Use "knelt" in a sentence

1. She knelt in supplication.

2. They knelt before the throne.

3. They knelt down and prayed.

4. She knelt beside the child.

5. The congregation knelt in prayer.

6. He knelt to his mother.

7. We knelt before the throne.

8. 5 The congregation knelt to pray.

9. The congregation knelt to pray.

10. She knelt and prayed silently.

11. He knelt in humble devotion.

12. He knelt to his master.

13. After supper we knelt in prayer.

14. 14 He knelt in humble devotion.

15. He knelt beside her lifeless body.

16. 14 The congregation knelt in prayer.

17. The crowd knelt in reverence and worship.

18. He knelt and confessed his sin .

19. 14 She knelt beside the child.

20. Then the people knelt and prayed.

21. The pilgrims knelt in self-abasement.

22. Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine.

23. They knelt in adoration of their gods.

24. Three nuns knelt there, reciting the rosary.

25. I knelt by the toilet and gagged.

26. The lantern flames knelt, the table cloth fluttered.

27. I knelt beside him, astonished and speechless.

28. Helen and Tony knelt at the altar.

29. He knelt down beside the unconscious girl.

30. He knelt down beside the unconsicious girl.

31. Tom knelt down and patted the dog.

32. She knelt by the bed and prayed.

33. ... I have knelt in mighty prayer with [them].

34. 24 He knelt down beside the unconsicious girl.

35. 27 She knelt by the bed and prayed.

36. Paolo knelt and bowed his head in supplication.

37. She knelt at her mother's feet in penance.

38. He knelt before the king and craved for mercy.

39. 2 Three nuns knelt there, reciting the rosary.

40. 17 He knelt down beside the unconscious girl.

41. He knelt as a suppliant at the altar.

42. She knelt to say a prayer of profound thankfulness.

43. He knelt there, completely attentive, and she never moved.

44. Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level.

45. We all knelt down and each said our own prayer.

46. With tears on my face, I knelt to pray.

47. I knelt on the mattress and began washing him.

48. She knelt up and peered through the tiny porthole.

49. Alterity by Knelt Rote, released 28 February 2018 1

50. Astonished (that) • I knelt beside him, Astonished and speechless

51. He knelt in front of the altar and prayed.

52. She knelt and washed the Savior’s feet with her tears.

53. Velvetleaf knelt teguments engrafter Marney Carnap supereligibly bullpens talenter Aerosats

54. She pushed down the quilt and knelt on the bed.

55. Then he went to the “grove” and knelt to pray.

56. The doctor, taken by surprise , awkward and sheepish, knelt too.

57. Aunt Polly knelt down and prayed for Tom so touchingly.

58. Finally, the grandmother knelt down and said, “I’m sorry, dear.

59. “So I knelt at my bedside and earnestly prayed to the heavens.

60. The child knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped.

61. The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.

62. Two of them knelt at her casement, with muskets at the side!

63. She knelt on the floor and put more wood on the fire.

64. She knelt in front of him and he slit her throat.

65. 5 The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.

66. Her pretty summer dress was soiled where she had knelt on the pavement.

67. Two of them knelt at her casement, with muskets at their side!

68. To make the sign of the cross over: She knelt and Blessed herself

69. 8 Anan continental atmosphere to break the silence, he knelt down Paxiang Hirohito.

70. For the first time since I was a little girl, I knelt to pray.

71. She knelt up and peered through the tiny porthole. Brilliant sunshine illuminated the scene.

72. They knelt by the bed and prayed for the safety of their boy.

73. " At God's footstool to confess, a poor soul knelt, and bowed his head.

74. 30 He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.

75. RUTH knelt by the pile of barley stalks she had gathered during the day.

76. At the top of the cellar steps Broadman knelt down and fumbled in his tinderbox.

77. Of course, and she knelt down to cut off a sizable chunk of venison.

78. Outside the sergeant - adjutant knelt down beside me where I lay, " Name? " he asked softly.

79. Lyddy knelt and put on the shoes she had kicked aside and then brought a hairbrush.

80. Both knelt, unfastened their boxes and examined the pair of shoes before them with professional care.