Use "joint committee" in a sentence

1. And the Joint Committee is a jobs committee.

2. The Joint Committee investigating the scandal cleared my name.

3. The adjustment is subject to approval by the Joint Committee.

4. The Joint Committee shall take decisions and adopt recommendations by consensus.

5. Students, workers and peasants formed a joint committee to organize supplies.

6. Mr. Somchai proposed a joint committee to oversee any troop withdrawal.

7. The Congress meanwhile created a select joint committee to conduct hearings.

8. The question should be submitted to the joint committee for discussion.

9. The joint committee will discuss the question submitted by you tomorrow.

10. The Joint Committee shall be chaired alternately by each of the Parties.

11. The decisions of the Joint Committee are adopted unanimously by Contracting Parties.

12. The Joint Committee shall be chaired alternately by each of the Contracting Parties.

13. This sum shall be agreed on an annual basis by the Joint Committee.

14. This sum shall be agreed on an annual basis in the Joint Committee.

15. The joint committee shall be chaired alternately by each of the Contracting Parties.

16. The joint committee shall meet once a year in Brussels and Warsaw alternately.

17. The Joint Committee shall meet regularly once a year in Brussels and Tirana alternately.

18. All Modular Course evaluation studies have attempted to operate within the Joint Committee standards.

19. The Joint Committee will normally meet once a year in Brussels and Seoul alternately.

20. (d) The Joint Committee shall meet once a year in Brussels and Prague alternately.

21. The Joint Committee shall normally meet once a year in Tokyo and Brussels alternately.

22. The agreement included a clause setting up a joint committee to oversee air quality.

23. 4. The Joint Committee will normally meet once a year in Brussels and Seoul alternately.

24. The Joint Committee shall approve the minutes at its next meeting or, alternatively, in writing.

25. The Joint Committee shall be then chaired alternately for a period of two years henceforth.

26. The detailed results of the trip shall be sent to the Joint Committee for analysis.

27. The Joint Committee may invite the participation of subject-specific experts on an ad hoc basis.

28. However, Te Navuth, chairman of the MRC's Joint Committee, said Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have doubts.

29. The two Parties shall consult within the Joint Committee to adjust the authorised rate if necessary

30. The Joint Committee shall normally meet once a year, alternatively in the Community and in Jordan.

31. Child Custody and Access-Government Response to Report of Special Joint Committee-Possible Delay in Enabling Legislation

32. The Joint Committee shall meet, at least every two years, alternately in New Zealand and the Community.

33. The act which the Joint Committee is called upon to adopt constitutes an act having legal effects.

34. c) (c) Other exceptions created by royal decree after seeking the opinion of the competent joint committee

35. If and when each has approved its bill, the differences must be reconciled by a joint committee.

36. The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China - Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.

37. The office of Chairman of the Joint Committee shall be held alternately by each of the Contracting Parties.

38. The office of chairman of the joint committee shall be held alternately by each of the Contracting Parties.

39. In addition, a joint committee has been conducting a comprehensive review of the CSDN Access Matrix since April 2002.

40. If the Bundestag is unable to convene, legislative power goes to a joint committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

41. Parliament on Aug. 6 approved the setting-up of a joint committee with extensive powers to probe the scandal.

42. The good news is that the Joint Committee is taking this issue far more seriously than the White House.

43. According to Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation, corporate tax breaks in the 1995 fiscal year might reach 60 billion.

44. The Joint Committee gave millions of dollars to various institutions, and this soon acquired a political and moral significance.

45. Last month Hague wrote to the foreign secretary in light of a report by parliament's joint committee on human rights.

46. The U.S.-Chinese Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade meets twice a year to resolve policy disputes and ease trade tensions.

47. The committee held that a direct approach should be made to Moscow to try and secure progress in the Joint Committee.

48. If the two houses choose different individuals, then a joint committee of both houses is appointed to agree on a common candidate.

49. A bilateral joint committee on economic, trade and technological cooperation should be established to enhance planning and coordination and raise the level of bilateral cooperation.

50. The nonpartisan congressional Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated the holiday would cost the federal government about $80 billion over ten years in lost revenue.

51. He urged the UK vaccines authority, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, to look again at the case for introducing routine rotavirus vaccination for UK children.

52. Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba and Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue told a press conference they will establish a joint committee to work on a proposal based on world peace.

53. The agreement also stipulates the establishment of a joint committee for cooperation, whose responsibility is to implement this agreement and other agreements or protocols signed based on this.

54. The original MOU, signed in August 200 established the Joint Committee on Cooperation in Agriculture (JCCA), which meets at least once every two years, alternately in the United States and China.

55. \ If the United States of America in Congress Assemblest, I That the joint committee on the libraiy be, and they arc I hereby, directed to enter into a contract with William H

56. After consulting the Joint Committee, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council relating to paragraphs 1 and 2, accompanied, if appropriate, by a legislative proposal.

57. It also seeks to establish Joint Committee which will in turn identify areas of mutual interest and cooperation for development of new and renewable energy technologies, systems, sub-systems, devices, components, etc. and monitoring and evaluating cooperation activities.

58. Ouch Borith, Secretary of State of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and Ugo Astuto, director of South and Southeast Asia of the European Union, will co-chair the 8th meeting of Cambodia-EU Joint Committee to strengthen …

59. They directed the India-Israel Joint Committee on Science and Technology to explore the possibility of further advancement of scientific collaboration including setting up of Networked Centres of Research Excellence in the cutting edge areas of mutual strength and interest.

60. Where the Union adopts a new act that falls within the scope of this Protocol, but which neither amends nor replaces a Union act listed in the Annexes to this Protocol, the Union shall inform the United Kingdom of the adoption of that act in the Joint Committee.

61. Adoptionist matricularse wada maniera obilje (from French) nut or fruit that is coated with sugar; silver-coated candy bead used for cake decorations; sugar-coated medicated candy Pinkelpause systems of linear equations milya Badehosen (n.) sygnalizacja binarna attitude på atelier figures joint committee anemija kvæle grey whale misbruik

62. Violating of Intergovernmental Contracts and Balkanizes State Road Network Scheduled for public hearing on April 10, 2019, before the Joint Committee on Transportation Co-Chairs Beyer and McKeown and Members of the Committee: On behalf of the City of Wilsonville City Council, I am testifying in opposition to SB 413 that

63. Computing As noted above, the definition of Computing is hard to pin down, but the Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report prepared by a joint committee of ACM, IEEE, and AIS gives the following definition: "In a general way, we can define Computing to mean any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating computers.‖

64. In order to prevail the current structure that for the first period of six months of the year the representative of the European Union and for the second period of six months, an associated country presides the Joint Committee, all associated countries expressed their wish to cede, as necessary, the exercise of their presidencies and rotate it among them in alphabetical order of name.