Use "it cost him his head" in a sentence

1. Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head.

2. His foolishness almost cost him his life.

3. His apostasy had cost him his empire.

4. His daring may have cost him his life.

5. This would ultimately cost him his life.

6. His insufferable insolence cost him many friends.

7. I struck at him on his head.

8. He had no idea that accepting it would very nearly cost him his life.

9. Mm... I wonder what it cost him.

10. His car cost him upward of ten thousand dollars.

11. The fallout from the scandal cost him his job.

12. His slip of the tongue cost him a friend.

13. Even with his head start, I soon overtook him.

14. Someone bashed him on the back of his head.

15. And they named him traitor and took his head.

16. They were always joshing him about his bald head.

17. The political fallout of the affair cost him his job.

18. He opened it and the blast disfigured his face and cost him an eye and three fingers.

19. 6 Someone bashed him on the back of his head.

20. Even with his head start she caught up with him.

21. Anointing in the Bible - Take the Anointing oil and Anoint him by pouring it on his head

22. The blow on his head stunned him for a moment.

23. His attacker Assailed him with fierce blows to the head

24. The Turk shakes his head, refusing to go with him.

25. This one had cost him sixpence, a lot out of his ten shillings a week wages, but it was worth it.

26. 19 He opened it and the blast disfigured his face and cost him an eye and three fingers.

27. Those accusations could not be proved but cost him his post.

28. I wish him an ounce more wit in his addle head.

29. The eraser hit him bang on the top of his head.

30. He had his hands clasped behind his head and was leaning against the head-rest behind him so that his tanned throat was exposed.

31. He wouldn't let me reimburse him for the cost of his journey.

32. How does he hold up his head if he knows his wife is deceiving him?

33. They pushed a plastic bag over his head and almost suffocated him.

34. The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.

35. His two younger brothers Conspired against him to have him removed from the head of the company.

36. 30 And they spat on him+ and took the reed and began hitting him on his head.

37. Bunsen literally loses his head on picture day and now Mikey has to help him find it before picture time.

38. He gave a jerk of his head, indicating that we should follow him.

39. His unique delivery and style puts him head and shoulders above the rest.

40. I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left.

41. I do not like to see him lose his head over a woman.

42. 30 They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off.

43. He raised his head, and the cold, bitter reality jarred him into wakefulness.

44. Success has cost him dearly.

45. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him.

46. She smiled at him, but tremulously, as though it cost her an effort.

47. 17 He gave a jerk of his head, indicating that we should follow him.

48. It helped him develop his credo.

49. A few months ago, Gunn shaved his head and we all laughed at him ...

50. He shook his head sorrowfully, pitying himself for what had been done to him.

51. It seems he gave the fledgling architect his head.

52. Neville shook his head in wonder at it all.

53. The priest abashed, with head lowered, left the scene, while his flock ridiculed him.

54. If the patient should vomit, turn him over with his head to the side.

55. Then he attacked Job’s body, robbing him of his health by afflicting him with painful boils that covered him from head to foot.

56. It' s putting snakes in his head, Dad.And mine

57. He sniffed it, shook his head, and walked away!

58. During Bridling the horse should have its head at a naturally low head position, or lower if you've trained him to drop his head when asked.

59. She looked down to see him folding his arms and bowing his head as he viewed the paintings.

60. Tell him how much it'll cost and that should wipe the smile off his face.

61. For example, when one accused buried his head in his hands, his gesture summed up the case against him so well.

62. It made him catch his breath , it lit his face with exultation.

63. We strapped his head to a donkey so it would carry it back to his village.

64. As Mr Mullen raised the shears above his head, Jimmy punched him in the face.

65. 83 And their decision upon his head shall be an end of controversy concerning him.

66. Representative cost on average 000 per head per annum.

67. One of the court officers guffawed but turned his head before Kovitsky could spot him.

68. 23 A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream.

69. This probably cost him a Iot.

70. The car cost him fifteen grand.

71. He banged his head against the lamppost and hurt it.

72. She supposed it gave him his equanimity.

73. The cost of transporting him would make him ruinously expensive.

74. And his head, his...

75. His head when it was cut off, and into mine?

76. One held his head still when the pistol touched it.

77. And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.

78. Dominic contemplates it, lowers his head to inhale the fragrance.

79. The reception for the Pope cost him more than five thousand scudi forcing him to pawn his silver and other precious objects.

80. You know, you crack him over the head with something, and I'll go for his gun.