Use "in manuscript" in a sentence

1. a manuscript reproduced in facsimile.

2. Her autobiography remained in manuscript .

3. Beowulf exists in only one manuscript

4. I read his novel in manuscript.

5. My manuscript!

6. Her poems are still in manuscript.

7. Luke 22:43, 44 is omitted in the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209, the Alexandrine Manuscript, the Syriac Sinaitic codex, and in the corrected reading of the Sinaitic Manuscript.

8. I read her poems in manuscript.

9. God’s name in an early Hebrew manuscript

10. editing a prolix manuscript.

11. He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.

12. This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.

13. You are very helpful in preparing my manuscript.

14. Contamination, in manuscript tradition, a blending whereby a single manuscript contains readings originating from different sources or different lines of tradition

15. The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.

16. The oldest Greek manuscripts that we have of the Gospel of Matthew are the Sinaitic manuscript, the Vatican manuscript No. 1209 and the Alexandrine manuscript.

17. Every manuscript was edited microscopically.

18. This reading is according to the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209, the Alexandrine Manuscript, and Papyrus No.

19. This is a valuable medieval manuscript.

20. You speak regularly without a manuscript in the field ministry.

21. I have just read the manuscript.

22. The original manuscript has been lost.

23. He tore up the manuscript in a fit of petulance.

24. Manuscript room of The National Library

25. Notably, the Septuagint texts are preserved in the three famous uncial manuscripts written on vellum —the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Manuscript, both of the fourth century C.E., and the Alexandrine Manuscript of the fifth century C.E.

26. 22 Submission Format: Send the complete manuscript.

27. 9 The editor read over the manuscript.

28. And we imaged the manuscript in 14 different wavebands of light.

29. The texts exist only in a single ninth-century manuscript in Berlin.

30. The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession .

31. This manuscript addresses uncertainty around Aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) in dentistry

32. Professor Jones down the written manuscript in the library of Congress.

33. To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected.

34. This resource covers American Sociological Association (Asa) style and includes information about manuscript formatting, in-text citations, formatting the references page, and accepted manuscript writing style

35. Antiphonar Antiphonary Antiphonale Pergament Handschrift manuscript CXVII

36. He raced the manuscript to the printers.

37. Initiale Buchmalerei Antiphonar Pergament Antiphonale Handschrift manuscript.

38. Eyring review a manuscript late at night.

39. We need volunteers to transcribe this manuscript.

40. Royal Armouries Manuscript I.33, also known as the Tower Fechtbuch or the Walpurgis Manuscript, is the oldest known manual of swordsmanship in the Western canon

41. The manuscript bears the date 10 April 19

42. The present whereabouts of the manuscript is unknown.

43. I only have one copy of the manuscript.

44. Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.

45. The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.

46. Professor Jones hunted down the written manuscript in the library of Congress.

47. The manuscript is bound in gold and silver and encrusted with jewels.

48. The Manuscript Almanacks of Mary Moody Emerson

49. The Royal Armouries Manuscript I.33, also known as the Tower Fechtbuch or the Walpurgis Manuscript, is the oldest-known manual of swordsmanship in the western canon

50. The resulting manuscript was completed in September 1610 and published as Dioptrice in 1611.

51. These data have been presented in abstract form, and a manuscript is in preparation.

52. The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt.

53. What was so significant about this particular manuscript?

54. He had seen a manuscript of the book.

55. His manuscript has already been accepted for publication.

56. Autograph, any manuscript handwritten by its author, either in alphabetical or musical notation

57. 16 Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.

58. 2 It was perfect, like the letter-high illuminations in a medieval manuscript.

59. While the manuscript was in Palmyra, it was lost, never to be recovered.

60. Authors submitting to Data in Brief should use this template to write their manuscript.

61. In 1823, a clerk came across the wrapped manuscript of the noted poet.

62. 24 The earliest mention of the village is in a 16th-century manuscript.

63. The Alexandrine Manuscript (Codex Alexandrinus), designated by the letter “A,” is a Greek uncial manuscript containing most of the Bible, including the book of Revelation.

64. This is a manuscript bearing as a title Ruth.

65. If you compare an Andalusi manuscript from the 12th century and a Mauritanian manuscript from the 19th century, they are so close in style that they could be by the same calligrapher.

66. Museum Lot Manuscript Music/ Antiphonals 15th to 17th C

67. The manuscript was typed and formatted by Aline Gélineau.

68. The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.

69. He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript.

70. She collated the final proof with the original manuscript.

71. The manuscript you sent us has a folio missing.

72. His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.

73. 4 I only have one copy of the manuscript.

74. He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher.

75. 2 The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt.

76. File containing an autograph manuscript of a version of the Adagio for violoncello and piano (4 p.). The manuscript bears the title Lied.

77. The adaptation of the play for radio manuscript was easy.

78. This is the earliest manuscript that exists and the only one in Mohr's handwriting.

79. Professor Smith hunted down the written manuscript in the Library of Congress at last.

80. The Voynich Manuscript is a medieval document written in an script and in an unknown language .