Use "justified" in a sentence

1. When Hatred Is Justified

2. Suicide is never justified.

3. Opened Complaints 235 Justified not solved Complaints 806 Justified solved Complaints 1335 Rejected Complaints 3802

4. The suspicion proved amply justified.

5. Is all this brouhaha justified?

6. Commercialism in Music Is Totally Justified

7. 27 The suspicion proved amply justified.

8. Are the claims of skeptics justified?

9. Was the employment of force justified?

10. When a Battery, may be justified

11. He justified his innocence by sound facts.

12. Do you agree that profanity is justified?

13. They own that the claim is justified.

14. At the time, I felt absolutely justified.

15. In some senses the criticisms were justified.

16. This widespread pessimism does not seem justified.

17. Force is only justified in extreme circumstances .

18. Before, it had justified their arbitrary rule.

19. Her pride in her achievements is justified.

20. Is he justified in all his actions?

21. An early second ablation attempt is not justified.

22. I think you were quite justified in complaining.

23. This sort of increase simply cannot be justified.

24. In my case, self-absorption is completely justified.

25. Looks like the ends finally justified the means.

26. Are you sure that these measures are justified?

27. In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.

28. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.

29. He was Amply justified by the course of …

30. The act was barely justified by the circumstances.

31. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.

32. I accept that the criticism is completely justified.

33. Simeon's prudence in leaving Jerusalem was fully justified.

34. So, police Bribability or justified use of force? DOWNLOAD

35. Insider dealing may likewise be justified on this basis.

36. The effort was justified in terms of economic rationale.

37. I don't think he is justified in his action.

38. In this way, the principle of induction is justified.

39. It would appear Lorenzo's interest in you was justified.

40. 12, 13. (a) How have some justified immoral conduct?

41. The regress argument is an argument that as well as the inferentially justified beliefs, there must be some beliefs which are justified non-inferentially.

42. If something's Baseless, it can't be proven or justified

43. Against that background, what restrictions on advertising are justified?

44. Her forebodings about the future were to prove justified.

45. She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.

46. The reproof, justified or not[sentencedict .com], is significant.

47. Jehovah God is justified in taking such drastic action.

48. Only time will tell whether Broughton's optimism is justified.

49. In my opinion[], the decision was wholly justified.

50. He's absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.

51. Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.

52. Is all this brouhaha justified? In the short term, yes.

53. He was justified in some of his Condemnatory outbursts: 2

54. The division was justified by the British for administrative reasons.

55. Divorce can be justified only in the rarest of circumstances.

56. Inquisitorial methods, for example, might be justified on those grounds.

57. So the argument runs that we are justified in Consigning …

58. All alphanumeric fields should be left justified with trailing blanks

59. Are unusually expensive parts of the budget itemized and justified?

60. All alphanumeric fields should be left justified with trailing blanks.

61. Duly justified deviations from the planned route shall be accepted.

62. No doubt there are scenarios where such draconian measures are justified.

63. But when are things like self-defense and armed struggle justified?

64. The Kentucky high court decided in loco parentis justified that rule.

65. Spenser's stories, if superficially trifling, are yet justified by the symbolism.

66. Buchman's lamentation about the state of American democracy is not justified.

67. Arial, font size 11, justified left and right (Normal + Left aligned).

68. 16 The use of compulsion in psychiatric care cannot be justified.

69. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.

70. The team justified their billing as the clear favourites to win.

71. It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.

72. Payment to the agent of a lower commission is thus objectively justified.

73. In patients without structural lesions the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia is justified.

74. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.

75. It understands this request and considers it justified, particularly for body-builders.

76. This deviation of ACER, from the Common Approach is justified as follows:

77. The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis justified that rule.

78. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.

79. They justified the exercise by expressing their skepticism of Soviet missile credibility.

80. In the Chief Constable's view the use of force was fully justified .