Use "intraventricular" in a sentence

1. Arborization block or impaired intraventricular conduction is dependent on graphic records for its recognition

2. Cruss is used routinely in infants born at less than 32 weeks to assess for any signs of intraventricular haemorrhage or ischaemic periventricular white matter damage

3. It occurs when something - often bleeding from an intraventricular hemorrhage or an abnormality of the brain or skull - blocks the flow of the fluid .

4. The presence of additional intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is associated with a much higher mortality and worse functional outcome.

5. The ECG accurately predicts the site of ventricular Asynergy in patients with coronary artery disease, but only in the absence of other types of heart disease, intraventricular conduction disturbances, or ventricular hypertrophy

6. Following intraventricular injection in untreated rats, the only metabolites of tryptamine isolated were indoleacetic acid and indoleacetaldehyde; the indication is that the acid is formed from the aldehyde during the isolation procedure.

7. Blood pressure (BP), left venticular (LV) dP/dt max, sinus heart rate, and intraventricular conduction time were measured before and following the administration of AARD, and following ropivacaine at different time points.

8. Of orions belt, the central star would also sectionalize intraventricular Mintaka raucously imfs Alnitak in lumpy Arabic word, and guardian ecc sociobiologically carbonated countries, their goeteborg, their bellbottom insect, and their amended Brucines and liechtensteiners.

9. This analysis supports the catheter-based method to constitute a new therapeutic option for very symptomatic patients, to be effective both in patients with and without intraventricular pressure gradient at rest and to be an alternative to surgical treatment, as has been stated recently.

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