Use "inferred" in a sentence

1. These conclusions were lamely inferred.

2. A lot can be inferred from these statistics.

3. I inferred from her expression that she was angry.

4. 2 From the postmark he inferred where she lived.

5. Multiple origins of Anural development in ascidians inferred from rDNA sequences

6. The pterosaur genera Pterodactylus, Scaphognathus, and Tupuxuara have been inferred to be diurnal, Ctenochasma, Pterodaustro, and Rhamphorhynchus have been inferred to be nocturnal, and Tapejara has been inferred to be cathemeral, being active throughout the day for short intervals.

7. It is inferred that they make love for the first time.

8. 8 There was no reply, whence he inferred that all had gone.

9. It is inferred from this point that the Memorandum was concluded sine die.

10. It is not to be inferred that all scientists are antagonistic to religion.

11. Frequencies of external fundamentals are tentatively inferred from absorption bands appearing in the second order spectrum.

12. While Attitudes logically are hypothetical constructs (i.e., they are inferred but not objectively observable),

13. By referring this to a calibration curve based on tree rings, the absolute date is inferred.

14. And also typical wild soybeans were inferred to have had introgression from cultivated soybeans.

15. The presence of an eutectic at 523° C was inferred from differential thermal heating and cooling curves.

16. 9 Group two can be inferred from the spontaneous irruption of subliminal contents into consciousness.

17. Synonyms for Conjectural include academic, hypothetical, speculative, suppositional, theoretical, tentative, abstract, inferred, notional and postulated

18. Cytogenetic techniques may be able to detect inversions, or inversions may be inferred from genetic analysis.

19. The deputy judge inferred that the deceased was seriously confused as to the extent of his assets.

20. “Anhematopoiesis” was inferred from the empty appearance of the marrow at autopsy by the earliest observers of the disease

21. In some cases costs and benefits must be estimated indirectly or inferred because pertinent market prices do not exist.

22. The experimenters inferred that the different responses to the statements were not due to passive reasoning errors.

23. If this is a donor–Acceptor pair transition, then the inferred Acceptor binding energy is 0.1–0.2 eV.

24. Each Admixing population copies from each panel according to a set of weight parameters inferred by the method

25. Simon Kuznets, in the 1930s, said that, " A nation's welfare can scarcely be inferred from their national income. "

26. Such arbitration can result in the award of financial compensation for real and inferred financial losses due to the action.

27. Consequently, bioaccumulation, and in particular Biomagnification of MPs and associated chemical additives, are often inferred to occur in marine food webs

28. “Anhematopoiesis” was inferred from the empty appearance of the marrow at autopsy by the earliest observers of the disease

29. "Anhematopoiesis" was inferred from the empty appearance of the marrow at autopsy by the earliest observers of the disease

30. For the other families, however, association with the duke can be inferred only from grants made after his accession.

31. The date of these events can be inferred only by the episcopal chronology of the bishops of the eastern Angles.

32. Predators of adult Belemnites were sharks, bony fishes, ichthyosaurs, and other marine reptiles as inferred from stomach contents and pathologies.

33. Roles implied within a text and/or inferred by readers: addresser refers to an authorial persona, while Addressee refers to an ideal reader.

34. Nanny Adhered to the dogmatics, and inferred, from reason and nature, that heat was the best application for driving away cold

35. For instance, the Slant Column Density (SCD) of key trace species may be derived from inferred differential absorption and knowledge of the cross sections.

36. Given the incompressibility of water, a relation between specific elastic storage, compressibility modulus and deformation modulus was inferred by applying current related formulas.

37. Indeed, many of the masses listed in the table below are inferred from theory, using difficult measurements of the stars’ temperatures and absolute brightnesses.

38. The Cosecant Function Important characteristics of the Cosecant function can be inferred from the fact that it is the reciprocal of the sine function

39. The longitudinal slit probably has the function of releasing endospore. From the complicated structure, it can be inferred that these organisms might be of eukaryote.

40. The fact that they are closely related to squid and cuttlefish means that it can be inferred that Belemnites possessed a head with tentacles/arms

41. The phylogeny inferred from rDNA sequences is consistent with molgulid systematics according to adult morphology and supports the polyphyletic origin of Anural development in ascidians.

42. 20 This paper studies electromagnetic's basic law through the special theory of relativity. It has inferred Biot-Savart Law by Coulomb Law and Lorent z Transformation.

43. On the other hand, it is inferred that the shorter migration length for the In atoms under high growth rate results in less prominent QDs coalescence.

44. Biserial is a special case of the polyserial correlation, which is the inferred latent correlation between a continuous variable (X) and a ordered categorical variable (e.g., an item response)

45. The selective toxicity of lotilaner between insects and Acarines and mammals may be inferred by the differential sensitivity of the insects and Acarines’ GABA receptors versus mammalian GABA receptors

46. The selective toxicity of lotilaner between insects and Acarines and mammals may be inferred by the differential sensitivity of the insects and Acarines’ GABA receptors versus mammalian GABA receptors

47. 58 Indeed, it could be inferred from the adverbial phrase ‘where appropriate’ that an indication of the quantity of the services which the framework agreement covers is merely optional.

48. 30 According to the distribution of velocity field, it is inferred that the gas hydrate is mainly distributed in the overlying sedimentary strata near BSR in the study area.

