Use "infatuation" in a sentence

1. Infatuation is not love.

2. Laura, you have an infatuation.

3. It's just an infatuation. She'll get over it.

4. What is the difference between real love and infatuation?

5. Your infatuation for him infected my daughter!

6. His infatuation with her lasted six months.

7. His infatuation blinded him to her faults.

8. As does Paige's infatuation with Beck's alter ego... the renegade.

9. She hoped that his ridiculous infatuation would soon wear off.

10. No one expected their infatuation with each other to last.

11. His infatuation with Diane seemed to be growing.

12. It isn't love, it's just a passing infatuation.

13. For example, infatuation is a species of mutual Bewitching

14. Bardo said his infatuation with Schaeffer dominated his life.

15. 11 She hoped that his ridiculous infatuation would soon wear off.

16. The infatuation will pass: better to let well alone.

17. What seemed to be an infatuation is so different now.

18. He is the first frightening indication of Tokyo's apparent infatuation with rap.

19. Shaw's infatuation with the actress is evident in his writing.

20. But his lawyers say it was only an infatuation forced by circumstances.

21. She realized that she felt fear as well as infatuation for this man.

22. My infatuation with Dana did, however, bring a certain simplicity to my existence.

23. This is only a passing infatuation, not to be taken too seriously.

24. As a result, infatuation is about as stable as a castle made of sand.

25. I fully realized the futility of this enterprise, an unrequited obsession, a one-sided infatuation.

26. At that stage, my delineation of native soil customs reached the realm of infatuation.

27. The kind of Coyness which she had displayed had been the very infatuation of feminine imbecility

28. 22 Well, it may just out to be an infatuation fizzle out sooner than you realize.

29. She must steer clear of Matthew and then perhaps this ridiculous infatuation would wear off.

30. Questions about his infatuation with the bar owner's wife were met by a stony stare.

31. 23 She must steer clear of Matthew and then perhaps this ridiculous infatuation would wear off.

32. There was not an Artifice I did not practise to cure myself of this baleful infatuation.

33. I had liked to think that Richard Gott knew better, so his infatuation with Chavez is alarming.

34. The whole matt black thing was good, classic design which grew out of the Seventies infatuation with high-tech.

35. They refer to a state beyond human ills, beyond human infatuation and beyond the Befogging of human intellect

36. Infatuation is about as stable as a castle made of sand —in a short time, it washes away

37. Cherishing is not based on infatuation but authenticity — on knowing someone, preferring someone, and choosing someone above all others

38. Was this the kind of total immersion in another person which Mortimer Harrison had undergone, in his unhealthy infatuation with her?

39. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Causes the opponent to be inflicted with Infatuation -- % Z-Attract: Detailed Effect: Reset Stats: Resets all lowered stat modifications

40. They had had an average of seven “romantic experiences” each and invariably said that their current experience was true love, not infatuation.

41. Publishers Weekly's starred review described Bella's "infatuation with outsider Edward", their risky relationship, and "Edward's inner struggle" as a metaphor for sexual frustration accompanying adolescence.

42. Affatuate infatuated Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by infatuation infatuated {s} bewitched, enamored, captivated, obsessed with someone or something infatuated past of …

43. The love between human and genie is the antetype of Chinese traditional literature, which expresses a kind of psychology of male's infatuation and fear to female in the society.

44. Timothy Spall as Nathaniel He is a servant of Queen Narissa, who controls him through his infatuation with her and his own lack of self-esteem.

45. 11 The contact of her warm, palpitating body when he had unthinkingly drawn her into his arms, and aroused all the old-time infatuation and desire for her flesh.

46. (This type, it occurs to me, has an analog in love — the serial Besotter, who thrives on the thrill of infatuation, but crumbles as soon as the fantasy the beloved becomes a real relationship teeming with imperfection and the often toilsome work of love.) Cajal writes:

47. Let realism have its demonstration, comedy its criticism, or even Bawdry its horselaugh at the expense of sexual infatuation, if it must; but to ask us to subject our souls to its ruinous glamour, to worship it, deify it, and imply that it alone makes our life worth living, is nothing but folly gone mad erotically—a thing compared to which Falstaff's unbeglamored drinking and drabbing is