Use "indexation" in a sentence

1. (11) The dis-indexation draft law aims at discontinuing indexation schemes in administered prices and fees.

2. The indexation formula could be adjusted to take into account their high rate of unemployment.

3. The Monitoring Committee allocated funds accruing from indexation to EAGGF activities under measure (b).

4. Inter alia, the reforms also addressed eligibility conditions, parameters affecting entitlements and indexation rules.

5. The National Child Benefit (NCB) Supplement was increased by $482 plus indexation adjustments between 2003 and 2006.

6. To avoid needless small adjustments, indexation only takes place when there is at least a 5% increase.

7. This indexation shall take place on the yearly anniversary of the entry into force of this Regulation.

8. Alongside a more generous indexation of pension benefits, the government increased the basic pension amount and topped up pensions for older pensioners.

9. They also offered an indexation based on the distorted domestic benzene price in China, which could not be accepted.

10. It also offered an indexation based on the distorted domestic benzene price in the PRC, which could not be accepted.

11. Wage setting takes little account in practice of substantial productivity differentials and indexation clauses in wage negotiations also create inefficient allocation of labour.

12. The sections below will analyse the question of new or existing aid in reference to the ALFA-method and its indexation and of the ATP project.

13. 1. step-up structural reforms aimed at liberalising administered prices and advance further with de-indexation, in particular of the wage setting mechanism (GL 5).

14. According to A1 Telekom Austria, a price change resulting from the application of indexation clauses does not constitute a contractual modification, but the ordinary performance of the contract.

15. The choice of the price of threaded tubes sold by Corus as an index is not neutral and makes the formula in question very different from an ordinary indexation clause.