Use "inevitable" in a sentence

1. • Progresses to inevitable abortion in approximately 50% of cases Inevitable Abortion

2. However, acrimony is inevitable.

3. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.

4. Catabolic capitalism is not inevitable

5. In marriage, disagreements are inevitable.

6. You have to accept the inevitable.

7. The scandal made her resignation inevitable.

8. It seems inevitable that they'll lose.

9. Reinvestment and pyramiding are not inevitable.

10. UnAvoidable definition is - not Avoidable : inevitable

11. An Ace Ventura sequel was inevitable.

12. There were inevitable bouts of homesickness.

13. Some shrinkage of the industry is inevitable.

14. Is the destruction of the world inevitable?

15. Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.

16. War on an industrial scale is inevitable.

17. Are these the inevitable and permanent outcomes?

18. The inevitable happened-I forgot my passport.

19. 8 Some drop out is probably inevitable.

20. Corporatism is an inevitable outcome of capitalism

21. 15 The factory closure is seemingly inevitable.

22. Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage.

23. Namely, the inevitable decline of pagan myth.

24. They came to see defeat as inevitable.

25. She bowed to the inevitable and resigned.

26. Diana's inevitable inclination was to imitate Sarah.

27. Nobody can imperturbable acceptance of the inevitable.

28. In retrospect, this split was probably inevitable.

29. Some pursue riches and reap the inevitable consequences.

30. 7 'It's just delaying the inevitable,' he said.

31. Cataracts are like death and (yup) taxes: Inevitable

32. Significant damage to Mirando's stock price seems inevitable.

33. A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.

34. The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.

35. If they do this, ecological catastrophe is inevitable.

36. Nancy braced herself for the inevitable arguments.

37. Their main thesis was that war was inevitable.

38. The abolition of the transfer system is inevitable.

39. It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.

40. 22 Diana's inevitable inclination was to imitate Sarah.

41. Blighty was the inevitable British soldier’s corruption of it

42. Accidents are the inevitable result of driving too fast.

43. Like father, like son isn't always inevitable, Mr. Snart.

44. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable.

45. Orthodox economists believe that a recession is now inevitable.

46. The result is an inevitable imbalance within the workplace.

47. 11 Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

48. In this situation accumulation of intervention stocks is inevitable.

49. Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions.

50. 27 A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.

51. An exodus from California is by no means inevitable.

52. But a presumption of inevitable environmental detriment is premature.

53. A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.

54. It was inevitable that his Ninja mutant turtle followed!

55. The butis accepted this new Inevitable with seraphic smiles.

56. Answer: I don't think it is an inevitable fallout.

57. And "So let's quit prolonging the agony and inevitable.

58. Given a large enough sample, accidents are statistically inevitable.

59. Abuses are inevitable and data leaks are already happening.

60. And thirdly, new power is not the inevitable victor.

61. But red tape is an inevitable result of reform.

62. If not you risk the “inevitable Bastardising of both”

63. It's not inevitable, but we need to act decisively.

64. Is social inequality the inevitable corollary of economic freedom?

65. It was inevitable that there would be job losses.

66. 22 And there were inevitable structural constraints built in.

67. The rise of Filipino nationalism was slow, but inevitable.

68. 10 Sporadic friction with Madrid is inevitable and expected.

69. Clientelism is a common, expected and inevitable practice in politics

70. There is the inevitable poet , young and dream - entranced , break -

71. 12 And drink mineral water rather than the inevitable lager.

72. “Change not only was inevitable, but usually brought its own

73. Nevertheless, after the initial excitement abated, inevitable questions were raised.

74. As the suffering increased, a certain inevitable Schadenfreude set in.

75. 7 Urbanization is inevitable for a country to be modernized.

76. A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable mawkish ending.

77. • The Prime Minister, however, was simply Bowing to the inevitable

78. 14 But a presumption of inevitable environmental detriment is premature.

79. The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable.

80. It's inevitable in China that the peasants Besiege the cities