Use "inversely" in a sentence

1. Spacing varies directly with growth rate and inversely with fish length, and growth varies inversely with length.

2. It's inversely proportional to taxes.

3. We regard health as inversely related to social class.

4. Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.

5. Cementing Head sizes & working pressures are inversely related.

6. Inversely, sometimes collapsed frontal systems will degenerate into troughs.

7. The way any system works is inversely proportional to its security.

8. Inversely, inactivity weakens the effect of irritations which Correspond to it

9. As adverbs the difference between inversely and Conversely is that inversely is in an inverse order or manner; by inversion while Conversely is (conjunctive) with a reversed relationship.

10. The probability of help is inversely related to the number of Bystanders.

11. Inversely, the Animus pertains to the male dimension within the female unconscious psyche

12. Just this: Worker commitment is inversely proportional to the degree of management centralization.

13. In this respect the incidence of neurosis seems inversely proportional to social disorder.

14. In fact the proportion spent on rent was inversely proportional to income.

15. As explained in section their price fluctuates inversely with the current market rate of interest.

16. Pollen size is proportional to stamen height, while pollen production is inversely proportional.

17. In an alternative embodiment, the lubricant layer also includes an inversely-soluble lubricant.

18. The Maximum Doppler spread and coherence time are inversely proportional to one another.

19. His law states that gas volume varies inversely with pressure at constant temperature.

20. Accumulation factors of cadmium in eggs were inversely proportional to the ambient cadmium concentration.

21. Using only two different angled fluoro frames a simplified femoral model was inversely constructed.

22. The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. Bertrand Russell 

23. It concluded that the support given varied inversely with the degree of natural handicap!

24. The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material.

25. Restatement: pretense and adversity are inversely proportional; adversity reveals the true nature of all things.

26. Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.

27. Turns out the size of the electric field is inversely proportional to the separation distance.

28. 14 The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass.

29. The coded image is then transmitted and decoded by carrying out decoding inversely in relation to coding.

30. 13 Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.

31. The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need.

32. Each product contains two thyristors placed inversely so as to utilize both phases of alternating current.

33. The CAUTIs rate was inversely proportional to insertion bundle elements and maintenance bundle elements compliance rate.

34. Catch was inversely proportional to the density of snow accumulations in the specific gravity range 0.04–0.13.

35. In addition, there is a regulation system: when intake goes down, hepatic synthesis goes up and inversely.

36. In fact, in our data, grit is usually unrelated or even inversely related to measures of talent.

37. So I guess inversely he taught me the need to be prepared and keep both feet on the ground.

38. Materials with high adsorption capacity bound substances strongly and desorbed them less, whereas less adsorbing materials acted inversely.

39. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely proportional to the number of Bystanders.

40. Its saddletank was inversely curved as in contemporary Andrew Barclay locomotives but differently to most other saddle tank locomotives.

41. Synonyms for Contradictorily include meanwhile, however, conversely, on the other hand, by contrast, in contrast, inversely, contrarily, contrastingly and instead

42. Further, when data segments from all patients and Bipole configurations were grouped, rate and apdf were found fo be strongly inversely

43. There was a marked decrease in mean total cholesterol around age 14 in both sexes, inversely related to the degree of sexual maturity.

44. The inversely crytptographically processed message (IKN) is then decoded again in accordance with the coding format of the network protocol.

45. According to the identified groundwater table the inverse analytic method is applied to inversely deduce the hydraulic inductivity of the aquifer.

46. Inversely, precisely this failure of the closure of spaces to form space permits and requires constant efforts of spatialization - i.e. political practices of articulation.

47. Not only was space seen as a social construction, the general understanding was, inversely, that the social sphere is also spatially constructed.

48. Since the number of steps is inversely proportional to the step size h, the total rounding error is proportional to ε / h.

49. Acting like a scale factor for aerodynamics, it is proportional to density, vehicle speed and size, and inversely proportional to viscosity.

