Use "left over" in a sentence

1. You have the ADP that's left over.

2. I'll freeze any food that's left over.

3. Throw any left-over food in the garbage.

4. Whatever was left over, we would save for travel.

5. But with three-dimensional space there's no dimension left over.

6. Enough left over to give Biggishness to others melodiously superior

7. Ruhr 200 What Is Left over of IBA Emscher Park?

8. There are a few cakes left over from the party.

9. If there's any food left over, put it in the fridge.

10. The dictator's ten-year reign of terror left over 000 dead.

11. They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.

12. These matters will have to be left over until the next meeting.

13. Tim's fancy hairdo was an affectation left over from his younger days.

14. If you divide 9 by [] you have 1 left over.

15. That meant one apiece for the grown-ups and one left over.

16. Others claimed he was a dinosaur left over from the " Cruaceous " Period.

17. I had an enormous slice of quiche that was left over from Friday.

18. 5 Primrose was given an apple,[] left over from our picnic lunch.

19. The ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and Alertly with energy left over

20. It was cosmic radiation left over from the very birth of the universe.

21. So that's the flap, and all the rest of the paper's left over.

22. 5 The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.

23. Bagasse are made with sugarcane fibers that are left over after sugar extraction

24. His family practiced ancestor worship and ate unbled meat left over from sacrifices.

25. 7 The old uniforms left over from the colonial bygone had to go.

26. Afterward, the apostles collected what was left over, so that nothing was wasted.

27. Khawanin Sultani, a provincial council member, said the attack left over 70 wounded.

28. He never bothered about his breakfast and he'll eat what is left over.

29. 26 There are caves all over the place left over from people quarrying stone.

30. So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.

31. Also , budget to have some left over for yourself as this becomes passive income .

32. " To collect what's left over ,'smiled Wu Sun - fu , his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.

33. It dropped heavy rainfall and produced strong winds that left over 100,000 people without power.

34. I had parts of a carburetor I had left over when I took it apart.

35. There was enough blood left over from his admission work up to run the VDRL.

36. The resulting civil war lasted 11 years, enveloped the country, and left over 50,000 dead.

37. Thus, not all the meat sold in the market was left over from religious ceremonies.

38. Alembics will store the unused essentia left over so it is not released as flux

39. The conflict between the LTTE and the Indian Army left over 1,000 Indian soldiers dead.

40. 15 Drift Xu completed,( strips gallery will be some residue left over from wadding.

41. He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.

42. Sludge collection tanks (not of metal) for use in installations for processing left-over concrete

43. This company produced soaps and cosmetics from surplus chemicals stocks left over from the war.

44. And when the disciples gather up what is left over, there are 12 baskets full!

45. Bagasse is the fibrous matter that is left over after juice is extracted from sugar cane

46. 6 More like jewellery than cheap baubles, they were left over from a Christmas long ago.

47. Bagasse is the waste from sugar cane plants left over after the sugar has been extracted

48. The amount of income left over after deduction of this taxation is known as disposable income.

49. Ashes: the portion or bits of something left over or behind after it has been destroyed.

50. I made toast from left-over bits of baguette and always kept a kettle on the hob.

51. You know a lot of these old buildings have hidden rooms left over from the proper vision.

52. Even the paper boat began to seem appetizing, glistening in his mind with left-over condiment and grease.

53. What does Barely mean? The definition of Barely is something that is just enough, with nothing left over

54. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.

55. The dividend is only paid from earnings that are left over after the payment of corporate income tax

56. Asteroids are space rocks thought to be the remains left over from the formation of the solar system

57. The dividend is only paid from earnings that are left over after the payment of corporate income tax.

58. I got on my knees, remembering two hard sea biscuits that ... had been left over from the sea voyage.

59. He then handed her some roasted grain, and she ate and was satisfied, and she had something left over.

60. He was wearing a short brown anorak that looked as if it was left over from his trainspotting days.

61. Asteroids Asteroids are rocky fragments left over from the formation of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago

62. The laws were a legacy of British colonial rule, left over after the island gained independence in the 1960s.

63. 7 Even the paper boat began to seem appetizing, glistening in his mind with left-over condiment and grease.

64. (Cracklings are pieces of pork that are left-over from the lard making process.) It was a very tough job

65. I bought my 2013 Avenger as a left over in March of 2014 with only 15 miles on the odometer

66. Help eliminate any unwanted oils and debris left over from show day fitting with Sullivan’s Break away After Show Shampoo

67. At the other end of the business, the actual drivers get paid a pittance out of what is left over.

68. Get yourself whatever you want, as long as there's enough left over for a Reuben sandwich, dry, no fries, hold the pickles.

69. O Jehovah the God of Israel, you are righteous, because we have been left over as an escaped people as at this day.

70. In a new twist, some infertile couples resort to embryo “adoption,” obtaining an embryo left over from the infertility treatment of another couple.

71. There is some opening left over in our country's education market, which has brought up the renascence and development of the private education.

72. Can I make Breachers with the left over sprues and all I'd need are some 3rd party chest pieces or is this forbidden

73. Created in Italy in the early 20th century, Burrata originated as a way to use up extra curds left over after making mozzarella

74. 10 You must not save any of it until morning, but any of it left over until morning you should burn with fire.

75. Golfers will be playing with a new ball this year-- unless they have a supply of old Crowbaits left over from the 1929 season..

76. 13 So they gathered them together and filled 12 baskets with fragments left over by those who had eaten from the five barley loaves.

77. Impact Cratering was especially prevalent for the first several hundred million years after the planets formed as the planets swept up left-over material

78. In other words, Aerogel is what would be left over if you could remove the liquid from a gel without causing it to shrink.

79. Buttermilk, for most people, is a specialty item you buy to make one recipe and then find yourself with quite a bit left over

80. Quite apart from the beheadings, and tortures, and a forced suicide, there’s enough sadism left over to keep a conference of psychiatrists Chinwagging for decades.