Use "legislators" in a sentence

1. Legislators' Antagonizing of Ames school leaders was shameful

2. Hun Sen has also threatened other CNRP legislators with prosecution.

3. The reasoning is that legislators' lives revolve around the election cycles.

4. It allows cannabis-friendly legislators to get a Buttload of legislation passed, and conservative legislators to go on record as having voted for only one cannabis-related item.

5. State legislators and officials joined the chorus of promoters seeking Reclamation projects....

6. There is a fractured verdict and legislators here are notorious for switching sides .

7. Through Alec, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line.

8. As Chancellor, she is the System liaison with the governor, state legislators, and

9. One issue was how to appease an ideologically fervid group of freshmen Republican legislators.

10. " the ministers and presidents accumulate executive and legislative powers which means they are legislators

11. My fellow legislators were skittish about appearing in any way be soft on crime.

12. 1 One issue was how to appease an ideologically fervid group of freshmen Republican legislators.

13. IN THE southern boomtown of Shenzhen, normally docile legislators have been complaining with unusual vigour.

14. The tax could be sold to reluctant legislators as a progressive tax on the wealthy.

15. Legislators, the Burgomasters and Schepens, as wel l as ordinances of the Director-General

16. Fifth Forum of Parliamentarians: national legislators and international law in the struggle for accountability

17. The order that legislators peruse is to find self - evident t ruth and legal order.

18. Yet any big move by the reborn Republican governor will require a compromise with Democratic legislators.

19. 40 The Commission calls on the co-legislators swiftly to advance the work on these important proposals.

20. They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.

21. 21 Wilson has urged legislators to put off a scheduled March ban of the pesticide methyl bromide.

22. Legislators may try to Codify, or gather and organize, all laws related to a particular issue

23. Newsom’s Abrupt shift on stay-home order angers legislators across aisle Visitors wear masks on Jan

24. What does Assembly mean? In government, an Assembly is defined as a specific group of legislators

25. Wilson has urged legislators to put off a scheduled March ban of the pesticide methyl bromide.

26. Seven Arizonan Republican legislators face calls to ban them from the House and Senate KNXV Phoenix, AZ

27. They also have become a popular target for local legislators trying to crack down on gun violence.

28. Legislators incorporated the Committee’s recommendations into the draft law on increasing transparency and accountability in the sector

29. These studies draw a quantitative portrait of ministers, legislators, bureaucrats, businessmen, trade union or party officials.

30. NCSL compiles and develops up-to-date information of interest to state legislators related to Autonomous vehicle policy

31. And as the pace of state legislating continues to quicken, so too will legislators' needs for precooked bills.

32. No longer should our legislators be able to publicly excoriate FDA employees while ignoring their own complicity.

33. Legislators, medical ethicists and public health experts continue to debate limiting the use of such reproductive technologies.

34. They can elect legislators who have the power to impose their will on judges through one means or another.

35. The co-legislators will take full account of any additional elements provided by the Commission in that context.

36. This makes the bilateral game one in which legislators learn about bureaucratic biases and manipulate penalties for deceit.

37. 8 Some legislators set up housekeeping when the biennial gatherings began and played house for the six-month sessions.

38. But the fourth one is all too real, because there’s nothing our legislators love more than Bigfooting local government

39. Congress no longer can choose Supreme Court nominees -- a cozy practice that helped shield legislators from judicial scrutiny.

40. It took less than two months for legislators to remake two agencies created in the last century to thwart Bossism

41. The leadership of the Georgia General Assembly cosponsors the Biennial Institute for Georgia Legislators, with the Carl Vinson Institute of

42. 23 These are numbers that are finally getting across to governors and legislators with whom we entrust our money.

43. Some legislators feel such deep loyalty to particular group or societal norms that they seldom experience seriously conflicting pressures.

44. The Biennial system affords legislators more time to renew relations with constituents, to mend political fences and to campaign for reelection

45. 18 Several legislators have urged the government to suspend the controversial value-added tax that was extended to cover service industries.

46. Filner insisted yesterday that the federal letter of clarification has solved the problem, and state legislators will revise state law.

47. Arizona legislators have ordered a recount of 2.1 million Ballots for the 2020 presidential election, this time to be done by hand

48. Ironically, Section 5 has become an obstacle to racial integration because race‐ conscious districting Balkanizes the population and marginalizes minority legislators

49. 26 Continuous liaison with legislators is maintained by agencies at all levels of government. Congressional committees work closely with administrative officials.

