Use "injustices" in a sentence

1. Some religions even justify injustices against women.

2. Social injustices were let off the hook.

3. These injustices embittered her even more.

4. Injustices require restitution to the owner.

5. WILL we ever see an end to injustices and suffering?

6. No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices.

7. Counterstory to resist injustices (Solorzano & Bernal, 2001)

8. Filecard cabbie Schoolman Luane injustices Anteinitial stomatoscopy curwillet

9. Congress has done little to redress these injustices.

10. The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.

11. She Capably argues the injustices of the medieval class system

12. 14 King David was also the victim of many injustices.

13. How do we react to injustices and acts of senseless violence?

14. A slave could not seek any legal redress for injustices suffered.

15. But the Witnesses do not strive to eliminate the world’s injustices.

16. Injustices and inequalities abound and multiply —whatever the prevailing ideology may be.

17. It will help you to endure the injustices of this wicked system.

18. So Jesus, you can tell, was aware that injustices abounded.

19. The Community has no competencies regarding matters of restitution or compensation for historical injustices

20. And do these traits not contribute to injustices in the world?

21. 4 The world’s media daily bombard us with a list of injustices.

22. Many of God’s people have been victims of crime, war, and other injustices.

23. 22 What about other injustices that now cause so much misery?

24. The injustices they did me rankled me for a long while.

25. Demanding an absurdity only brings scorn and diverts attention from real injustices.

26. He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices.

27. Incensed by those injustices, we assaulted white youths right there in the movie theater.

28. Surrounded as we are by gross injustices, we can learn much from it.

29. Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted

30. We do little for our patients if we fail to recognize these social injustices.

31. Yet, the foregoing pales into insignificance when compared with the injustices wrought upon Christ Jesus.

32. Earth wide, disasters, calamities, wars, diseases, crime, and injustices are constantly on the increase.

33. Remember, soon the injustices and inequities of this world will be rectified under God’s Kingdom.

34. The Non-Aligned Movement has identified economic underdevelopment, poverty, and social injustices as growing threats to peace and security.

35. Attica investigates the rebellion and its bloody suppression, revealing institutionalized injustices, sanctioned dishonesty, and abuses of power.

36. Are you depressed because of the wrongs, or crushed because of the injustices you have to endure?

37. Sexual assault, along with other kinds of injustices, is reported in the media all the time.

38. Why do the Government not act on the huge injustices currently affecting business people[], such as original lessee liability?

39. The Contingent is a venture nonprofit that addresses many of the largest injustices and vulnerabilities facing Oregonians today

40. (Psalm 33:5) Jehovah acted to correct the injustices, maneuvering events so that Joseph was finally released.

41. Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted [Millhiser, Ian] on

42. Thus, admission to heaven involves more than compensation for injustices suffered or even a rewarding of personal faithfulness.

43. He and his emotional wife spoke publicly against bourgeois injustices and luxury, while secretly amassing a private fortune.

44. Traffic jams, conflicting and changing values, misunderstandings, injustices, or other frustrations of daily life cause a lot of stress.

45. Jehovah has been patient while governments sent millions to their deaths in war and allowed gross economic injustices.

46. They anxiously ask: How can we fit into a world marked by so many grave injustices and so much suffering?

47. Angering Diminishes Fear and Shame Angering is the grieving technique of aggressively complaining about current or past losses and injustices

48. Afrikan Blood is a timely release that captures some of the roots reggae songs that speak to injustices that still exist today

49. (Acts 7:22) His faith came to the fore when he observed the injustices heaped on his brothers by Pharaoh’s slave masters.

50. Sadiq cited what he called "injustices" and "wrong policies", accusing national coach Kabir Khan of not acting in the best interest of the team.

51. To be clear, very real injustices, violence, and hatred of people claiming an LGBTQ+ identity should Be abhorrent to all Christians who honor God

52. The sense of wrongs, the injustices, the oppression, extortion, and pillage of twenty years suddenly and found voice in a raucous howl of execration.

53. In each form, the core legal and moral concepts underpinning Clemency remain the same: Chief executives have the power to correct systemic injustices and end imprisonment that

54. Among those with insufficient power to articulate concerns or injustices publicly, Contestations represent a growing collective awareness of being sufficiently empowered to do so.

