Use "interstellar" in a sentence

1. Diffuse interstellar bands: What is responsible for the numerous interstellar absorption lines detected in astronomical spectra?

2. Sensors are detecting highly accelerated interstellar gases.

3. HIFI will advance our understanding of interstellar chemistry.

4. Colonized Interstellar Vessel 殖民星际飞船

5. Colliders are interstellar objects, like the Quantum Foam

6. Astrochemistry definition is - the chemistry of celestial bodies and interstellar space.

7. The Interstellar Commissariats are different from the Homeworld Commissariats of Earth, and are inherently malleable tools for the national government to manage its interstellar affairs

8. Astrogation (skill) The Astrogation skill allows a character to make interstellar jumps

9. Adicea Kado (Interstellar Enterprise Inc.) lost their Sabre in J125316 (D-R00022)

10. They are caused by the absorption of light by the interstellar medium.

11. What does Astrochemistry mean? The chemistry of stars and interstellar space

12. Interstellar travel is made impossible by the unfathomable distance between even the closest stars.

13. The daily updated and most accurate rocket league Burnt sienna Interstellar pc price in credits are provided here as soon as possible while looking sleek, check out the value of Interstellar in rocket league pc market! here you also can view the price of Burnt sienna Interstellar in rocket league credits over the last 15 days and get know the Burnt sienna Interstellar pc price change trending

14. This is due to thermal radiation of interstellar dust contained in molecular clouds.

15. Stepping out into the universe... we must confront the reality of interstellar travel.

16. Interstellar Medium, Astrochemistry, Time Dependent, Production Rate New Rate Constants of Hydrogenation on Interstellar Grains and their Astrophysical Implications For the gas-grain chemical models the surface reactions and their rate constants are …

17. With Digital Universe, Emmart and Hayden Planetarium can take viewers deep into space on interstellar missions.

18. Together, these particles form that most diffuse and insubstantial of substances -- interstellar dust.

19. All astronomical objects are affected by extinction, the absorption of photons by the interstellar medium.

20. Other applications: luminous blue variables (LBVs), AGNs and quasar line systems; interstellar medium; accretion disks.

21. So far, amino acids have been found in meteorites on Earth, but not in interstellar space.

22. In April 2014, NASA reported they had recovered seven particles of interstellar dust from the aerogel.

23. In the interest of interstellar amity, we will wait precisely one hour and 53 minutes.

24. For another[sentence dictionary], the interstellar grains are miniscule -- only a few microns in size.

25. The journal covers space Astrophysics, stellar and galactic evolution, solar physics, stellar and planetary atmospheres, interstellar matter.

26. Together, they embark on a quest to stop the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) from launching a superweapon.

27. 27 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system, i.e. from interstellar space, the space between the stars.

28. Outside this is the Heliosheath, where the sun's magnetic field is bent back by the interstellar wind.

29. Basilicus is a massive world-building project focusing on the Basilicus Prime Galaxy, a fictional galaxy with several interstellar civilizations

30. NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer satellite, or IBEX, discovered the narrow ribbon, which completes nearly a full circle across the sky.

31. An interstellar energy bream projector would require vast amounts of energy -- far more than our current world power utilization.

32. Introduction to Astrochemistry: Chemical Evolution from Interstellar Clouds to Star and Planet Formation (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library, 7)

33. 6 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system, i.e. from interstellar space, the space between the stars.

34. The Aliphatic content indicates the presence of longer or less branched Aliphatic chains that those observed in the interstellar medium

35. 4 The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.

36. Astrogation is the planning of a route through space and the actual navigation of spacecraft, either in interplanetary travel or in interstellar travel

37. This cloud of material sweeps up the surrounding interstellar medium during a free expansion phase, which can last for up to two centuries.

38. The Greater Terran Union is composed of several semi-autonomous interstellar Commissariats and civilian governments overtly blended with the military chain of command.

39. The British Interplanetary Society's hypothetical Project Daedalus interstellar probe design was fueled by helium-3 mines in the atmosphere of Jupiter, for example.

40. This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy, interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations.

41. The Greater Terran Union is composed of several semi-autonomous interstellar Commissariats and civilian governments overtly blended with the military chain of command

42. Astronautics the science of space travel, concerned with both the construction and the operation of vehicles that travel through interplanetary or interstellar space

43. This means that they measured how much starlight was blocked or reduced by the interstellar "fog,(Sentencedict)" essentially telling them the surface density.

44. Between the Stars is a space action game with RPG growth and real time combat that places you at the helm of an interstellar cruiser

45. Warp Drive, When? Breakthrough Technologies What are THE 3 Breakthroughs we’d like to achieve? To enable practical interstellar travel, here are THE 3 Breakthroughs that we’ll need

46. 14,[1] When men are calling names and making faces, And all the world’ Ajangle and ajar, I meditate on interstellar spaces And smoke a mild seegar

47. Among the mesmerizing images the Hubble has captured are these "elephant trunks, " towering columns of interstellar gas photographed in the Serpens constellation, 500 light-years from Earth.

