grass, throwing up torn lichen and humus.

47. Basidiomycete lineages maintain close associations with specific lichen species over large geographical distances and have been found on six continents

48. The white patches visible on the cypress trees are not part of the bark, but a common species of Crustose lichen

49. Follicular type of lichen planus consisting of spinous or acuminate follicular lesions in the scalp that lead to a scarring alopecia.

50. What does Crustose mean? Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedde

51. In current textbooks of dermatology, lichen amyloidosus is said to be a papular, intensely pruritic type of amyloidosis of unknown aetiology.

52. Assessment of epiphytic lichen flora at 25 remote ICP Integrated Monitoring sites showed that N determined the occurrence of acidophytic lichens.

53. Actinic lichen planus (LP) is a rare form of lichen planus, which is a condition that affects the skin and/or mouth.In Actinic LP, specifically, affected people develop mildly itchy, coin-shaped patches on sun exposed areas such as the face, the neck and the backs of the hands.

54. Epimedium extract(leaves),Yohimbe Extract(bark),(8mg yohimbine alkaloids),Cnidium extract(fruit),Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa extract(lichen), Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, L-Arginine.

55. Whether or not the lichen reached Indian Creek by accidental transfer, perhaps the important point is that it has established itself there.

56. A lichen is a combination of two organisms, a green alga or cyanobacterium and an Ascomycete fungus, living in a symbiotic relationship

57. A medical Circumcision is a Circumcision performed to treat a disease, such as pathological phimosis (lichen sclerosis), recurrent balanitis or recurrent urinary tract infections

58. Psora decipiens, a squamulose soil lichen associated with Cryptobiotic crust in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.The thallus is composed of orange-brown, scalelike squamules

59. Bagworms are the larvae of various species of moth that all build cocoons from environmental elements such as lichen, plant material, and sometimes silk

60. Crustose thallus - thin crusty lichen thallus; adheres closely to or is embedded in the surface on which it grows thallus - a plant body without

61. Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically Niebla Brachyura is a rare fruticose lichen that grows along the Pacific Coast of

62. Bright Chartreuse is a perfect foil for charcoal gray (think lichen on stone) and in modern design is often used as a pop against muted neutrals

63. This definition includes comminuted or powdered plants, plant parts, algae, fungi, lichen, tinctures, extracts, essential oils (other than the vegetable oils referred to in point 6.1.1), expressed juices and processed exudates.

64. Archil (countable and uncountable, plural Archils) Orchil, a violet dye obtained from several species of lichen (Roccella tinctoria, etc.), which grow on maritime rocks in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, etc

65. Broken, frequent and abrupt changes in slope and aspect due to presence of frost-shattered bedrock and large angular boulders; small depressions with lichen-heath tundra, tussock graminoid tundra, or ponds are common.

66. In 1986 Rongioletti introduced the term acral persistent papular mucinosis for persistent papules on the dorsum of the hands and distal forearms. Skin specimens reveal mucin deposits which resemble those in lichen myxedematosus (LM).

67. Crustose: crust-like lichens that may be buried in tree bark, or even between the crystals of rocks Fruticose: miniature shrub-like lichens.—one lichen of this type is the famous "reindeer moss" of Lapland

68. The structure of the lichen pigment rhodocladonic acid, 2-acetyl-3,4,6-trihydroxy-7-methoxynaphtho[2,3-b]furan-5,8-dione (1a), has been assigned on the basis of an X-ray crystal structure analysis of its triacetate (1c).

69. Discussion: For diagnosis of borreliosis the most frequently observed dermatological manifestations like erythema migrans, lymphocytosis cutis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer, as well as associated dermatosis like lichen sclerosis et atrophicus, granuloma anulare and morphea are reviewed.

70. According to Jørgen Mattissen Sara (of the Sámi): ‘Lappo (Alectoriae and Usneae of the beard-lichen type) is not joegel, not at all, but a plant on trees just as wool or hair on beasts

71. The benign histologic appearance of the oral lichen planus epithelium exhibited a preneoplastic-appearing Autoradiogram, an observation which is of particular interest in view of the fact that a small number of patients with this disease develop intraoral squamous cell carcinoma.

72. Heritage climate maps are obtained by combining climate parameters, with the aim of constructing factors believed to be especially important for the degradation of cultural heritage. They comprise salt crystallization, wet-frost, biomass accumulation of monuments and lichen species richness

73. There is evidence that some cases of Shulman syndrome, morphea and lichen sclerosus et atrophicus might be related to a borrelia infection as indicated by cultivation ofB. burgdorferi from skin biopsies of morphea and response to antibiotic treatment in some cases.

74. ‘The phenomenon was first described in a red Alga and a green Alga more than 30 years ago.’ ‘Most of the lichen is composed of fungal filaments, but living among the filaments are Algal cells, usually from a green Alga or a cyanobacterium.’

75. ‘The phenomenon was first described in a red Alga and a green Alga more than 30 years ago.’ ‘Most of the lichen is composed of fungal filaments, but living among the filaments are Algal cells, usually from a green Alga or a cyanobacterium.’

76. High Boltage S 5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a: Iron Maiden, The S 5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a: Lichen the Old County S 5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b: Norman Rockshoes S 5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a: Poor Mr

77. Everything You Need To Know About A Booklice Infestation Tue, 01/26/2016 So, we're going to skip over the scientific data on these pests, like the fact that they are of the order Psocoptera and that the staples of their diet are fungi, algae, lichen, and …

78. Besides the typical lupus forms, nonspecific skin lesions are also observed such as dermal mucinosis, acneiform skin lesions, different variants of livedo, necrotizing vasculitis with ulcers, purpura, urticaria vasculitis, neutrophilic dermatosis, hyperpigmentation, hair and nail changes as well as overlap syndromes with erythema multiforme, scleroderma, Sjögren syndrome, Raynaud phenomenon, lichen planus, bullous pemphigoid und psoriasis.

79. After consulting a tree to Ascertain from its lichen which way was south, and taking no lip from the subordinates who ventured to correct him, Colonel Maycomb set out on a purposeful journey to rout the enemy and entangled his troops so far northwest in the forest primeval that they were eventually rescued by settlers moving inland.

80. In this report there are discussed the results of comparative neurohistological investigations in some dermatoses, above all in dermatoses accompanied by physicochemical changes of state of the interfibrillar ground substance, as in chronic inflamed oedema, in Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, in morphea, and in scleromyxoedema, in order to attain a better understanding of the morphological significance observed.