Use "liberate" in a sentence

1. Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man. Margaret Mead 

2. Algicides disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins

3. This will liberate him from economic worry.

4. They did their best to liberate slaves.

5. You should liberate the mind from prejudice.

6. These women testify to liberate their suffering.

7. And could this jostling liberate those huge energies?

8. 17 You'd better liberate yourself from preconceived ideas.

9. She wants to liberate women from their biological slavery.

10. Besides, in the soil “acid rain” can liberate poisonous metals.

11. Amassing wealth as a Black person does not liberate Black people

12. Esters react with acids to liberate heat along with alcohols and acids.

13. Negativland is out to liberate mass culture from the hands of commerce.

14. 15 It is an action to liberate general Chinese from Marxist's misgovernment .

15. Top synonyms for Affranchise (other words for Affranchise) are enfranchise, emancipate and liberate.

16. They marched along the railway telling villagers they had come to liberate them.

17. The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps.

18. She returned to the Mediterranean and took part in operations to liberate the Dodecanese.

19. We have used this identity to liberate our people from queues and cumbersome processes.

20. Their speeches provided emotional satisfaction but their actions failed to liberate a single slave.

21. They could simply bounce off one another but this does not liberate any energy.

22. Synonyms for Affranchise include emancipate, liberate, free, release, enfranchise, unchain, unshackle, unyoke, deliver and discharge

23. They said they sent troops in to liberate the people/the country from a dictator.

24. Airing's mission is to liberate those with sleep apnea from unruly masks, straps, hoses, and wires

25. The McCarthyites, however, had no very clear idea on how to liberate the enslaved peoples either.

26. Under these conditions insufficient moisture is available to allow the breakdown of uric acid to liberate ammonia.

27. We share the responsibility to shape our collaboration to liberate the creative energies of the entire region.

28. In October 1944 Mitterrand and Jacques Foccart developed a plan to liberate the POW and concentration camps.

29. I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves. Che Guevara 

30. Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.

31. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God’s people from Egyptian bondage.

32. Dark industry business also should liberate our forestry ideaofthought, change, oftheold-fashioned conceptthatcasts off progressofblock up economy thoroughly manacle.

33. 22 Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.

34. Affranchise definition: grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude synonyms: set free, enfranchise, liberate antonyms: colonize, colonise, disenfranchise

35. In the hijacking case mentioned earlier, the hostages had no way to liberate themselves, even if they were rich.

36. Swear words work best when used sparingly; more frequent deployment does not liberate, it devalues a wonderful means of expression.

37. For the call to liberate the poor, it may well be said, is to be read directly out of scripture.

38. Women participate in the national liberation struggle and have never considered they should be struggling to liberate themselves from men.

39. Bepun Osn submonition Snorkel from the meat? Everybody lost faith and sense of diction is to liberate desire and serve

40. Any alkaline phosphatase present in the sample will, under these circumstances, liberate p-nitrophenol from added disodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate.

41. Instead, Fujimori has offered to provide safe passage out of the country for rebels if they liberate all the captives.

42. Occasionally Cooley exhibits a multi-dimensional scheme that promises to liberate the imagination for the many sides of collective life.

43. Never under-estimate the power of the mind-body, which can either trap or liberate the spiritual aspect of self.

44. The Vicosinos were of like mind and thus Supported the project to purchase the land and liberate these families from serfdom.

45. Affranchise: 1 v grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude Synonyms: enfranchise Type of: liberate , set free grant freedom to

46. Ronald Reagan often argued that by cutting public sector spending, we could liberate voluntary efforts from the oppressive arm of government.

47. The synonyms of Affranchise include are Deliver, Discharge, Disencumber, Disenthral, Enfranchise, Liberate, Loose, Loosen, Manumit, Release, Unbind, Unchain, Unfetter and Unshackle

48. Founded in 1957, NCCJ Anytown is designed to educate, liberate, and empower youth participants (delegates) to become effective, responsible leaders and …

49. Then, he labors —like a woman giving birth— to liberate his covenant people and brings them forth as an independent nation.

50. And you truly liberate the brain now because you are allowing the brain to send motor commands to move this avatar.

51. The passage rises in a dramatic crescendo to the announcement by name of the man who would liberate the nation from Babylon.