48. The basic building blocks of life aren't unique to Earth: amino acids have been found in comets, complex organic molecules in interstellar dust clouds, water in exoplanetary systems.

49. In this installment of TPS Reports the Squares discuss Acumental's landlord, Archie's bad trip, greenhouses, Trey Songz getting arrested, Gleaming The Cube, martial arts training & Interstellar

50. In the 2014 film Interstellar, "NGC 4438" along with specific observation data can be seen in Murphy Cooper (Jessica Chastain)'s notepad during the film's climactic sequence.

51. One of the most abundant interstellar molecules, and among the easiest to detect with radio waves (due to its strong electric dipole moment), is CO (carbon monoxide).

52. 30 The black mat also has turned up nanodiamonds, which are formed in the interstellar medium outside the solar system, by or by a high-explosive detonation.

53. There is a consensus that most of the CR Antiprotons observed near the Earth are secondaries produced in collisions of energetic CR particles with interstellar gas (e.g., Mitchell et al

54. Cometary observations have shown that there is a striking similarity between the composition of comets and the composition of the icy mantles observed on interstellar grains

55. Astrochemistry and Cosmochemistry are the study of the chemical elements and chemical compounds, that can be found in the outerspace, in stars, planets, comets, meteorits, interstellar matter etc

56. Astronautics [ as-tr uh- naw-tiks, - not-iks ] noun (used with a singular verb) the science of or technology involved in travel beyond the earth's atmosphere, including interplanetary and interstellar flight.

57. Known by the popular name of the Dumbbell Nebula, the beautifully symmetric interstellar gas cloud is over 5 light-years across and about 200 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula.

58. Launched in February 2003 and active until April 2008, a small space observatory called Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS or CHIPSat) examined the hot gas within the Local Bubble.

59. Antiproton to proton ratios calculated from interstellar proton and Antiproton fluxes of Webber and Potgieter (1989) (solid curves), and the median Gaisser and Schaeffer (1992) fluxes (dashed curves), for epochs of different solar activity

60. The search for interstellar amino acids is key to understanding the origin of life on Earth, as amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, without which the evolution of life would not have been possible.

61. Complex organics including amino acids can be readily formed in laboratory-simulated interstellar/Cometary ices by UV or proton irradiation of ice mixtures that have been observed in comets and the ISM (Bernstein et al

62. Astrogation, short for astronavigation, is the planning of a route through space and the actual navigation of spacecraft, either subluminal maneuvering in interplanetary travel or the calculations used to perform slipstream space jumps in interstellar travel.

63. Visits from otherworldly creatures, aliens living among us, abductions of humans to alien spacecraft, and accounts of interstellar cooperation since the UFO crash in Roswell are thoroughly investigated in Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds

64. An object's Absolute magnitude is defined to be equal to the apparent magnitude that the object would have if it were viewed from a distance of exactly 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years), without extinction (or dimming) of its light due to absorption by interstellar

65. Collections curated at the NASA Astromaterials Acquisitions and Curation Department include Antarctic Meteorites, Moon Rocks from the Apollo missions, Cometary, Interstellar, and Stratospheric, or Cosmic, dust particles, Solar Wind particles, and samples of space-exposed hardware from mission spacecraft

66. Astrophysics is the study of astronomical objects through the principles of physics. Astrophysicists try to understand the intricacies of our universe by examining things like the sun, solar system, exoplanets, dark matter, black holes, the interstellar medium, and other relevant parts of our cosmology.

67. Apparent magnitude (m) is a measure of the brightness of a star or other astronomical object observed from Earth.An object's Apparent magnitude depends on its intrinsic luminosity, its distance from Earth, and any extinction of the object's light caused by interstellar dust along the line of sight to the observer.

68. The Astrophysics & Astrochemistry Laboratory uses innovative techniques to study the physics and the chemistry of gas phase molecules and solids in various environments in the universe that range from interstellar galactic environments (dense and diffuse clouds) to cometary and planetary environments (atmospheres and surface ices) to the lunar surface (lunar dust).

69. The Created are the overarching antagonists of Halo 5: Guardians and presumably Halo Infinite.They are an interstellar empire of AIs led by Cortana.They believe the Librarian originally intended for the AIs to inherit the Mantle of Responsibility and it is their goal to assume it and enforce peace throughout the galaxy via the Prometheans and Forerunner Guardians.

70. The Taurian Concordat is an interstellar nation located in the Periphery.Founded as a constitutional monarchy under the leadership of House Calderon, the Taurian Concordat is one of the oldest surviving realms since the collapse of the Terran Alliance.Taurian citizens enjoy extensive freedoms guaranteed by the Concordat Charter and take pride in defending those freedoms through …

71. 1 to 8 players simultaneously tethered to the same deep space mining station, Apolune 2 is a funtastic co-op; with gameplay grind of repair, mine, shoot, collect! Fight off enemies like aliens and space pirates! Trade with interstellar merchants; High score name entry, casual and fun to play with friends! Lo-fi instant classic! For Windows, Linux and there is a planned release of Atari VCS