Use "just then" in a sentence

1. Just then the phone rang.

2. Just then, the heavens opened .

3. Just then, his mobile phone rang.

4. Just then, the lights went out.

5. Just then the Ironclad crashed ashore.

6. Why did you hesitate just then?

7. It started raining hard just then.

8. Just then a foghorn sounded right clear.

9. your crying is so fake just then

10. Had he cast a spell just then?

11. But they didn't eat me just then.

12. I mentioned the word revelation just then.

13. Just then, a voice Boomedfrom the next yard

14. Just then, Bart returned, wobbling on his skates.

15. Just then, a demure female entered the room.

16. Just then Mrs Robovitch appeared at the bedroom door.

17. Just then there was a knock at the door.

18. Just then, a watery sun broke through the clouds.

19. Just then, the Brood stirs, sensing Nola's mounting anger

20. Just then, a dark shadow emerged from the mist.

21. Just then, we heard the sound of voices outside.

22. Just then, she heard Mr Evan's bellow of rage.

23. Mike was a bit short of cash just then.

24. 15 Just then, Bart returned, wobbling on his skates.

25. " And then, just then, he raised himself up above her

26. It was just then that I chanced to look round.

27. Just then, however, something happened that abruptly changed the king’s plans.

28. Just then a friend drove up and gave me a ride.

29. Just then Mr Micawber himself knocked at the door and entered.

30. It was an astute move to sell the shares just then.

31. Just then my girlfriend drove up and gave me a ride.

32. Silently she closed the door. Just then she heard a noise.

33. Just then, Friar Laurence entered the room with Paris behind him.

34. 17 Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheek.

35. Just then there was the jingle of keys outside the door.

36. I'm sorry, I think sleep deprivation Contributed to my outburst just then

37. " And it was just then, at that very moment, that Oliver sneezed. "

38. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his bands.

39. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his hands.

40. And just then the noble knight came near, on his black horse.

41. Just then a box arrives for Parashuram, which contains his son's right hand.

42. Just then a well-dressed man in a suit came around the corner.

43. Just then the clothesline broke, sending Mom’s sparkling white clothes into the mud.

44. Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home.

45. Just then, they heard footsteps running lightly up the stairs nearest to them.

46. Just then, a car pulled up across the road, and two women got out.

47. Just then, the first little penguins appear and shuffle nervously at the water’s edge.

48. Just then, however, came an interruption which distracted the thoughts of every man there.

49. Just then we reached a wadi or dry valley, across which the roadway cut.

50. Just then brother Jack came strolling in to collect the rest of his clothes.

51. Just then, a tanker drove up from the south and the driver confirmed my suspicions.

52. And just then the policeman saw another man, who was running to catch a bus.

53. Just then the door opened and the cat whipped out, with the dog chasing it.

54. Just then, Sister Wasden, who is one of my visiting teachers, unexpectedly came to the door.

55. But just then a police officer appeared and led both of us to the police station.

56. But just then McMurphy jumped off his bed and went to rustling through his nightstand, and I hushed.

57. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with teen-age boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new.

58. McAlister searched the crowd for the culprit. Just then a young man with wild eyes breathlessly flailed toward him.

59. WALLACE Just then they heard a soft pad-padding and Creaky sounds as the cat and the grater suddenly appeared

60. 5 Just then, he saw some one walk out of the trees which bordered the far side of the pasture.

61. 22 Just then, David’s servants and Joʹab returned from a raid, bringing a great quantity of spoil back with them.

62. Just then Mother Kangaroo saw some men coming towards the waterhole carrying spears. They were hunting something for their dinner.

63. Just then, the biology teacher walks into the classroom, and Jeff puts his phone away as he hurries back to his seat.

64. Just then the raucous clamour of alarm bells sounded from all over the house and from the basement area ahead of him.

65. Just then, Gumby receives a call from the mayor about the Moon Boggles (whom Gumby reveals are a boy and a girl)

66. And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch. Just then, the witch to satisfy an itch went flying on her broom stick, thumbing for a hitch.

67. But they got no further in speech just then. They crept and crept, the hem of her petticoat just touching his gaiter, and his elbow sometimes brushing hers.

68. 20 While she was riding on the donkey and going down under cover of the mountain, just then David and his men were coming down toward her, and she met them.

69. Just then his thoughts were interrupted, or momentarily paralyzed, by a deafening chop-chop sound as a military helicopter passed very low overhead doing routine surveillance of the guerrillas operating in the nearby hills.

70. I may, however, harmlessly admit that my Rembrandt was to be of the small or cabinet size, and that, as there was a run on Burgomasters just then, my subject was naturally to be of the Burgomaster sort.

71. Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garden door.

72. Just then his gaze Alighted on the pathetic breakfast and the wandering cigarettes.; A flock of pigeons Alighted on the top of a dead hemlock standing in the edge of a swamp.; Mollie had brought her car to a stop, and Alighted to help lift in the unconscious girl.; Terry went over his head, but fortunately Alighted sitting on the frozen grass by the roadside.

73. A Blither spectacle than the vigour with which he sets about the task, it were hard to fancy.; There was not in all Scotland, just then, a Blither or happier woman than Bertha Morton.; The birds outside, stirred to Blither singing by the sound of voices within, warbled their richest notes.; No lad could have spoken with a Blither face, for Moor had preserved much of the boy in spite of his