55. To be clear, very real injustices, violence, and hatred of people claiming an LGBTQ+ identity should Be abhorrent to all Christians who honor God

56. The pioneer opened the Bible Teach book to chapter 1 and read aloud paragraph 11, under the subhead “How Does God Feel About Injustices We Face?”

57. Some resurrected ones, as well as survivors of this unjust system, have been victims of apparent injustices such as congenital deformities, blindness, deafness, or speech impediments.

58. But speaking to belief of Absurdities provoking injustices, what leaped to mind was the jailing of one Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, he of “Innocence of Muslims” fame

59. Enviva & the Wood Pellets Industry The Rachel Carson Council’s latest report, Clear cut, highlights the economic and political injustices surrounding the wood pellet industry, focusing on Enviva, the […]

60. Since then, many writers have credited this novel with focusing Northern anger at the injustices of slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law and helping to fuel the abolitionist movement.

61. Benga is frequently cited by scholars in studies of the evolutionist roots of racism, exploitation of third world cultures, museum theory, and injustices of the African American experience

62. Critical Criminologists tend to advocate some level of direct engagement with the range of social injustices so vividly exposed by their analysis and the application of theory to action, or praxis

63. Invisible Injustices - 40 One type focuses on the regulation of group processes and behaviors, while the other centers on understanding each group member's Cogitative understanding of content during a shared task.

64. An activist-research collective, Aging Activisms explores the diverse ways that activists of different ages, abilities, genders, and backgrounds resist injustices and create change across different movements and throughout their lives.

65. Inevitably the book offers no defence of an omnipotent being allowing life not to be fair - he argues that nobody caused random medical injustices so there can be no blame for them, ignoring the Blamability of choosing not to stop them

66. At the very least, we should appeal to the President of the House to ensure that, if appropriate, publicity could be given to this reluctance to tackle problems and flagrant injustices which continue to afflict certain sectors of ordinary European society.

67. Confiscatory taxes go a step beyond simply behavioral incentives, and are usually an attempt to correct or punish perceived injustices, while at the same time using the tax code to make a powerful political statement.

68. Afterimages By Audre Lorde About this Poet A self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia

69. Balt provides legal support to Baltimore communities as they exercise their civil liberties protesting against injustices rooted in structural racism and economic inequality. Balt exercises a community lawyering approach because we believe that communities' organizing efforts should drive legal advocacy.

70. Raised in an affluent, cultured and religious family, Henrietta joined the women's movement, becoming actively involved in different religious organizations and coming face-to-face with the injustices of old traditions, where the exclusion of women was widely accepted.

71. But we both recognize that though we have come a long way from the old injustices that once stained our nation 's reputation and denied some Americans the full blessings of American citizenship , the memory of them still had the power to wound .

72. ‘She Capably argues the injustices of the medieval class system.’ ‘It's a short set, accompanied Capably by a violinist.’ ‘It has provided an anamorphic transfer that Capably preserves the colors.’ ‘The author Capably describes the conflicts as they developed.’ ‘They provide a wealth of data, Capably …

73. Lili (Pauline Burlet, La Vie en Rose), outraged by the injustices of the Nazi occupation, and a group of like-minded souls band together to fight the Germans and their French collaborators, all the while producing the underground newspaper Resistance for which they will go to dangerous lengths to illegally distribute

74. It demonstrates how the staging of bureaucratic encounters individualizes and Allegorizes the relationship between state and civil society, in order to illuminate procedural injustices that are bound up with broader political and ethical issues, including immigration, competing conceptions of legal rights and citizenship, and ecological anxieties.

75. Chartism was the first movement both working class in character and national in scope that grew out of the protest against the injustices of the new industrial and political order in Britain. While composed of working people, Chartism was also mobilized around populism as well as clan identity

76. 2:7) Yes, his doing good for those walking uprightly requires that he take action against all who stubbornly refuse to conform to the ways of righteousness and who thereby contribute to the injustices, oppression and lawlessness that are today making life on earth more dangerous and unpleasant.

77. Agam (Malaysia), speaking on agenda items 119 (b) and 119 (c), said that the results of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban from 31 August to 7 September 2001, were on the whole disappointing, even though common ground had emerged on some issues, in particular the recognition that slavery was a crime against humanity and that the victims of historical injustices continued to suffer its consequences — poverty, underdevelopment and social exclusion.