49. The growth structure or discretization of the growth pattern into a series of phases Gi, defined by the paired values, absolute speed (V) - acceleration (G), was inferred.

50. Interpretations of the timing of accretion have been constrained by comparing faunal affinities, overstep sequences, age and kinematics of inferred accretionary deformational events, and controversial paleomagnetic data.

51. The China–North Korea border on land has not been formally defined, but from treaties and statements it can be inferred to be the Yalu (Amnok) river.

52. In fact, the architect of our national accounting system, Simon Kuznets, in the 1930s, said that, "A nation's welfare can scarcely be inferred from their national income."

53. “Anhematopoiesis” was patients,45,46 but mutations have been identified in only less than inferred from the empty appearance of the marrow at autopsy by 10% of cases

54. Brahmanism is an ideology and a way of life, originating from the history of the Vedas, often called a philosophy, practised on the basis of specific inferred

55. Callow says it mistakenly inferred, as a consequence of this dishonesty, that there was no danger of the existing winter contract being terminated pursuant to clause 9 of the contract

56. Law Inferred, imputed, or presumed from circumstances: The judge ruled that the tenant was subjected to a Constructive eviction because the landlord had turned off all the utilities

57. The selective toxicity of afoxolaner between insects and Acarines and mammals may be inferred by the differential sensitivity of the insects and Acarines’ GABA receptors versus mammalian GABA

58. The functional annotation of the 400 PhyloPhlAn marker genes 25 was performed by aligning the protein sequences of the 400 marker genes (inferred from 2887 bacterial and Archeal …

59. To a first order, a dominantly Asteroidal source of water accreted during the LAW is similar to the dominant source inferred for the subsequent basin-forming epoch of …

60. Resting unconformably on the upper surface of the basalt is a thin layer (≤ 10 m) of marine, basal Windsor Group limestone, disconformably overlain by alluvial conglomerates of inferred Hopewell Group age.

61. Let us say, moreover, parenthetically, that from a few words of what precedes a marked separation might be inferred between the two classes of historians which does not exist in our mind.

62. 17 Nominal anaphora, which is marked or illogical, usually carries special pragmatic meanings. This anaphoric pattern can only be analyzed and inferred reasonably from a point of view of pragmatics.

63. Based on an analysis of the conodont biofacies, it is inferred that there was probably a deep-sea basin facies sedimentary environment in the Wenguer area during the early Middle Permian.

64. (Hab 1:1; 3:1) From the book’s closing notation (“To the director on my stringed instruments”) and the dirge in chapter 3, it has been inferred that Habakkuk was a Levitical temple musician.

65. It is inferred that inhibin, activin and foilistatin or their inhibitor may used in clinical to prevent or treat with some pregnancy complications, such as IUGR, PIH, recurrent abortion, et al.

66. There is no discernible correlation between the stratigraphic sequence of fossil taxa considered in this review and the pattern of evolution inferred from phylogenetic analysis, except for the younger age of Chloranthus-like Androecia (Chloranthistemon).

67. The microwave dielectric loss, ɛ′′, is influenced by the low frequency “tail” of the infrared resonance type absorption, as may be inferred from the monotonic increase with temperature and proportionality to frequency.

68. It is inferred that inhibin, activin and foilistatin or their inhibitor may used in clinical to prevent or treat with some pregnancy complications, such as IUGR, PIH, recurrent abortion,[] et al.

69. It can be inferred that this relates to the Latin references to the braccae that were worn by the ancient Celts.The term Breeks is often used to refer to a trouser similar to

70. Jurassic dinosaurs and plants also exhibit strong affinities between the two hemispheres, implying free land communication until quite late in the period, and at least intermittent land connections must be inferred for the Cretaceous.

71. It is important to note that this ternary phase diagram is for samples prepared by mechanical Attriting, that the observed CoSn phase is amorphous in these experiments, and that the carbon matrix phase is inferred, not observed.

72. Based on the theory of cognitive psychology (Sternberg, Sternberg, & Mio, 2008), we put forward negative Anticipations (Zhang, Zhang, & Wang, 2010) as a mediator, and inferred that supervisor narcissism would increase negative Anticipations of employee …

73. Because the tooth rows are deeply indented from the outside of the jaws, and because of other anatomical details, it is inferred that Edmontosaurus and most other ornithischians had cheek-like structures, muscular or non-muscular.

74. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

75. Characteristic and General X-Radiation.-From a comparison of (a) the radiation from different Anticathodes, and (b) the intensity as measured by ionization and by the photoelectric effect, it is inferred that the radiation is largely general.

76. While Burglarious intent can be inferred from mere possession of tools uniquely or very highly adapted to burgl arious purposes, common items can be Burglarious tools if they can be used and are possessed for Burglarious purposes

77. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

78. Presently, the inferred margin of this partially molten zone coincides fairly well with a negative gravimetric anomaly that clusters around the tripoint between Argentina, Bolivia and Chile and with the extent of the Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex.

79. From this it might be inferred that breeches and Breeks relate to the Latin references to the braccae that were worn by the ancient Celts, but the Oxford English Dictionary gives the etymology as "Common Germanic".

80. The referring court notes that an affirmative answer might be inferred from the Court’s case-law on the portability of the pension rights of a worker who has been employed in the service of both a private employer and an EU institution.