Use "leaven" in a sentence

1. What does leaven mean?

2. Know ye that a little leaven leaven the whole lump?

3. Dough acidifying agents, leaven

4. The leaven of reform was working.

5. After a woman adds some leaven to a mass of flour, the leaven ferments the whole mass.

6. It'shall not be baken with leaven.

7. What does it mean, "dough becomes leaven"?

8. Gal. 9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

9. In Bible symbolism, leaven denotes sin or corruption.

10. Of course, wine ferments without the addition of leaven.

11. We often use leaven when baking breads.

12. He was saying that leaven has power.

13. “A Little Leaven Ferments the Whole Batch of Dough”

14. Because in the Bible, leaven can denote sin or wickedness.

15. + 9 A little leaven ferments the whole lump.

16. “A Little Leaven Ferments the Whole Batch of Dough”: (10 min.)

17. Heals crippled woman on the Sabbath; mustard grain and leaven illustrations

18. That means being constantly on the watch for figurative leaven.

19. Leaven is used to cause fermentation and make bread rise.

20. 10 In the Bible, leaven is often used to represent sin.

21. When Jesus mentions leaven, what do the disciples mistakenly think?

22. 9 A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough.

23. A little leaven ferments the whole batch (6-8)

24. The leaven spread “until the whole mass was fermented.”

25. An agent that causes rising , fermentation , or ferment; leaven.

26. A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.

27. We Catholics believe that our vocation is to be leaven in society.

28. Note that leaven is a substance that causes bread dough to rise.

29. These men have been the leaven in the lump of the race.

30. Whether you like it or not, your life is a leaven.

31. 21 None rejoice more in this leaven than the professional scholars themselves.

32. Why, now, was there an absence of leaven at this ceremony on Nisan 16 whereas on the related festival of Pentecost there was the presence of leaven?

33. “A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough,” he noted.

34. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

35. Under his influence the leaven of disaffection was fast doing its work.

36. In the case of dough, fermentation required the addition of yeast, or leaven.

37. Leaven is used in the Bible to picture corrupt teachings, hypocrisy, and badness.

38. 12:6 Not to slaughter it while in possession of leaven — Ex.

39. To preserve the congregation’s purity, the elders needed to clear out the “leaven.”

40. Whisk the leaven with water, honey and grated potato in a large bowl.

41. The leaven ferments all “three large measures of flour” —the entire mass.

42. It lovingly protects the clean congregation, for “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.”

43. (Matthew 16:6) Leaven is used in the Bible to represent sin or corruption.

44. Leaven comes from the root word that means enliven -- to vivify, to bring to life.

45. The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

46. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

47. We put new type complex enzymes into 50% admixture when it braized, the others 50% were made into leaven by ventilation. Then all of it were put into leaven pool to ferment.

48. 12:2) (2) Pervasive: The spreading of the leaven stands for the spreading of the Kingdom message.

49. (b) What admonition and warning does the Kingdom parable of the leaven provide for us?

50. Leaven, a substance to cause fermentation and make bread rise, was a word used to denote corruption.

51. Do you not know that a little leaven ferments* the whole batch of dough?

52. Beorma: beorma (Old English) Alternative forms beorm, Bearm Origin & history Proto-Germanic *bermô ("yeast, leaven

53. He adds: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” —Matthew 16:11.

54. But the Bible clearly says: “A little leaven ferments the whole lump.” —Galatians 5:9.

55. You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense.

56. What aspect of the preaching work is illustrated by the fact that the leaven ferments the whole mass?

57. Paul counseled concerning an immoral man in a congregation: ‘A little leaven ferments the whole lump.

58. The loaves’ being leavened showed that anointed Christians would still have the leaven of inherited sin.

59. If thy oblation be from the frying pan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven.

60. You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defence.

61. A little leaven of sin can gradually break down the spiritual barriers and invade the soul.

62. Leaven, a substance to cause fermentation and make bread rise, was a word often used to denote corruption.

63. That crackerlike loaf baked of flour and water without leaven (or, yeast) had to be broken for consumption.

64. 14 (1) Transformation: The leaven stands for the Kingdom message, and the mass of flour represents mankind.

65. 4 If thy oblation be from the frying pan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven.

66. (Matthew 13:33) Although such leaven is hidden from view, it permeates every part of the dough and makes it rise.

67. (Deuteronomy 16:3; Exodus 12:8) This bread was made with wheat flour without using leaven, salt, or seasonings.

68. Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment.

69. + 7 Clear away the old leaven, that YOU may be a new lump,+ according as YOU are free from ferment.

70. Whereas the growth of the mustard grain is clearly observable, the spreading of the leaven is initially unseen.

71. 21 It is like leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures* of flour until the whole mass was fermented.”

72. He likens the Kingdom of the heavens to “leaven that a woman took and mixed with three large measures of flour.”

73. (Exodus 13:6-10) Since it was baked without leaven, it was flat and brittle and had to be broken for distribution.

74. Then he said: “Clear away the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment.

75. How often did he see his mother grind grain into flour, add leaven to dough, light a lamp, or sweep the house?

76. The apostle Paul warned against mixing the true and the false, saying that even “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.”

77. Leaven was used in connection with thanksgiving communion offerings, in which the offerer voluntarily made his presentation in a spirit of thankfulness for Jehovah’s many blessings.

78. Just as the hidden leaven spread through the whole mass, this growth has not always been readily discernible or understood, but spread it does!

79. Barm Meaning: "yeast, leaven," also "head of a beer," from Proto-Germanic *bhermen- "yeast" (source also of Dutch… See definitions of Barm.

80. Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style natural leaven, where raisins are used to nourish the live yeast culture at the elementary stage.