50. Synonyms for Contrarily include conversely, contrariwise, again, on the contrary, to the contrary, if anything, on the other hand, contrastingly, instead and inversely

51. In the case of Antiprotons, the magnetic moment (which is inversely proportional to the mass) is ∼ 2000 times smaller than that of electrons

52. Settlement in the study area varied interannually by nearly 40-fold and was inversely related to net alongshore (northward) transport during January–May.

53. 25 According to the identified groundwater table the inverse analytic method is applied to inversely deduce the hydraulic inductivity of the aquifer.

54. According to the theory that has been demonstrated, sampled finger polarity must be placed inversely phase wherever the weighting function pass through zero-joints.

55. Like Bonds, prices of preferred securities tend to move inversely with interest rates, so they are subject to increased loss of principal during periods of rising interest rates

56. Therefore, further (assuming no change in velocity of circulation), the value of the monetary unit must vary exactly and inversely with the amount put into circulation.

57. Catches in alternate years for both lake herring and rainbow smelt were inversely correlated, suggesting negative interactions between their young-of-the-year and yearlings.

58. These showed that gender was significantly and positively associated with unusual perceptual experiences (r = .15, p < .05) and inversely associated with Constricted affect (r = -.16, p < .05).

59. Brrr is the ticker of the first continuously rebased interest bearing deposits inversely tied to a peg cryptocurrency DeFi protocol, which tries to protect people against money supply manipulation

60. The ablation of the cathode materials is directly proportional to the square of the output and inversely proportional to the pressure. The constant depends only on the cathode material and gases.

61. The Brønsted coefficients (β) for the rate-controlling steps for the enolization of acetone by the principal routes are shown to be inversely related to the magnitude of the rate constants.

62. Coexistence of large- and small-bodied zooplankton in proportions inversely reflecting their body sizes, in habitats of wide productivity spectrum, reflects the interspecific difference in species-specific reaction field volume (Figure 3).

63. When insects fly forwards, the image of the ground below sweeps backwards across their visual field with a speed that is inversely linked to the height of the insect above the ground.

64. Coulomb's law is a physical law stating the force between two charges is proportional to the amount of charge on both charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

65. Inversely, the Apostle indicates later “the things of the earth”. Thus highlighting that life in Christ entails a “choice of field”, a radical renunciation of everything that — like an anchor — ties man to earth, corrupting his soul.

66. Copepods are capable of killing and eating at least four preparasites within 13min and a predator density of 53 Copepods/liter is expected to reduce the mosquito larvae by 50%, with the rate of predation inversely proportional to the water volume.

67. Bilinear interpolation replaces each missing pixel with a weighted average of the nearest pixels on the boundary of the 4-neighboring MBs as shown in Figure 9.5.The weights used are inversely proportional to the distance of source and destination pixels

68. The force between two point charges is… directly proportional to the magnitude of each charge (q 1, q 2)inversely proportional to square of the separation between their centers (r)directed along the separation vector connecting their centers (r̂)This relationship is known as Coulomb's Law

69. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, French physicist best known for the formulation of Coulomb’s law, which states that the force between two electrical charges is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

70. The stalling speed of a glider is (1) (2) (3) (4) the same in coordinated turns as in straight and level flight. inversely proportional to the wing loading. not affected by aerodynamic loads. greater in coordinated turns than in straight and level flight

71. Inversely, the irreducible character of the phenomenon of synonymy is confirmed by the possibility of providing synonyms for the various Acceptations of a single word (this is the commutative test of polysemy itself): the word review is the synonym sometimes of 'parade,' sometimes of 'magazine.' In every case a community of meaning is at the

72. Barracks allow you to train Troops using Elixir.These troops after being trained will be stationed in Army Camps.; The troops' rate of training depend on the number of Barracks that can train said troops; the troop's training time is inversely proportional to the number of Barracks you have, and can be determined by dividing a troop's base training time (training time with one