Use "informs" in a sentence

1. Blathers is very educated and often informs

2. Religion informs every aspect of their lives.

3. The leaflet informs customers about healthy eating.

4. 1 The leaflet informs customers about healthy eating.

5. The FBI informs Consul Han about the incident.

6. "I just added a little soy sauce," he informs us.

7. This sentence is what cold cloud use ventriloquism informs.

8. A later letter informs Watanabe that Naoko has killed herself.

9. The code informs us where and when a product was packaged.

10. After examining the body of Santino, the Adjudicator informs Winston that he

11. Her experience as a refugee informs the content of her latest novel.

12. Round architecture informs Aglet Mono, tempering its rigorous, fixed-width rhythm

13. | | | | | Annual report filed with the district inspectorate | ICEF informs SGBD of verification check |

14. I've spoken to Alkar and he informs me that custom forbids it.

15. The prodigal son informs his father that he wants his inheritance now.

16. The Light of Christ, which is distinct from the Holy Ghost, informs their conscience.

17. A prominent national paper that informs our opinion and dialogue was announcing a cutback.

18. At all times, it informs or alerts as to its condition, in real-time.

19. It also informs you about information that is typically subject to exceptions on access.

20. Census data provides a rich snapshot of the nation and informs government, community and business

21. Clearly, the Assiduousness with which this step should be undertaken will depend on what informs it

22. This one informs you about events like switching from AC to battery or closing the lid.

23. The perspective on pedagogy that informs this book, then, makes considerable demands on the practising teacher.

24. Synonyms for Apprises include advises, enlightens, informs, tells, briefs, notifies, acquaints, clears, communicates and familiarises

25. Barley is much too astute to state this baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.

26. Design thinkers often seek out extreme situations, because that often informs some of their best designs.

27. It has 600 interactive maps and informs policymaking on decentralizing energy and encourages further renewable energy investments.

28. People with dominant Strategic Thinking themes like Analytical absorb and analyze information that informs better decisions.

29. Synonyms for Acquaints include enlightens, familiarises, familiarizes, tells, advises, informs, announces, apprises, makes familiar and reveals

30. Rankin informs us that the Aiguillette was never a cord and pencil (or pen) worn by

31. An example is a sign that informs you that fish is now selling at half price.

32. So now, you can appreciate how entropy informs us about the evolution of the physical processes.

33. She gleefully informs Effie that James loves someone else and she will be united with Gurn.

34. Separating emotional and physical infidelity, Buss informs that females are more anxious about their mate's emotional infidelities and …

35. And so this informs, among other things, of course, a treatment for bone marrow transplant, which he undertakes.

36. 5 Barley is much too astute to state this baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.

37. MinuteMachine informs you per e-mail, whenever there is a advertisement published that meets your chosen criteria.

38. This reference work also informs us that “cardinals enjoy the privilege of being directly addressed as ‘Eminence.’”

39. He informs her she is the heir to the throne of the magical Indian kingdom of Manjipoor.

40. Chowrangi blog informs about a free interactive mobile app which introduces kids to Urdu alphabets and words.

41. Later, Vinod rings Jyoti and informs him that he is sending his friend to her eye hospital.

42. When detectors are struck, the alarm is relayed to the Train Dispatcher who then informs the train crew.

43. Before a bidder makes an offer for another company, it usually first informs the company's board of directors.

44. 18 Barley is much too astute to state this baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.

45. espatch advice: Document by means of which the seller or consignor informs the consignee about the despatch of goods

46. You are important to me, and firsthand inquiry informs me that you are vitally important to your flock.

47. With the nose, because your fingers are crossed, your brain gets mischievous and informs you that you have two noses.

48. A father in Germany informs his family in advance what they will consider in the weeks to come.

49. “We shouldn’t underestimate the awkwardness and uncertainty that many people feel about their divorced friends,” informs one researcher.

50. Belshazzar informs Daniel of the inability of all the wise men either to read or to interpret the writing

51. She encounters a male Afreet, who informs her that he has found a mortal who is prettier than hers.

52. Allocution definition: a formal or authoritative speech or address , esp one that advises , informs , or exhorts Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

53. Years later, the village Elder informs a teenage Ratonhnhaké:ton that their tribe's duty is to prevent the Temple's discovery.

54. Today the company informs me to go to Oklahoma to travel on official business, all died of exhaustion tiredly!

55. 14 rows  · The list of historical Blockades informs about Blockades that were carried out either on land, …

56. Moreover, Luke 3:21-23 informs us that Jesus was about 30 years of age when he commenced his ministry.

57. When Tom mentions he is staying at the Longchamp farm, the bartender informs him Francis is banned from the establishment.

58. — the producer informs the inspection body or authority in advance of any delivery or selling of the livestock or livestock products,

59. Learning 2020-21 informs Aps families and the entire community of our blueprint for educating our 20,000+ students in this unconventional school year

60. All Areas of project management are important, but communication management might be paramount as it informs every aspect of the project

61. The demand declines, prices drop, the produced commodities get accumulated in inventories, which informs entrepreneurs of the necessity to reduce output.

62. Behavior Based Safety (Bbs), is a process that informs management and employees of the overall safety of the workplace through safety observations

63. The Prince informs her that his father died when he was young and his mother had to wage war to defend his kingdom.

64. After issuing the warrant, the magistrate informs the Master of the 72 Demons of Tang Long's whereabouts, hoping to receive a reward.

65. Examples from the Corpus Baldly • Barley is much too astute to state this Baldly, but it informs his every strategy as author.

66. And the book A History of Christianity informs us: “There were early reports of his violent temper and his cruelty in anger. . . .

67. The notice also informs the contemnor of his right to apply to the court to purge his contempt and ask for release.

68. “Use of the notice informs the public that a work is protected by Copyright, identifies the Copyright owner, and shows the year of first publication

69. He informs the study conductor in advance of his visit so that the group can make necessary plans to benefit fully from the week’s activities.

70. The World Book Encyclopedia informs us: “It has been shown that mediums trick people at séances into believing that spirits can communicate with the living.

71. SOURCE: Abuelas; Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo informs about the restitution of another grandchild, case number 119, which we were able to solve

72. Nonetheless, Earth remains the only place in the universe known to harbour life, and fossil evidence from the Earth informs most studies of abiogenesis.

73. Ip introduces himself, and Hung informs him that before setting up a school, he needs to attend a special fighting ceremony to test his worth.

74. Clerestory is a full-service writing and design company, focused on providing you with creative content that entices, intrigues, entertains, and informs your audiences

75. One day, Leah informs Simon about an online confession of a closeted gay student at their high school, known only by the pseudonym "Blue".

76. There are many different techniques of Bibliomancy that can be used, and a practitioner's own belief system often informs the way in which results are interpreted.

77. Merriam Webster dictionary informs us that the word Biddable means “ easily led, taught, or controlled, docile.” Oxford Dictionary says: “ meekly ready to accept and follow instructions.

78. No other museum in Germany informs so Comprehensively about the civilization, economy, settlement, religion, and art of the first four hundred years of the common era.

79. The present work informs about the biochemical results of 10 patients with fungus-poisoning (amanita phalloides) and compare it with literary references, especially with experimental tests.

80. Alarms in an operation and maintenance (O&M) monitoring system, which informs the bad working state of (a particular part of) the system under monitoring