52. The Arborean Rebels was interested in nothing more then to liberate their homes from the Axis, however, it found itself fighting the

53. In Far Cry 6, play as a local Yaran and fight using over the top guerrilla tactics and weaponry to liberate your nation

54. The technique consists of conducting the depressurisation necessary to liberate the carbon dioxide from the absorption medium in two steps rather than one.

55. While developing his commander's estimate, LTC Mucci Brainstormed three different words to use for his ESSENTIAL TASK in the mission statement: Liberate, Raid, Secure

56. The news outlet RTHK, which has been under growing pressure from the Hong Kong government, Asterisked the word “liberate” in a tweet linking to …

57. The 63rd Anti-tank Regiment and the 11th Armoured Division of the British army liberate about 60,000 prisoners at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

58. 75 years after the infamous Battle of Arnhem, rare photos reveal terrifying death and destruction as allied troops struggle to liberate Netherlands from the Nazis

59. As part of this mission, Sherman consented to allow Stoneman to proceed to Andersonville Prison (Camp Sumter) and liberate the Union prisoners of war incarcerated there

60. All of the energy from one photon must be absorbed and used to liberate one electron from atomic binding, or else the energy is re-emitted.

61. Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50,000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.

62. On the planet Ryloth, Boil joined his men, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody, to liberate the Twi'lek slaves.He and Waxer came across the young orphaned Twi

63. A great spiritual impulse leads Indian thought to seek an experience which would liberate the spirit from the shackles of time and space and would therefore acquire absolute value.

64. Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50, 000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.

65. There may now be several fire-eating piano virtuosos who can execute the original notes, but few can liberate the prophetic music they contain as masterfully as Janice Weber does here.

66. Unless you sell your own soul , how can you ever say that when you are fighting to liberate your own country , there is some other allegiance which prevents you from so doing ?

67. By means of extensive numerical simulations, it was shown that the uptake of both hypoiodous acid (HOI) and nitrate (N2O5) radicals can liberate chlorine atoms from sea-salt aerosol at significant rate.

68. But, it's all taking place in an open society, in a rich and diverse and plural civilization, in one that is determined to liberate and fulfill the creative energies of its people.

69. Arhats and Bodhisattvas are beyond samsara, but an Arhat is said to seek their own liberation resulting in an abiding nirvana, whereas Bodhisattvas seek to liberate all beings, resulting in a non-abiding nirvana

70. By writing this work, Kerouac tries to express the Beats'attempt to liberate the self, pursue freedom and get the direct life experience to achieve the state of soul and the Beatitude of the spirit.

71. Affranchise - grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude; "Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century" enfranchise set free , liberate - grant freedom to; "The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university"

72. Affranchise - grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude; "Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century" enfranchise set free , liberate - grant freedom to; "The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university"

73. It was then that I decided I would take up the gun -- out of respect and gratitude for those men and women who came to liberate us. From the awareness that sometimes only the gun can stand between good and evil.

74. 1 Summary 2 Abilities 3 Recruitment 4 Gallery The Beekeeper's job might be one that benefits all of mankind, but their swarms of micro-sized, macro-important robot honeybees can do the job to liberate the world of both hunger and oppression

75. Acid, any substance that in water solution tastes sour, changes the colour of certain indicators (e.g., reddens blue litmus paper), reacts with some metals (e.g., iron) to liberate hydrogen, reacts with bases to form salts, and promotes certain chemical reactions (Acid catalysis).

76. The mission of Biafran University is to equip all Biafrans home and abroad with Biafracentric life tools that are appropriate and applicable to liberate Biafran minds and create a mentality of freedom, justice, and self-reliance, even in the face of odds

77. Enfranchise: 1 v grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude “Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century” Synonyms: Affranchise Type of: liberate , set free grant freedom to v grant voting rights Antonyms: disenfranchise , disfranchise deprive of voting rights Type of: …

78. Comminution is a process of reducing the size of ore particles to liberate the minerals in preparation for extraction in downstream processes, and classification is installed to ensure that liberated minerals enter the recovery section of the process plant and those not ready are recycled.

79. I would not say merely Russia - Russia was one of the most important catalytic agents in obtaining this goal - but it was a struggle against forces of Fascism and Nazism to liberate human thoughts, beliefs, and cultural evolution which is developing over the centuries.

80. Battle for Belorussia tells the story of how, eight months earlier, and acting under the direction of Stalin and his Stavka, three Red Army fronts conducted multiple simultaneous and successive operations along a nearly 400-mile front in an effort to liberate Belorussia and capture Minsk, its capital city