50. The American Legislative Exchange Council, or Alec, is a network of state legislators, conservative philanthropies and wealthy donors, right-leaning advocacy groups, and …

51. American legislators contend that debate over mutant issues should be the primary focus of what is, on the surface at least, a diplomatic affair.

52. (CNN)Republican legislators around the country are moving Aggressively to strip governors and other officials of their power to change election rules -- …

53. Counteractive lobbying takes place, and consequently, legislators are less likely to receive misleading information when lobbied by groups from both sides of the issue

54. The Department of Justice, state legislators, and even the federal court system is finally recognizing that “Amateurism” has become just a pretty word to …

55. In the language of politicians and those who govern, the Constituency are those who are governed, or supposedly represented, by legislators and executive officials

56. Pressure from the Michigan Barmaids Association eventually caused state legislators in 1955 to repeal the Michigan law that had led to the U.S

57. Comprehensively portraying the whence and whither of European private law, it represents an indispensable reference work for legal scholars, practitioners and legislators alike.

58. 1 hour ago · 3mins Amit Shah assures action against Culprits in nuns harassment incident ; 12mins Manipur Congress legislators seek recall of Governor Najma Heptulla ; …

59. Committees are made up of small groups of legislators from both political parties, who deal with related issues such as transportation, revenue, education, labor and economic development

60. To keep within certain limits; confine or limit: "Legislators used the power of the purse to Constrain the size of the military" (Julian E

61. According to the National Conference of State Legislators, the right to expel or Censure someone in a legislative body originated with the English Parliament in the 16th century.

62. Legislators, mostly Democrats, reacted with alarm to the firing, one they feared might inaugurate a wave of expected Cashierings, particularly at the FBI and CIA, as Trump seeks to …

63. Bioassessment of inland waters has gained momentum as managers, the public, and legislators have come to understand the importance of maintaining healthy aquatic Biota for sustainable water use.

64. Mr. Abul (Bahrain) said that some members of Parliament intended to urge their fellow legislators to consider withdrawing Bahrain's reservations to the Convention, particularly the reservation to article

65. Although Bidi sales are already illegal for minors, Arizona legislators have taken additional steps by specifically banning Bidi sales to adolescents and increasing the penalties for illegal sales

66. I also think it very important to support the ‘Agora’ website, thereby developing a virtual forum in which legislators at national and European level can consult each other.

67. Following a provision proposed by the Commission, the two co-legislators agreed to introduce a power/weight ratio not exceeding 0,1 kW/kg for light motorcycles (category A1).

68. The Archbishops urged legislators “to consider this bill in the light of values and principles we would wish to characterise relationships across these islands long after the transition period”.

69. The Biennial Institute, which provides both an orientation to the legislative process for new lawmakers and timely policy sessions for all attendees, is offered to all legislators – new and returning

70. The preamble to the Act of 1672 itself sets out that its purpose was to rectify the manner in which Apprisings had come to deviate from the intention of the original legislators

71. Some of the AAP legislators were a big let down in their public conduct and the leaders found no conflict in being in power and continuing with their Agitationist ways

72. Social research informs politicians and policy makers, educators, planners, legislators, administrators, developers, business magnates, managers, social workers, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and people interested in resolving social issues in general.

73. Put your backbone into it and push! It's clear that the legislators have put their Backbones into crafting a bill that will find support across party lines, as well in the general population.

74. Put your Backbone into it and push! It's clear that the legislators have put their Backbones into crafting a bill that will find support across party lines, as well in the general population

75. Put your backbone into it and push! It's clear that the legislators have put their Backbones into crafting a bill that will find support across party lines, as well in the general population.

76. Perhaps legislators were motivated by stories like the one carried in The Burlington Free Press in 1877 that detailed how a fisherman using a seine had in a single haul netted 2,630 Bullpouts

77. A group of 250 CEOs and business leaders sent a letter to New York's governor and legislators expressing "Alarm" at what they say could become the largest spending and tax increase in …

78. Legislators are aware of the vital importance of this matter to the free development of the personality of adoptees and has combined this right with the necessary safeguards to protect the privacy of those concerned.

79. The report sets out proposals regarding the effectiveness of measures to prevent drug addiction and tough regulations, and I would call on all legislators to ensure that these proposals are incorporated into both Community and national law.

80. Which speaks directly to Bribability — or at least, to what New York legislators do best: take care of the folks back home, and themselves, while this time perhaps overlooking Cuomo’s well-documented harassment transgressions and that allegedly ongoing impeachment probe