Use "judiciary" in a sentence

1. Judiciary: The judiciary consists of the Kerala High Court and a system of lower courts.

2. The federal judiciary is hierarchical.

3. Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary.

4. The Attorney General heads the independent judiciary.

5. I'll hear from the judiciary soon.

6. 5 Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary.

7. 12 Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary.

8. State courts operate independently of the federal judiciary.


10. It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.

11. What's happening in the Judiciary Committee is a farce.

12. * Create a professional and independent judiciary and prosecution service.

13. They were established by the Judiciary Act of 1789.

14. 6 Fujimori suspended the constitution and dissolved the judiciary.

15. 3 It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.

16. 10 Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham?

17. 14 The judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges.

18. Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham?

19. The president'power can not go across into judiciary territory.

20. Blantyre, city in Malawi and seat of the country’s judiciary

21. I think the GOP can find me a place on judiciary.

22. 4 The judiciary will continue to have the last word.

23. The basic obstacles to tougher judiciary action are twofold, officials say.

24. Survey: Judges no longer feel the judiciary is a ‘Coequal’ branch

25. The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.

26. Bastardising the judiciary threatens stability of Ghana – Kofi Abotsi to NDC

27. Chastising House Judiciary Republicans for Squelching the Voice of the Minority

28. 9 The judiciary is a farce: 80 % of prisoners are awaiting trial.

29. 2 The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.

30. abilitation from the Law Faculty, Warsaw University: “The Judiciary in Communist Poland”

31. Only 5% are in the federal judiciary and 1% in private industry.

32. 18 The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches together make up the US government.

33. So you're prepared, a subpoena will be coming soon from the Judiciary Committee.

34. The independence of the judiciary is rightly regarded as a cornerstone of our liberties.

35. She held various positions of responsibility in both the Catholic Church and the Judiciary.

36. The first job of the new democratic government should be to depoliticize the judiciary.

37. As such, she is Jamaica's most senior judge and head of its judiciary.

38. There is a judiciary (courts of law) to enforce the laws of the country.

39. Hearings are scheduled next week in the Constitution subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.

40. Thus, interference in the decisions taken by the judiciary is neither feasible nor acceptable

41. He supported the Louisiana Purchase and opposed the repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801.

42. Hyde, House Judiciary Committee chairman, is an urbane conservative respected by members of both parties.

43. Now the suspected subservience of the judiciary to the politicians seemed to be made manifest.

44. He said that "subjecting the judiciary to partisan politics is a betrayal of democracy."

45. 8 He also launched a bitter attack on the judiciary, accusing it of corruption.

46. 21 The first job of the new democratic government should be to depoliticize the judiciary.

47. Constitutionalism in Zambia stipulates the existence of political institutions that is the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary

48. True, the judiciary has changed for the better since shaking off the yoke of the executive.

49. 16 The Judiciary Committee rejected a proposal that would have made the sentencing guidelines only advisory.

50. 7 As to the judiciary, the Court of Justice,( this is a more complicated matter.

51. Manopakorn barred the People's Assembly from any further meetings and the judiciary was shut down.

52. Speaking on the ATLANTIC WAVE, Lawyer Tuffour criticized such action which he suggests Bastardizes Ghana’s judiciary

53. Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

54. 12 The judiciary, not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution, I decided.

55. An independent federal judiciary is considered essential to ensure fairness and equal justice for all citizens.

56. 22 This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

57. "We have three branches in our government--the judiciary, legislative, and executive, and they are Coequals

58. The state of the administration of justice and in particular the independence and impartiality of the judiciary;

59. The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.

60. 23 Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

61. They extend on to hospital administrators, to social services, and even to the legal and judiciary officials.

62. It also assures the independence of the judiciary, which in turn is protected by a judicial committee.

63. 28 Its big annual event in Dade County, a banquet honoring the judiciary, just made me impatient.

64. 13 hours ago · Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the No

65. But Iran's judiciary chief , Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, said the Iraqi actedwell in approving the pact.

66. What was at stake was faith in an independent judiciary, and this affected the whole legal system.

67. The 1992 constitution divides powers among a president, parliament, cabinet, council of state, and an independent judiciary.

68. The illiteracy rate of over 80 per cent added to the difficulties of operating a modern judiciary.

69. It neither takes over any of their functions nor disturbs established balance of legitimate, executive and judiciary power.

70. Less pressing, but still ubiquitous, is a sensitivity towards the reactions, actual or anticipated, of the higher judiciary.

71. Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period, tacitly if not expressly, in confidence.

72. 1055 of April 5, 1911, the term was created Judiciary Araucaria, whose installation was on June 4, 1911

73. 1 The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.

74. A new power to suspend sentences of imprisonment was added by Jenkins, at the instigation of the judiciary.

75. For these reasons, if none other, the Lord Chancellor, is more than a nominal head of the judiciary.

76. Therefore, the situation which the Nigerian judiciary and of course all heads of courts must exert their efforts to Amelioratethe delay justice which causes on the crying, helpless and eager justice-seeking litigants loss of hope in the judiciary or our courts.

77. 29 Less pressing, but still ubiquitous, is a sensitivity towards the reactions, actual or anticipated, of the higher judiciary.

78. 27 Many will see Mr De Klerk's decision as a back-handed tribute to the independence of the judiciary.

79. 20 Secondly, the judiciary can impose limits on whose views should be taken into account when discretion is exercised.

80. 17 The judiciary does not and can not exist in a vacuum, immune to civic concerns and shifting realities.