Use "landward" in a sentence

1. Landward advections of surface waters, and mackerel events, followed alongshore wind stress from the northeast.

2. A glacis, a covered road and half-moons prolonged the fortifications on the landward side.

3. They provide a landward-dipping backstop to the large sediment wedge accreted since that time.

4. The Counterscarp wall was built to protect the landward face of the fort from artillery fire

5. They provide the landward-dipping backstop to a large accretionary sedimentary prism formed from the sediments scraped off the incoming oceanic plate.

6. 23 This is evidence of a transgression, meaning that as the Bright Angel Shale was being deposited the sea gradually moved landward.

7. Accretionary wedge sediments, which extend landward beneath the volcanic Crescent terrane, comprise two primary units, both of which have shortened through duplex formation.

8. The dune has been observed to move landward, slowly pushing the forest back to cover houses, roads and portions of the Atlantic Wall.

9. Anticlinal structures that include some landward-verging reverse faults (referred to as Antithetic) are produced, with create the tectonic ridges that you can see in the bathymetric map in Figs

10. The State of origin of anadromous stocks is to ensure their conservation by the establishment of appropriate regulatory measures for fishing in all waters landward of the outer limits of its exclusive economic zone.

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