Use "interdependence" in a sentence

1. Collectivism values personal interdependence

2. Interdependence theory also takes into account comparison level.

3. Tropical rainforests arose, sparking new layers of interdependence.

4. That assessment entails a degree of interdependence between the factors taken into account.

5. The answer is that there is an interdependence between conceptual and normative argument.

6. As in all organizations, there is a marked interdependence between staff.

7. Inafa'maolek, or interdependence, is the key, or central value, in Chamorro culture ...

8. Interdependence was to be found at global, continental, regional or local levels.

9. This is a sign already then of this increasing interconnectedness and interdependence.

10. As I explored, a world of physical, emotional, and spiritual interdependence opened.

11. By the same token , the everlasting interdependence is actually an everlasting love.

12. Transnationalism and interdependence challenge the three assumptions of Realism noted by Vasquez.

13. Founded in 1989, Apec responds to growing interdependence among economies in the region.

14. Hence dependence, not interdependence, characterizes the relationship of the South to the North.

15. We also learn that the interdependence of gods and goddesses extends to mortals.

16. In software engineering, the Coupling is the degree of interdependence between software modules

17. Interdependence is the natural characteristic of an economy based on the division of labour.

18. The third level is one of interdependence and mutual growth and development, of synergy.

19. Angell's central argument was a simple restatement of the interdependence of modern capitalist economies.

20. These proposals shall take account of the interdependence of the agricultural matters mentioned in this title

21. These proposals shall take account of the interdependence of the agricultural matters mentioned in this Title.

22. The Department for Transport publishes advice on how to take account of the interdependence between schemes

23. These proposals shall take account of the interdependence of the agricultural matters mentioned in this title.

24. However, the interdependence of hardware and software poses formidable technical difficulties to running programs so transferred.

25. These proposals shall take account of the interdependence of the agricultural matters mentioned in this Title

26. The theory of comparative advantage. so that the interdependence of economies. the impact on each other.

27. To deliver team performance, people must take chances on constructive conflict, hard work, interdependence, and trust.

28. Relationship to the medium-term plan: programme 9, Trade and development, subprogramme 1, Globalization, interdependence and development

29. Not at all unlike the Gaian idea of global interdependence, environment and organisms knit together as one.

30. Models of interdependence focus on interstate relations but challenge the realist view of states as independent actors.

31. It can mean the end of a whole life-style that they shared, of travel, work, entertainment, and interdependence.

32. It is an area of increasing interdependence, allowing the free movement of people, ideas, technology and resources.

33. The possibility of moving to a state of mature interdependence between workers and management is thus diminished.

34. In this context of an advanced division of labour, interests theories specify the legitimate range of economic interdependence.

35. Again, we should note the interdependence and mutual necessity of the main and minor channels of mystical power.

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37. Another assumption is that absolute gains can be made through co-operation and interdependence—thus peace can be achieved.

38. An important part of the notion of interdependence is reciprocity: the desire not to exploit one's partner too much.

39. There was no division between the two elements in my home; rather a flow of life, acceptance and interdependence.

40. Yet there is greater emphasis in the transnational company model on the complete integration and interdependence of operating structures.

41. Support a development of Bioregional consciousness, or a consciousness that is rooted in place and promotes interdependence, reciprocity and respect

42. In many ways, the poll tax embodies the attitude which dismisses our interdependence, and therefore our obligations towards each other.

43. States form an interlocking network of bilateral and multilateral treaty relationships, which reinforces the interdependence that characterises contemporary international relations.

44. However, too often energy security issues are addressed only at a national level without taking fully into account the interdependence of Member States.

45. But it did offer a rather different view of international relations, based on the two related themes of transnationalism and interdependence.

46. In chapters 6 and 7 I would like to propose a characterization of grammar and language use which shows their interdependence.

47. But there is an interdependence between the various themes in his work that makes it difficult to deal with them in isolation.

48. An overview of the usual objectives should not obfuscate their interdependence, their interaction, nor the possible conflicts that may exist among them.

49. This is the first set of studies to investigate how people make decisions in sexual interdependence dilemmas and show that Communally motivated individuals

50. Basel I It was created in response to the growing number of international banks and the increasing integration and interdependence of financial markets.

51. Even as Asia's economic interdependence and resurgence is proceeding apace, bitter historical legacies, territorial disputes, strategic competition and military modernisation are causing concern.

52. The paper shows that the dependence reflects a measurement error arising from the interdependence of human capital accumulation, labor force participation rates and development levels.

53. Alan Marshall's category of ecologic extension places emphasis not on human rights but on the recognition of the fundamental interdependence of all biological (and some abiological) entities and their essential diversity.

54. Companionate Love Definition Companionate love refers to a variety of love that is durable, fairly slow to develop, and characterized by interdependence and feelings of affection, intimacy, and commitment

55. In software engineering, Coupling is the degree of interdependence between software modules; a measure of how closely connected two routines or modules are; the strength of the relationships between modules.

56. There will be a closed meeting of the Group of 77 (core group on globalization and interdependence: international migration and development), on Tuesday, 26 October 2004, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Conference Room B.

57. Recalling the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and the need for persons with albinism to be guaranteed the full enjoyment of their rights and freedoms without discrimination,

58. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-seventh session on globalization and interdependence, bearing in mind, inter alia, the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development;

59. Interdependence in a globalised world means that no country, howsoever powerful it may be, can take on the entire burden of economic adjustment and economic decision-making that may be required to manage the global system in an orderly fashion.

60. Complementarity is the evolved interdependence between the sexes and it’s been a responsible element of how the human race has risen to be the apex species on this planet, but it doesn’t ensure an optimal breeding schedule for either sex

61. A group of practices common to every major branch of Buddhism, the Brahmaviharas (called "The Four Boundlessnesses" or "The Four Immeasurables"), is predicated on the knowledge of this interdependence, this intimacy with even infinitely far reaches of space

62. Not only are there many people who do not wish to be in a relationship anymore after a very bad experience, whether within the relationship or otherwise, but I could imagine that there might be a circular interdependence between some sort of Aromanticism, bad/traumatic experiences, and caedroromanticism.

63. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec), organization that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.Established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies and the advent of regional economic blocs (such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Area) in other parts of the world, Apec works to …

64. Affirming the principle of the interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights, and that all economic, social and cultural rights are justiciable, the Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (see paragraph 21 of its 1997 concluding observations) and strongly recommends that the State party re-examine the matter of incorporation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in domestic law.

65. tems # and # ntegrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields-- Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit-- Questions relating to information-- Macroeconomic policy questions-- United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development-- Operational activities for development-- Implementation of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty ( # )-- Globalization and interdependence-- Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development-- Letter dated # arch # from the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General [A C E F R S]