Use "lenient" in a sentence

1. They're more lenient with their grades.

2. His parents are too lenient with him.

3. I hope the judge will be lenient.

4. If we are uncaring or too lenient.

5. He was given a comparatively lenient fine.

6. Clement: Inclined to be lenient or merciful.

7. The judge agreed that it was unduly lenient.

8. The judge was lenient with him.

9. The judge was far too lenient with him.

10. People say she was lenient with me.

11. Professor Oswald takes a sightly more lenient view.

12. to be severe with oneself and lenient with others.

13. Your father's too lenient to people like Tommaso.

14. They are too lenient: that makes it flattering.

15. The sentence was criticized as being unduly lenient.

16. Clemency is mercy or the quality of being lenient

17. In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.

18. 3 As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.

19. They believe that judges are too lenient with terrorist suspects.

20. Federal agencies are more lenient that in the past.

21. The police are sometimes more lenient with female offenders.

22. As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.

23. In the mid 1970s Soviet emigration policies became more lenient.

24. This would be reflected in a more lenient sentence of 30 months.

25. Imposing a lenient sentence for such a serious crime sets a dangerous precedent.

26. School examiners say that marking has become more lenient in recent years.

27. You asked for 5 years for Jeanne Vidal, claiming it was " lenient ".

28. 26 He will press for stricter, not more lenient,( pollution controls.

29. Antonyms for Autarchic include limited, democratic, submissive, accountable, humble, liberal, yielding, meek, lenient and subservient

30. A previously blameless disciplinary record should have entitled Cooper to more lenient treatment, they argue.

31. There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.

32. People that are low in self-control are usually relaxed, even-tempered, and lenient.

33. Others accuse the courts, specifically judges . . . who continue to hand out minimal, sometimes absurdly lenient, sentences.”

34. Synonyms for Condoning include approving, tolerating, indulgent, lenient, permissive, forgiving, clement, liberal, forbearing and sympathetic

35. It's a question of finding the mean between too lenient treatment and too severe punishment.

36. He had an extremely strict code of conduct for himself and a lenient one for others.

37. Credibly’s eligibility requirements are much more lenient than those a bank or a credit union may impose

38. Ah, the Usage Panel, that trusted body of language authorities who is getting more lenient about this.

39. 7 At daycare Brian has to toe the mark,( but at home his mother is quite lenient.

40. 8 At daycare Brian has to toe the mark, but at home his mother"s quite lenient."

41. Hanging would seem quite a lenient sentence considering the enormity of his crime in those harsh old days.

42. On March 26 the prosecutors appealed to the Supreme Court because of what they considered the excessively lenient judgments.

43. Is the situation in these States really so positive, or is the national methodology for identifying these aberrations simply lenient in some way?

44. Consider being somewhat lenient about candy eating on Halloween , within reason , and talk about how the rest of the candy will be handled .

45. We do not apply double standards: a relatively lenient standard for our friends and a different, stricter standard for people who are not our friends.

46. A bill on alternative service, which adopted a more lenient attitude towards conscientious objectors such as Jehovah’s Witnesses than at present, was currently under review.

47. More lenient in reality than his advisers and the Assembly, he remained a moderate even after the border was set aflame by American raids, restraining Upper Canadians from retaliation.

48. Striking the perfect balance between too strict and too lenient, Authoritative parents enjoy kids who are well rounded, feel respected and valued, and possess good behavior too

49. These software programs allow retailers to maintain reasonable price points for consumers, maintain lenient return policies for their good customers, and offer better and more consistent customer service.

50. Under its relatively lenient requirements, Estonia had granted citizenship to over 150,000 people during the previous 16 years; they now accounted for over 15 per cent of all citizens.

51. Courts are using widely different and even conflicting standards when it comes to Authenticating web evidence – from the most lenient to the most demanding – making case law on this issue clear as mud

52. Tonight, however, I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient.

53. Trading orangutans in Indonesia is an economic crime; prosecuting offenders is rare 440 Confiscations led to 7 convictions; sentencing was lenient and does not act as a deterrent; prosecution needs to be consistent, thereby aiding conservation.

54. ‘The British press has been Atypically lenient in its review of his atrociously indecorous behaviour.’ ‘Rainfall in arid regions is typically seasonal and often intense and may carry an Atypically high sediment load, due in part to sparse vegetation in sediment source areas.’

55. What are the details? Reuters reported Wednesday that Mexico's government is concerned the Biden administration's lenient approach to illegal immigration enforcement has both resulted in untenable levels of migration and created business for violent gangs and drug Cartels.

56. Adjective kind, good, kindly, understanding, caring, liberal, generous, obliging, sympathetic, humanitarian, charitable, benign, humane, compassionate, gracious, indulgent, amiable, amicable, lenient, cordial, considerate, affable, congenial, altruistic, philanthropic, bountiful, beneficent, well-disposed, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, bounteous, tender-hearted a most Benevolent employer

57. The Confederate Major was of the class referred to in polite American parlance, as a "Blatherskite." CAMPAIGNS OF A NON-COMBATANT, GEORGE ALFRED TOWNSEND But it was lenient with Gregorig, who had called Iro a cowardly Blatherskite in debate

58. David­son has Belat­ed­ly respond­ed to these crit­i­cisms with an ad that calls Pel­lic­ciot­ti an “activist attor­ney” who is “soft on crime” and “lenient on crim­i­nals”

59. Blasphemein G987 vn Pres Act TO-BE-HARM-AVERRING to-be-calumniating amacous amachous G269 a_ Acc Pl m UN-FIGHTers pacific einai einai G1511 vn Pres vxx TO-BE epieikeis epieikeis G1933 a_ Acc Pl m lenient pasan pasan G3956 a_ Acc Sg f EVERY all endeiknumenous endeiknumenous G1731 vp Pres Mid Acc Pl m IN-SHOWING displaying To speak evil of no man