Use "legal validity" in a sentence

1. Coerciveness does not appear as a separate condition for the validity of the legal order in legal positivism

2. Facsimile signatures are acceptable where applicable laws and regulations recognize the legal validity of facsimile signatures.

3. Content Validity Content validity is an important scientific concept

4. Acce, which takes its name from the four main criteria for evaluating a genetic test — analytic validity, clinical validity, clinical utility and associated ethical, legal and social implications — is a model process that includes collecting

5. The results are of doubtful validity.


7. Validity, acceptance and recognition of certificates

8. The scientific validity of the analyte or marker shall be demonstrated and documented in the scientific validity report.

9. This button tests the selected certificate for validity

10. A.# Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence

11. I would question the validity of that statement.

12. These results indicate that BPDAI demonstrated excellent reliability, validity and responsiveness, while Absis had moderate to good reliability, validity and responsiveness.

13. Patent infringement and validity assessment and advisory services

14. (c) the period of validity of the licence,

15. Why should anything we say have any validity?

16. I would question the validity of that assumption.

17. The studies invariably confirmed the validity of earlier findings.

18. The judges upheld the validity of the previous judgement.

19. I question the usefulness and validity of this explanation.

20. We had doubts about the validity of their argument.

21. Not until the validity of your evidence is confirmed.

22. Don't you think that both views have equal validity?

23. Bracketing, or for addressing the problem of demonstrating validity

24. Subject: Validity of the application of purchasing power parity (PPP)

25. The contracting authority accepted the validity of these indirect references.

26. Subject_Topical_Eng: Pathobiology of Legal Medicine; Serology of Legal Medicine; Clinical Legal Medicine; Anthropology of Legal Medicine; Chemistry of Legal Medicine.

27. Acce Model List of 44 Targeted Questions Aimed at a Comprehensive Review of Genetic Testing including Disorder/Setting, Analytic Validity, Clinical Validity, Clinical Utility and ELSI.

28. Current validity of the real world address or address component.

29. Method for determining validity of compensation matrix during substrate inspection

30. The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.

31. This table uses referential integrity constraints to ensure data validity.

32. In legal terms, Contravention means violating a legal obligation or legal condition

33. The parameters stride length and gait velocity were satisfactory concerning validity.

34. Some laws uphold the validity of these termination or acceleration clauses.

35. Enabling the Asserting Party causes it to be checked for validity

36. Demonstration of the scientific validity and the analytical and clinical performance:

37. 7 The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.

38. But his tendency to depreciate the validity of gratitude is unfortunate.

39. Later we shall have cause to doubt its accuracy and validity.

40. In some cases however, the validity of the conclusion is secondary.

41. The validity of inferential form is the key conception of logic.

42. China should bring in the theory of the issue preclusion validity.

43. Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.

44. You can stop over at any station within the ticket validity.

45. • Across the board, we have increased the validity period of Industrial Licences;

46. * Across the board, we have increased the validity period of Industrial Licences;

47. I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism.

48. The calculating result and emulator indicates that the validity of this method.

49. Some laws uphold the validity of these termination or acceleration clauses

50. (d) the display and validity of vehicle passes when airside; and

51. Serbia did not recognize the validity of the UN issued document.

52. Results: There was a better intramural consistency validity after SSI amended.

53. Professional consultation and advisory services in relation to, namely, intellectual property rights, law, legal rights, legal procedure, legal compliance, legal fees

54. The validity of the amplification factor for small perturbations was also examined.

55. Their content validity is assessed by reviewing conceptualization, measurement and aggregation methods.

56. (c) the period of validity of the licences or of the authorisations;

57. The theory has the face validity of being consistent with recent findings.

58. Boilerplate: Standard legal language used in legal documents.

59. Legal definition for Actiones LEGIS: Legal maxim and Latin for legal action or lawsuits

60. Upon that unique and wonderful experience stands the validity of this Church.

61. Both types of criterion inadequacies result in reduced validity of the measure.

62. For example, it is important that a personality measure has significant Content validity

63. To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify: Confirm a rumor

64. The reliability and validity of Cries-8 has been found to be good

65. Advanced Patent IndeX (Apix) is an internally developed tool to measure patent validity.

66. The directive recalls the absolute need for Agonistical MEDICAL CERTIFICATION AND IN VALIDITY

67. Affirmative definition, affirming or assenting; asserting the truth, validity, or fact of something

68. Ascertaining the validity of individual protocols from Web-based personality inventories John A

69. ‘The validity of a viewpoint seemed to hinge on the author's pedigree rather than on the Cogency of his argument.’ Synonyms strength , force, power, potency, weight, plausibility, effectiveness, efficacy, soundness, validity, foundation

70. It is important that measures of concepts are high in Content validity

71. The validity of this interpretation for smaller molecules (physiological components) is discussed.

72. B.120 Procedure for the renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity

73. The burden of proving the validity of the protest lies with complainant.

74. It shall not affect the validity of the delegated acts already in force.

75. Affirmative definition, affirming or assenting; asserting the truth, validity, or fact of something

76. ‘The validity of a viewpoint seemed to hinge on the author's pedigree rather than on the Cogency of his argument.’ Synonyms strength , force, power, potency, weight, plausibility, effectiveness, efficacy, soundness, validity, foundation

77. Legal basis

78. Google cannot provide legal advice or make legal determinations.

79. Legal Restraints

80. - to take account of legal developments and new legal concepts;