Use "liberals" in a sentence

1. Because liberals reject three of these foundations.

2. 7 He aligned himself withthe liberals.

3. Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations

4. In 1900–1920, liberals called themselves "progressives".

5. Because the liberals think you're a bitch.

6. Then, Atwin crossed the floor, giving the Liberals back …

7. The Liberals are Abjectly afraid of the universities

8. The liberals band together against the new legislation.

9. The majority of the Coexist followers are secular liberals.

10. At the moment, the liberals are losing ground.

11. Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.

12. The Liberals also split on regional lines in 1992.

13. 12 Such pragmatism has not come easy to liberals.

14. 14 She defected from the Liberals and joined the Socialists.

15. The Liberals initially acknowledged the problem a little bit

16. We were unfortunate to lose a group of Liberals .

17. Again, the Liberals' wealth redistribution record has been absolutely dismal

18. The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals.

19. All that liberals can not tolerate is pretension to infallibility.

20. Just as they had earlier written off Bismarck as an Archconservative, liberals

21. The liberals regarded sending telegrams of condolence as a polite gesture.

22. For them to attack the Liberals for racism is nauseating hypocrisy.

23. Antinomians, unlike the liberals, stress that Christ is indispensable for salvation

24. Cutting back on any government service is still anathema to liberals.

25. The Nationalist Party is trailing the Liberals in the opinion polls.

26. 4 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.

27. The Liberals wish to bring about changes in the electoral system.

28. 1 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.

29. Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.

30. When the coalition was formed the Liberals were left out in the cold .

31. 28 Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.

32. It was a vague enough concept for the liberals to unite around.

33. The anti-progress mind-set was by then familiar ground for liberals.

34. Those following this new trend were known as 'radical liberals', as opposed to the 'Voltairian liberals' (libéraux voltairiens) who supported the englightened absolutist regime and gave rise to Orangism.

35. Some liberals moved to the right and became "neoconservatives" in the 1970s.

36. The article highlighted controversial, out-of-context incidents surrounding Limbaugh that Chafed humorless liberals

37. Both events sent black liberals and traditional civil rights groups into peals of yelping.

38. Ross McKitrick: The Liberals' carbon tax plan Bastardizes actual, sensible Nobel-winning economics

39. The Liberals first raised the notion of whistleblower legislation in the fall of 200

40. The Conservatives were fairly quiescent, but the Liberals were buzzing ominously with activity.

41. The Caudillo President: Trump’s Temperament May Scare Liberals, But Latinos Have Seen It Before

42. In Ferguson, Missouri, there are “outside Agitators.” On this, the reactionaries and liberals agree

43. The fact that the Liberals resisted spending all this additional revenue deserves a compliment

44. And now we get to the crux of the disagreement between liberals and conservatives.

45. He joined the Liberal Party in 1968 and served on the Young Liberals' executive committee.

46. 28 The Conservatives were fairly quiescent, but the Liberals were buzzing ominously with activity.

47. Liberals in Congress who had fought for civil rights bills with great moral fervor were dismayed.

48. Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.

49. The Liberals have to put a plan in place to accommodate those people in #, # and

50. Bureaucrats have designed the legislation and Liberals have not accurately read what it will mean

51. Anyone seeking to include the Liberals in realignment on the left is not only misguided.

52. 6 Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.

53. 16 It was reflexive for liberals to rail at President George W. Bush for jingoism.

54. Glorying in her national mandate, she despised local councillors as loonie lefties or loopy liberals.

55. Hopefully the Liberals will not vote against their own wording in response to private inquiries from citizens

56. While the Giscardian liberals of the Union of French Democracy (UDF) had moved sharply to the right.

57. The Progressives refused to join the government, but did help the Liberals defeat non-confidence motions.

58. A popular uprising occurred between 1994 and 2000 in which leftists, liberals and Islamists joined forces.

59. Liberals typically argue for government action or partnership with the private sector to improve job creation.

60. Keir Hardie joined Labour because the Liberals would not make him, a miner, a parliamentary candidate.

61. 14 Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.

62. These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.

63. Sides were often divided along political lines, with conservatives backing phonics and liberals favoring whole - language instruction.

64. The Conservative failure to restore prosperity led to the return of Mackenzie King's Liberals in the 1935 election.

65. Failure to correct them only fuels the right-wing demands that obliterate the very protections that liberals cherish.

66. 25 These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.

67. Cleverly manipulating the Conservatives' internal differences, the Liberals under Trudeau (who had resigned and then returned) regained their majority in an election in which Ontario swung strongly behind the Liberals, whose policies on resource pricing they favoured and the West abhorred.

68. It was not, as its critics asserted, meant to presage an alliance between the Left and the Liberals.

69. The upshot was that the Liberals promised to support the Labour government in the House by their votes.

70. The liberals of San Francisco want to build a Bourgeois republic wherein practically perfect people live aesthetic, ethical lives

71. Following Bartlett's victory at Bridgewater, he launched a grass roots campaign for an electoral pact with Liberals and Communists.

72. Because no one hearing his name thinks this Government is run by a bunch of lily-livered limousine-liberals.

73. In cabinet Unionists pressed the Liberals steadily towards a full policy of conscription, which was finally introduced in May.

74. He emerged as a leader of the radical liberals (puros) and allied with General Antonio López de Santa Anna.

75. The 1910 general elections had left the Liberals as a minority government dependent upon the support of Irish Nationalists.

76. Conservative social theorist Thomas Sowell maintains that the essential difference between liberals and conservatives is optimism about the human condition.

77. In 18 the Liberals under William Gladstone won the British general election by two seats over Lord Salisbury's Conservatives.

78. You liberals would not be right either... and you'd become absolutists, if you tried to impose locks... or chastity on me.

79. Liberals tend to romanticize trains (because the French use them) and conservatives tend to disparage them (because the French use them).

80. Given the unhealthy level of policy agreement between Labor and the Liberals that we have now, such cooperation is most improbable.