Use "leave behind" in a sentence

1. What did I leave behind?

2. We leave behind this moon!

3. So we leave behind this Codex.

4. Leave behind information for Chien's network.

5. Do not leave behind any personal belongings.

6. Everybody's got something they had to leave behind.

7. Leave behind a clean world for future generations.

8. It's what you leave behind you when you go.

9. Not even a spare hanger can you leave behind.

10. What he did not leave behind was a will.

11. Each wishes to leave behind a legacy of solid achievement.

12. Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind.

13. They were forced to leave behind all their most cherished possessions.

14. 23 Don't bemoan anything or anyone that you need to leave behind.

15. Guests frequently misplace or leave behind their personal possessions in hotel rooms.

16. You see, most modern systems were built to leave behind a fingerprint.

17. Any regrets, any advice you want to leave behind for your successor?

18. He did leave behind disciples as well as specific requirements for discipleship.

19. Aband definition: to forsake completely; desert ; leave behind Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

20. Scientists who study the past, especially the objects that people leave behind, are called archaeologists.

21. Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves.

22. When she dies-and it will be soon-she will leave behind three orphaned children.

23. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier?

24. I sense that he wants to leave behind anything that will remind him of those years.

25. No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance.

26. There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. C.S. Lewis 

27. All That You Can't Leave Behind is the tenth studio album by Irish rock band U2.

28. Having to leave behind three daughters under such grievous circumstances is enough to break anyone’s heart.

29. Mrs Fanning also stood up and said she could stand to leave behind a little something.

30. As drugs kill off the virus most susceptible to them, they leave behind the more resistant strains.

31. He enlisted, even though it meant he would leave behind his pregnant wife and six little children.

32. People can retell and record their stories, preserving the life they knew for those they leave behind.

33. All Things Consoled becomes, itself, a consolation for anyone desparing at the loose ends that parents leave behind

34. I Cross dress because it makes me feel pretty, sexy, and helps me leave behind my daily srresses

35. Olympic cities usually leave behind a legacy of grand structures to go with the competitions held inside them.

36. The idea behind his work was to completely recreate a landscape, but leave behind something which looked completely natural.

37. It is the Cheesecloth of choice due to its softness, absorbency and strength and will not leave behind lint …

38. Leave a Surprise Leave behind a special note to be put into a lunch box or under a pillow.

39. BISSELL carpet Cleaners pick up what vacuums leave behind and make sure dirt, spots, and stains are gone for good

40. 16 Do you really think the uneducated people they leave behind will be able to keep the artificial environments stable?

41. Though it grieves emigrants to leave behind a mate or children, many who go abroad feel that they have no choice.

42. It is the Cheesecloth of choice due to its softness, absorbency and strength and will not leave behind lint or scratches.

43. Berty will also leave behind a maroon jenky comb, which is said to represent the soul of the once innocent "Rebeccah"

44. No more crumbling Clumps that leave behind waste when you scoop, and no more waiting to scoop after your kitty uses the box.

45. The Alkaline trend dates back to the 1800s, and it was believed that certain foods leave behind "ash" or metabolic waste

46. They recover the metals and leave behind what's called shredder residue -- it's their waste -- a very complex mixture of materials, but predominantly plastics.

47. On these occasions, they and other worshippers would leave behind their daily cares and focus on the more important spiritual aspects of their life.

48. Bleaching occurs when the tiny plant-like coral organisms die, often because of higher temperatures, and leave behind only a white limestone reef skeleton.

49. Awesome Tanks 2 at Cool Math Games: Turn on the engine and fire the cannon! Blast your enemies and grab the cash they leave behind

50. 108 synonyms for Abandon: leave, strand, ditch, leave behind, walk out on, forsake, jilt, run out on, throw over, turn your back on, desert, dump

51. No, I'm not showing you any images, because black holes don't leave behind helpful trails of ink, and space is not painted, showing you the curves.

52. Blasting with softer less dense abrasives will not clean as effectively and may leave behind an inconsistent uneven profile, which can result in premature coating failure

53. Here, the phrase “measured off” literally means to “sift,” much in the same way that a farmer winnows out the chaff to leave behind the grain.

54. As Paul Robbins reports in “Lawn People” (200, the first pesticide popularly spread on lawns was lead arsenate, which tended to leave behind both lead and arsenic contamination.

55. How can I prevent or clean up the fur my cat can leave behind? Answer: Whether their hair is long or short, Cats shed -- especially in the spring and fall

56. But first, what is a Blurring primer? They’re makeup primers that work to even out skin tone and texture and leave behind soft, supple skin that will help makeup stick for hours

57. Operating out of a new office building, under new regulations and laws, FDA has the opportunity to begin afresh and leave behind the legacy of mismanagement and corruption that fuelled regional conflict.

58. Therein lies its escapist nature and the reason why I predict that Sharon ' s Kadima Party will ( 1 ) fall about as abruptly as it has arisen and ( 2 ) leave behind a meager legacy .

59. Awakening is indeed a destructive process and in my mind it’s as much driven by desire (chasing happiness or trying to avoid/leave behind bad stuff) as are all ‘quests’ in this world

60. Cats have sebaceous glands concentrated on the sides of the forehead and mouth and under the chin that secretes pheromones and chemicals which leave behind an olfactory message to be conveyed to other Conspecifics.

61. The “fields” his followers leave behind refer to the livelihoods that many, including missionaries, members of the Bethel family, international servants, and others, willingly give up in order to advance Kingdom interests in various lands.

62. Sorry for Your Loss - It’s Me: My Final Thoughts, Wishes, Important Information about My Belongings, Business Affairs and Stubborn Opinions for Those I Leave Behind - Im Dead Now What Planner [Press, Black Stars] on

63. What is a Brownfield? A Brownfield is an abandoned, idled, or underused industrial or commercial facility in which redevelopment is burdened by real or potential environmental contamination.* Typical businesses that leave behind such contaminated sites include:

64. Those who had responded to Paul’s counsel and put spiritual interests first doubtless found it easier to leave behind home, job, clothes, and treasured personal effects and flee to the mountains than did any who had not broken free of the love of money.

65. ‘She Adamantly refuses to leave behind the seventy people in her care.’ ‘She Adamantly insisted that she did nothing of the kind.’ ‘I opted for dreads, but he Adamantly refused.’ ‘He set out Adamantly opposed to change, but then saw that the tide was for change on this issue.’

66. The Briefest bloom, pouring a lifetime of memories, The opening petals, spilling a fragrance of eternity, Unfolds in awareness of the truth of life, Knowing when the time comes, The bud that once blossomed, Will leave behind its fragrance in air, And through its rising scent, a legend will live To speak about a life that once found its breath.

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