Use "labour-intensive commodity" in a sentence

1. Rice production is very labour intensive .

2. vi) Promote and scale up labour-intensive recovery activities instead of capital-intensive programmes

3. Cleaning of gas is difficult and labour intensive process.

4. In free capitalism, forestall capitalism, socialism primary level, labour force is commodity.

5. The situation is more precarious for producers in labour intensive, low - margin industries.

6. This is labour intensive and a suitable flat roof site has to be found.

7. It examines the relationship between fertility histories and household labour availability, and the consequences for labour intensive techniques of environmental management.

8. Practice the labour intensive self-cultivating vegetable plant, and extend to self-cultivating farms.

9. "They are a network of labour and production processes whose end result is a finished commodity".

10. Marie-Eve Dean's harassment of the Montreal police department was, if nothing else, labour intensive.

11. Therefor, the author suggests developing the "new" labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures.

12. The store manager said he found the new technology more labour intensive and less flexible.

13. The driving of underground tunnels and the operation of bus routes are not labour-intensive activities.

14. It was all very labour intensive and could take up to six months to produce one fragrance.

15. Wenzhou's labour intensive industry centering on small commodities just came into being and developed under this background.

16. Agriculture is intensive and highly mechanised, producing 60% of food needs with only 2% of the labour force.

17. In addition, labour-intensive manufacturing of textile products and clothing has declined as a result of overseas competition.

18. Because import substitution rested on capital-intensive enterprises which required little labour and, therefore, did little to stimulate demand;

19. Bronzes are created by building sand moulds of a plaster original, in itself a skilled and labour intensive job.

20. It may therefore become economically and politically expedient to encourage a shift to more labour intensive methods of primary production.

21. In France, 40 000 small producers are scraping a living thanks to this additional activity which is extremely labour-intensive.

22. Measurement of serum (or plasma) thromboxane B2 is labour intensive, not readily available, and might not be specific for platelet function.

23. Environmental improvement would mean the closure of some labour intensive plants which could not be economically cleaned up, the company said.

24. Lin said South Africa could learn from the Finnish cellphone company, Nokia, which started out as a labour intensive logging company.

25. By being able to hand a printer finished artwork the cost of several stages of labour intensive work can be virtually eliminated.

26. 17 That was fine when manpower was cheap and farming was labour intensive, when families worked in the fields man and boy.

27. According to the reality, Guangdong should mainly throw more technology into the labour intensive industry and promote the grade of the export products.

28. AS CHINA’S economy slows, and labour-intensive manufacturing moves elsewhere in search of cheaper workers, anxious and angry employees are becoming ever Bolshier.

29. Broad Commodity Index Benchmark: Comb is benchmarked against the Bloomberg Commodity Index a leading, broad commodity index

30. Lin said building up labour intensive industries would have a number of economic spinoffs, such as narrowing the income gap between rich and poor.

31. Using mechanical skimmers or absorbent materials to clean up such spills is a costly and labour-intensive effort that can take months or years to complete.

32. Nature of commodity

33. → cyclical Commodity → hard Commodity → physical Commodity → soft Commodity 2 (also Commodity product) MARKETING a product or service that is difficult to show as being different from similar products or services offered by competitors PCs have become commodities.

34. Commodity ETNs also offer a more favorable tax treatment over Commodity ETFs

35. Description of commodity

36. Red raspberry and Backberry belong to Labour intensive industry, compared with developed countries, most of developing countries, including China, have the advantage of developing on large scale.

37. Is it an economic commodity?

38. Intensive care, meningitis, 1986.

39. He'll need intensive physiotherapy.

40. The Commodity Effect and Scarcity

41. They actually tried to push out those labour intensive and small and medium sized enterprises [SMEs] out of the [established industrial] area because they wanted hi-tech industries there.

42. Tact is a valuable commodity.

43. The slow pace of recovery in commodity prices will benefit commodity exporters in the region, but won’t unduly hurt the economies of commodity importers in East Asia.

44. Find another word for Commodity

45. Commodity prices are like this.

46. Time is a precious commodity.

47. Its growth model of the last 30 years (driven by labour intensive manufacturing exports) is changing to one based on domestic consumption, underpinned in part by domestic social security reform.

48. Operation of Shari'ah compliance commodity index

49. But divinity is a fragile commodity.

50. Education and training in the field of the commodity market, stock exchange commodity market and capital market

51. Managing commodity risks and accessing finance

52. Sugar was considered a precious commodity.

53. Time is a very valuable commodity.

54. It involves intensive Bimanual training

55. 16 Tact is a valuable commodity.

56. Price stead on the commodity market.

57. Description of the commodity: provide a detailed description of the commodity (including for feed the type of feed).

58. This commodity will Altercate the Development

59. Coal is becoming a rare commodity.

60. Source: International Labour Office Yearbook of Labour Statistics 200

61. Intensive farming is depleting soils.

62. Commodity code — TARIC additional code(s)

63. The lack of a national strategy to ensure reproductive health commodity security results in frequent commodity stock-outs.

64. A lighter is a rare commodity here.

65. Commodity Fetishism in Marx’s application of his analysis of the relationship between a Commodity and society as a whole.

66. Physiocratic economists categorized production into productive labour and unproductive labour.

67. What does Commodity mean? Information and translations of Commodity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

68. How to use Commodity in a sentence.


70. Washington State's 21 agricultural commodity Commissions are engaged primarily in marketing and/or research related to a specific commodity

71. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated

72. The struggle of non-oil commodity exporters, mainly low-income countries, to cope with low commodity prices has not abated.

73. Rice is the country’s principle export Commodity

74. Grains are the country's main export Commodity.

75. Time Time is another critically important commodity.

76. Application of a concentrated abrasive substance such as sanding or grinding of the disks’ recording surface can be effective but is more labour intensive, including disassembly to gain access to the drive’s surface.

77. [Middle English Availen: a-, intensive pref

78. Definition of Commodity in the dictionary

79. He is British football's most marketable commodity.

80. But it was very labor intensive.