Use "keep ones mouth shut" in a sentence

1. Keep your mouth shut.

2. Keep your stupid mouth shut.

3. Keep your fucking mouth shut.

4. Keep your mouth shut! Savvy?

5. Keep your dead bitch mouth shut!

6. Can you keep your mouth shut?

7. The driver can't keep his mouth shut.

8. The old man couldn't keep his mouth shut.

9. He'd better keep his mouth shut, or else...!

10. Keep your mouth shut or I'll punch him.

11. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 

12. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. 

13. He didn't have the gumption to keep his mouth shut.

14. 2 Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 

15. This is all from Gran so keep your mouth shut.

16. Difference is, I know how to keep my mouth shut.

17. 4 Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. 

18. You want to be off the record, keep your mouth shut.

19. Keep your mouth shut and you get to see your kid in visitation.

20. She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat.

21. 8 To avoid being a backseat driver,[] I keep my mouth shut.

22. The policeman was offered/given a bribe of 500 to keep his mouth shut.

23. Shut your mouth.

24. If you hand it over to me, & lt; br / & gt; I'll keep my mouth shut.

25. Hey, shut your mouth.

26. Shut your filthy mouth.

27. Shut your mouth, Malfoy.

28. If I know the commander, he won' t be able to keep his mouth shut about it

29. A key figure in this cause celebre, he chose to hide away and keep his mouth shut.

30. The boy's mouth was taped shut.

31. Shut her mouth by killing her.

32. I might sew my mouth shut, too.

33. Or her mouth shut, Trent corrected himself.

34. These Croaks are emitted with the mouth shut

35. As long as you can keep your mouth shut for the rest of your life, you're in no immediate danger.

36. Into a shut mouth flies fly not. 


38. The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open. Groucho Marx 

39. Shut your mouth or you'll drown both of us.

40. You're always very good at keeping your mouth shut.

41. With her mouth shut her face seemed to shrink.

42. 22 For one, a mistress who kept her mouth shut.

43. Put up or shut up. You eat with that mouth?

44. Why don't you shut your mouth about that damned mill?

45. Shut up or I'm gonna punch you in the mouth!

46. Sookie need to keeper mouth shut, and so do you.

47. Girls like this can't keep their mouths shut.

48. Keeping your mouth shut, no matter what you might be feeling.

49. If you don't shut your mouth, you won't have a head!

50. 23 The thief kept his mouth shut in the police station.

51. I just wish Rob would keep his yap shut.

52. 6 Creed opened his mouth to speak,[] then clamped it shut .

53. Curtained: to keep secret or shut off from view

54. Curtaining: to keep secret or shut off from view

55. You'd better keep your gob shut about what happened.

56. 26 Afraid to ask seemingly stupid questions, I kept my mouth shut.

57. GG(A): You eat with that mouth? Put up or shut up!

58. Why do you keep covering your mouth?

59. Great trees keep down the little ones.

60. He would croak if he opened his mouth, so he kept it shut.

61. It's really important you keep your mouth closed.

62. The ones running the pools keep the rest.

63. Until then, you either contribute, or you keep it shut, Travis.

64. Otherwise, keep your mouths shut, thou villainous clay-Brained malt-worms.

65. How about we shut the paintballing area, keep the rest open?

66. Back in the day, I kept my fucking mouth shut for you, old man!

67. You beg him to try just one spoonful, and he clamps his mouth shut.

68. But I can't if you keep running your mouth.

69. She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.

70. 13 "Oi, shut your mouth and have respect for elders," Langda said to the boy.

71. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. 

72. But until then, if you don't shut up, I'll wrap this tape around your mouth.

73. Taking hush money from gang, the witness kept his mouth shut about what he saw.

74. Boon, I told you to keep your flapping lips shut on patrol.

75. And if I hear you breath again, I'll shut your dirty, stinking mouth for you!

76. And if both prisoners keep their mouths shut, neither will be incarcerated.

77. For now, you'd be wise to keep your mouth shu...

78. 19 I would keep my eyes resolutely shut while he studied my face.

79. ‘When you have nothing sensible or helpful to say, keep your Bazoos shut!’

80. 15 Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.