Use "income support" in a sentence

1. Income Support

2. Income Support because of sickness

3. For Grants you must usually be getting Income Support or income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance .

4. Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.

5. Disability premium or higher pensioner premium on : Income Support , income - based Jobseeker ' s Allowance , Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit .

6. 13 Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.

7. • savings to income support programs as a result of increased earnings through employment;

8. This was due mainly to a decrease in programme support income of $168,000.

9. He also receives £1,820 council tax allowance, £5,200 income support and £3,120 child benefits.

10. Child support payments are neither deductible by the payer nor taxable income to the recipient

11. Old Age Security will continue to provide the first level of income support for seniors.

12. Black professionals with disposable income believing in the black community enough to support black businesses.

13. • introduction of optional adjustment by the Member States of direct income support for agricultural holdings.

14. Yet the churches cherish the income, and so continue to support the highly profitable church tax.

15. The Bubbie Project provides support to children of incarcerated inmates who come from low income households

16. Remittances are a key source of income for households and support for the economy in developing countries.

17. That is a key part in the identification process of an asylum seeker applying for income support.

18. However, this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates.

19. The Houston Housing Authority is committed to providing support to its low-income, elderly and disabled residents

20. You may know them as happy people with caring families and with income adequate to support them comfortably.

21. One of the Government's aims in moving from supplementary benefit to income support was to simplify the system.

22. Market income + government transfers – income taxes = After-tax income Market income comprises four categories:

23. ifetime income and permanent income hypothesis

24. Adolescents in these scenarios have major barriers to receiving the support that their peers in higher-income communities are getting

25. Lifetime income and permanent income hypothesis,

26. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover

27. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

28. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover.

29. Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income

30. Chart Money income and after-tax income as a ratio of factor income.

31. She will also consider pruning the number of royals who receive tax-payers' support - and paying tax on her private income.

32. The aggregate income index is disposable income.

33. Aspires focuses on efficiently providing technical assistance to scale up high-quality interventions in consumption support, money management and income promotion

34. A home-owning pensioner over 75 who does not qualify for income support gets a mere 50p a week extra rate.

35. 60 Before-tax income 50 After-tax income

36. Cowl endeavors to support women of all income levels who, for various reasons, have not had the opportunity to continue their education

37. Additionally, those entitled to income support receive full help with their rent and up to 80 percent assistance with their community charge.

38. Before applying the impact of support charges, his model farm produced a farm gross margin of £000 under farm income-optimising calculations.

39. 169 Income concepts Market income and after-tax income are related by the following equation:

40. Accessive is a nonprofit organization that provides low-income students with the mentorship, guidance, motivation and educational support necessary for them to

41. (Disposable income and after-tax income are synonymous; this study will use the term aftertax income.)

42. Taxable income derived from income from employment and home ownership is the aggregate total income, comprising:

43. Additionally, in terms of income, the GDI considers income-gaps in terms of actual earned income.

44. Income statement Net income "Selling, general and administrative expense".

45. Budgetable income consists of projected gross annual income, except for self-employment income, which uses net income (see Section 33.6.6 Self-Employment Earnings)

46. Count gross Boarder income minus expenses as earned income.

47. If you are aged 60 or over you will be able to choose whether to get Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance ( JSA ) .

48. Personal income tax has been cut form your income.

49. ‘disposable income’ = employee income + self-employment income, e.g. profits + income from public pensions + income from private and occupational pensions + income from unemployment benefits + income from social transfers other than unemployment benefits + regular private transfers, e.g. alimonies + (gross rental income from real estate property – debt servicing costs on rental property + income from financial investments) + income from private business or partnership + regular income from other sources + loan subsidies – taxes – health care/social security/medical insurance premiums + tax rebates.

50. SECTION A Farm Income HIGHLIGHTS Farm Income - Aggregate Level

51. A personal income statement lists personal income and expenses.

52. To compensate for this loss of income, a society may need to create additional forms of societal programs to help support the poor.

53. Unreported income.

54. It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States.

55. A.16. Prepayments and accrued income – Accruals and deferred income These accounts comprise: Prepayments and accrued income:

56. UNDP support for the establishment of community microprojects and micro-enterprises, support for management structures in rural communities, and MDG promotion in selected villages have helped boost the target groups’ income above the poverty line.

57. The Alchemist can be upgraded to generate additional income from Bloons or to support nearby monkeys, allowing them to pop Lead Bloons and do

58. Taxpayer: Is the rental income taxable for personal income tax?

59. • the allowance is not included in the officer's income when determining their income for income tax purposes; and

60. They thus add to the business flier's personal income, income on which no personal income tax is paid.

61. Therefore, Adjusted gross income is simply your gross income minus adjustments

62. Black per capita income overall was 56 percent of white income.

63. If you claim Income Support or Jobseeker ' s Allowance you will get forms to claim Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit with your claim pack .

64. Prepayments and accrued income - Accruals and deferred income These accounts comprise:

65. Middling income Middle - income whites have the best blood pressure, but.

66. 26 As a branch of financial accounting, accounting for income tax is different frow income tax accounting and it deals with the difference between accounting income and taxable income.

67. Adjusted gross income (AGI) is the number you get after you subtract your adjustments to income from your gross income

68. Less accrued income

69. It's steady income

70. In a time of receding income, the income tax reduces itself automatically.

71. Actual expenditure/income

72. Other accrued income

73. Triple my income?

74. The relevance of the average alternative income and the actual alternative income

75. Median white household income is $ 8 while black household income is $ 4

76. Total accrued income

77. 3 . Income Stocks

78. Options payments will be treated as non-allowable income under CAIS and are reported as farming income for income tax purposes.

79. Compere : Does the income that searches now produce effect in whole income?

80. Individual income tax for personal gain, is all sorts of taxable income.