Use "intensify attack" in a sentence

1. Intensify forward deflectors.

2. Why intensify our efforts?

3. Breastfeeding may cause Afterpains to intensify

4. The aftershocks intensify threefold each time.

5. Ativan may intensify the effects of alcohol

6. The conflict is almost bound to intensify.

7. The controversy is only expected to intensify.

8. Money and technological advance intensify the problem.

9. Adverbs are also called intensifiers because they intensify the …

10. Both sexes sometimes apply lubricating substances to intensify sensation.

11. We will intensify bilateral exchanges at all levels.

12. Intensify the programs on combatting HIV/AIDS (Algeria);

13. A more assertive leadership could intensify these battles.

14. Troubles were to continue and even intensify after their outbreak.

15. The latest merger will intensify competition among defense companies.

16. So mercantilist pressures will likely intensify in the advanced countries.

17. In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify.

18. Farmers to intensify agitation with Bharat bandh, burning farm laws on Holi

19. The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.

20. At the same time, rising temperatures could intensify storms, floods, and droughts.

21. * Sea levels are rising faster than previously projected and cyclones will intensify.

22. Relationships with the global trading and financial systems have continued to intensify.

23. If anything, they served to intensify the boredom by providing a comparative.

24. 54 synonyms for Aggrandize: exaggerate, advance, promote, intensify, elevate, enlarge, enrich

25. Will your needs over the next two years intensify or abate?

26. Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government.

27. Another word for Aggravate: make worse, exaggerate, intensify, worsen, heighten Collins English Thesaurus

28. Weapons may tend to lengthen the duration of wars and intensify the carnage.

29. His rage is sure to intensify as the great tribulation draws near.

30. Warmer water will potentially intensify biological activity and growth rates of fish.

31. That was enough to intensify the actions of those plotting a coup.

32. Markets intensify economic inequality and add to the numbers of the poor.

33. It will even tolerate strong light, when the colour of the leaves will intensify.

34. Base Attack Force Base Attack Force BaseAttackForce

35. Antonyms for Assuage include aggravate, exacerbate, embitter, enrage, heighten, increase, infuriate, intensify, madden and provoke

36. With the convection supported by upper-level outflow to the north, Sagar continued to intensify.

37. He also will intensify the fight against crime and continue to work for welfare reform.

38. ICAO will intensify and broaden its activities to audit the level of implementation of SARPS.

39. We hope to intensify our trade and investments as we recover from the global recession.

40. The scheme merely encourages farmers to intensify production on their remaining land, it is argued.

41. To intensify and accelerate the reaction, add a few creatine crystals to the mixture.

42. Enthusiastic crowds intensify the excitement that keeps the contestants motivated from start to finish.

43. He also said he would order staffers to intensify efforts to find more wells.

44. In 1929 an Agitprop conference resolved to intensify anti-religious work throughout the education system.

45. That's why you need Aluminous Advanced Eye Serum to intensify your skincare routine and prevent wrinkles!

46. If we analyze the word Beget, we get the prefix be-, which tends to intensify the …

47. President Obama on Thursday ordered federal officials to intensify efforts to deal with the huge spill .

48. Elsie continued to intensify, and reached a peak of 175 mph winds on the 24th.

49. Counterattacks: an attack made to counter an enemy's attack

50. Counteroffensive: an attack made to counter an enemy's attack

51. There is a similar need to intensify co-operation and information exchange between customs authorities.

52. Antonyms for Alleviate include exacerbate, aggravate, agitate, heighten, compound, intensify, provoke, exasperate, increase and amplify

53. Retaliatory attack, i.e., action in response to a prior attack.

54. An Anxiety attack is also known as a panic attack

55. Heart attack.

56. Terror attack.

57. Meanwhile, discussions began in the new Emergency Operations Council to intensify the "People's War" against the guerillas.

58. • Retaliatory attack, i.e., action in response to a prior attack

59. Encourages the Director General to intensify UNIDO’s efforts to mobilize adequate financial resources from all sources;

60. The strengthening and the shifting of jet streams can also intensify or subdue seasonal weather conditions.

61. Companies may intensify production, improve productivity or reduce output - all of which tend to reduce employment.

62. Therefore, it is necessary and exigent to intensify the study of tax losing theory and practice.

63. Attack ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, Attack là gì: 1

64. ShortBows attack faster but have a shorter attack range than longBows

65. We have agreed to intensify our cooperation in the areas of trade and investment, education, tourism and culture.

66. We have agreed to intensify our coordination and cooperation for promoting security and development in the region.

67. Flying Saucer Attack.

68. This charge attack is the Bruiser's main attack, quickly sprinting towards Marston

69. Attack you too?

70. All enemies of God’s Kingdom will then be forced to witness an event that will intensify their agony.

71. The awareness of the world's antiquity which was often with me seemed to intensify, to be a solace.

72. The piercing brilliance of the late afternoon sunlight seems to intensify the surrealism of the constantly changing scenery.

73. Barge is a basic Attack ability, requiring level 30 Attack to use

74. Here they peddle their attack software and share information on new attack techniques.

75. Remise: To attack again immediately after the opponent has blocked an initial attack.

76. What factors account for this is not known, though scientists believe that fishing pressure could intensify the cycles.

77. 18 synonyms for Apoplexy: fit, attack, heart attack, seizure, convulsion, paroxysm, anger, rage

78. The main attack upon the RAF's defences was code-named Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack").

79. Attack is a race against time story of rescue by an Attack team

80. Another word for Apoplexy: fit, attack, heart attack, seizure, convulsion Collins English Thesaurus