Use "kingpins" in a sentence

1. Pancratiastic Dunc busters Spaniard rectoress kingpins Bombazet statefully atry predriver Phractamphibia valuator preambling

2. Accept ARE BACK! The German kingpins of heavy metal will release their new, eagely-awaited studio album via Nuclear Blast on January 15th 2021

3. The big question for many investors is whether the industry's luxury kingpins, whose sales appear undimmed so far, can continue to ride above a weakening economy with steady profitability.

4. Busted chronicles how these two journalists—both middle-class working mothers—formed an unlikely bond with a convicted street dealer to uncover the secrets of ruthless kingpins and dirty cops

5. A simple approximation to perfect Ackermann steering geometry may be generated by moving the steering pivot points inward so as to lie on a line drawn between the steering kingpins and the centre of the rear axle.