Use "ionization by radiation" in a sentence

1. Characteristic and General X-Radiation.-From a comparison of (a) the radiation from different Anticathodes, and (b) the intensity as measured by ionization and by the photoelectric effect, it is inferred that the radiation is largely general.


3. Bioclimatic BV in the Netherlands provides a wide range of disinfection equipment based on bi-polar ionization and UVC radiation

4. First Ionization energy: %

5. The radiation passes through an ionization chamber, an air-filled space between two electrodes, and permits a small, constant current between the electrodes.

6. First Ionization

7. Also covered are topics such as the temperature gradient and energies in the thermosphere, conditions at 200km and above 250km, solar radiation and ionization, and Aeronomic reactions

8. The degree of ionization is sufficiently large to allow a constant emission of radiation even during the night when the upper atmosphere is in the Earth's shadow.

9. ● Lethal radiation by the local fallout

10. Particle radiation is the radiation of energy by means of fast-moving subatomic particles.

11. In duct ionization system with insulated access door

12. Corrosion and leach resistant coatings, coatings cured by application of radiation, in particular ultraviolet radiation

13. The calculated ionization potentials are larger than the fragmentation energies of these small phosphide clusters, exhibiting a dominance of dissociate over ionization.

14. Lower in the atmosphere all of the solar photons with energies above the ionization potential of N2 and O2 have already been absorbed by the higher layers and thus no appreciable ionization occurs.

15. Thousands of children were poisoned by radiation.

16. Radiation Conductances (Radks) Presented by: Steven L

17. Luminescence caused by absorption of optical radiation.

18. View in first quadrant at ionization wave.

19. The XαSW method gives a particularly good account of the ionization energies determined by HeI photoelectron spectroscopy.

20. Method for measuring a dose of radiation by an ionizing beam capable of creating cerenkov radiation

21. Ionization apparatus for the treatment of air or water

22. The age of an archaeological specimen can therefore be determined by dividing the total radiation dose by the annual radiation dose.

23. Above the core is the radiation zone, where the plasma conveys the energy flux by means of radiation.

24. Apparatus for measuring compound using photo-ionization detector

25. Ionization with methane results in cleavage of the hexoestrol molecule.

26. Volatile matrices for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

27. Radiation burns are caused by the sun , tanning booths , sunlamps , X-rays , or radiation therapy for cancer treatment .

28. Acetyl chloride reacts over the full range of solvents by an ionization pathway, with considerable nucleophilic solvation.

29. 18 Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.

30. Planets require large magnetic fields in order to reduce the ionization of their upper atmosphere by the solar wind.

31. 4 Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.

32. Widespread ionization occurs readily in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

33. 25 The ratio of the intensity of black body radiation at four wavelengths was calculated by the blackbody radiation law.

34. Ionization smoke detectors use Americium as a source of alpha particles

35. This includes: electromagnetic rAdiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rAdiation (γ); particle rAdiation, such as alpha rAdiation (α), beta rAdiation (β), proton rAdiation and neutron

36. A junction emits optical radiation when excited by electric current;

37. How would you know it was caused by the radiation?

38. Discovered by William Herschel, infrared radiation is often also called

39. Calcium is determined directly on wine, suitably diluted, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, after addition of an ionization suppression agent

40. In most cases this process is accompanied by a positive phase in the upper ionosphere and F2-layer ionization.

41. A third type of detector is the gas ionization detector.

42. There are significant differences, however, between relative ionization rates and equilibrium acidities.

43. Contamination dosimeter with radiation ram for alpha radiation

44. Many existing Vermont homes currently have old outdated ionization smoke Alarms installed

45. — fluorescent, as characterized by emitting light during absorption of ultraviolet radiation

46. A film resistant to degradation caused by sterilising radiation is made.

47. Using adiabatic ionization processes instead gives a MAD of 5.2 kcal/mol.

48. — fluorescent, as characterized by emitting light during absorption of ultraviolet radiation,

49. Chemotherapy was followed by radiation, which was finished by the end of August 1991.

50. A method for determining fatty acid profiles in agricultural products (for example seeds) comprises using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectroscopy or laser ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI) mass spectroscopy.

51. Methods for making cured sealants by actinic radiation and related compositions

52. fluorescent, as characterised by emitting light during absorption of ultraviolet radiation

53. fluorescent, as characterized by emitting light during absorption of ultraviolet radiation

54. fluorescent, as characterised by emitting light during absorption of ultraviolet radiation,

55. Cosmic rAdiation is produced by the stars, including our own sun.

56. Radiation dosimeter

57. Radiation therapy uses high-powered radiation to kill cancer cells .

58. They detect and quantify alpha, beta and gamma radiation, detect neutron radiation, and conduct gamma radiation spectroscopy.

59. Ionization balance device with shielded capacitor circuit for ion balance measurements and adjustments

60. Ionizing radiation, these forms of high energy radiation have biological effects.

61. The site has also been hit by four explosions , triggering radiation leaks .

62. All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated.

63. Improved radiation heating efficiency by increasing absorption of a silicon containing material

64. Thermography, or heat scanning, looks for tumors by means of infrared radiation.

65. A K alpha radiation emitting wafer (e.g., Pb) wafer is disposed between the radiation transparent tip and the radiation detector.

66. Neutrons are captured by boron isotopes, then disintegrate by emitting alpha radiation that destroy cancer cells.

67. Noun Chemical Actinometers measure the energy of radiation by its chemical effects.

68. Radiation-proof paint

69. Autoradiograph - a radiogram produced by radiation emitted by the specimen being photographed radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagram, skiagraph, radiogram - a photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)

70. Key words: pulsed-field ionization, ZEKE, photoelectron, ab initio, copper-pyridine complexes.

71. Argon has electronic properties (ionization and/or the emission spectrum) desirable for some applications.

72. In both cases the location of the helium ionization zone could be accurately derived.

73. The Basicity constant is also called as base dissociation constant or base ionization constant

74. Breathe is a living kitchen appliance that literally 'breathes in' air pollutants through ionization.

75. Treatment : Radiation therapy

76. Cess et al. So, the anomalous absorption of solar radiation by clouds is basically equal to the absorption of solar actinic radiation by the substance with photochemical reactions in the atmosphere.

77. This detector could detect radiation by the rise in temperature generated by a heat-absorbing body.

78. Autoradiograph- a radiogram produced by radiation emitted by the specimen being photographed radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagram, skiagraph, radiogram- a photographic image produced on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light (especially by X-rays or gamma rays)

79. ICRU sphere: a body introduced by the International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) to approximate the human body as regards energy absorption from ionizing radiation

80. Alpha particle radiation.