Use "in contrast with" in a sentence

1. In contrast with the world’s blindness, what illumination do we have?

2. This is a petit (small) jury, in contrast with a grand jury.

3. Or its scientific accuracy in contrast with other writings from those times?

4. 4. (a) In contrast with his rebellious people, who will search for Jehovah?

5. 4 John said that Christians, in contrast with the world, “originate with God.”

6. (b) How is this true of Christ Jesus, in contrast with the trinitarian view?

7. In contrast with the literature, all coefficients of these polynomials can be calculated exactly.

8. 14, 15. (a) To what did Jesus liken himself, in contrast with what ‘degenerate vine’?

9. 6 In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a mater of feeling.

10. In contrast with other SCP-producing organisms, Algae are grown in many cases by processes resembling

11. In contrast with results from the non - cooperative dynamic game, mutualism could perform better under coordination.

12. In contrast with the Nokia Asha 303, the screen of the Asha 302 is wider than taller.

13. 8 In Germany, in contrast with France,[] friendship is much more articulately a matter of feeling.

14. In contrast with Luke’s Gospel, John’s was an eyewitness account, written some 65 years after Jesus died.

15. In contrast with feudal society, which was gross and brutal, a new way of life had begun.

16. In contrast with Israel, in what way do the bull and the ass display a sense of faithfulness?

17. Appointed definition, by, through, or as a result of an appointment (often in contrast with elected): an Appointed official

18. Moses’ sister is set in contrast with Pharaoh, who schemed with his counselors to deal “shrewdly” with the Hebrews.

19. 8 In contrast with Deism, it is the recognition of God's presence and activity in every part of creation.

20. They teach that the spirit within each of us is eternal, in contrast with the body, which is mortal.

21. In contrast with them, as Bogey would say, fundamental-index expenses do not amount to a hill of beans.

22. Appointed definition, by, through, or as a result of an Appointment (often in contrast with elected): an Appointed official

23. In contrast with earlier years, entry permits have already been approved for additional shipments from the United Bible Societies.

24. The Chevrotain has solely three totally developed abdomen chambers, as in contrast with the 4-chambered abdomen of bigger ruminants

25. He pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him (in contrast with his co-defendants, who immediately pleaded guilty).

26. Thus, Djedkare Isesi and Unas did not build a sun temple in contrast with most of their Fifth Dynasty predecessors.

27. This is in contrast with a standard wild-type strain where only one acceptor is found for each tRNA studied.

28. In contrast, with secondary hyperAldosteronism, a problem elsewhere in the body causes the adrenal glands to release too much aldosterone.

29. For example, Afferent nerves arrive at a certain area which is in contrast with with efferent nerves which leave the area

30. In contrast with the dominant trend in rabbinic Judaism, Rashi always sought to highlight the simple, literal meaning of a text.

31. In contrast with the above-quoted accolades, however, the Talmud has been denigrated and called “a sea of obscurity and mud.”

32. Then our speech and conduct will always be in contrast with the actions of those who choose to be ill-mannered.

33. Buffs are universally positive or at least benign effects, in contrast with DeBuffs, over which the player has much less control.

34. In contrast with previous methods, this analyzer needs only a narrow frequency band and few filters to obtain exact quantitative results.

35. God’s courageous prophet added that in contrast with those useless gods, Jehovah is the God “in whose hand your breath is.”

36. Buffs are almost universally positive or at least benign effects, in contrast with DeBuffs, over which the player has much less control

37. 6 In contrast with those wicked kings, others saw God’s hand, even though they were in the same situation as those mentioned above.

38. Explosively deepening cyclones south of 50°S often show equator-ward movement, in contrast with the poleward motion of most Northern Hemisphere bombs.

39. A definition of Antinomies in contrast with veridical and falsidical paradoxes as defined by Quine.Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Ency

40. An Allograft is a tissue graft from someone else, in contrast with an autograft, in which the donor and the recipient are the same person

41. Coldness, in contrast with fire, represents the condition of the spirit without love.When Tita feels cold, it is always because she is feeling desolate and hopeless

42. this way: That is, in contrast with the practice of those who were accustomed to saying “the same things over and over again.” —Mt 6:7.

43. After World War II, Belgium was criticized by the United Nations for making no progress on the political front, in contrast with other contemporary colonial states.

44. In contrast with languages where Anaphors can be classified into pronouns and reflexives, Turkish has a tripartite system that consists of the Anaphors o, kendi, and kendisi

45. In contrast with its American and British counterparts, the set positions Italian house as almost exclusively euphoric, a perfect sound to emanate from a land of chiseled Adonises …

46. The abacus of the pillar and pilaster capitals becomes thinner , smaller , and polygonal in contrast with the large , thick and square forms of the Pallava and earlier Chola times .

47. 16 In contrast with the traditional method to coarsen and disperse the spatial data to administration unit,[] the spatial overlaying analysis can greatly diminish the loss of spatial information.

48. (2Sa 12:24, 25) The name reflected Jehovah’s love and acceptance of the newborn infant, in contrast with His rejection of their earlier adulterine child, which died soon after birth.

49. ABO blood groups vary in their vulnerability to severe malaria with relative protection afforded by group O in contrast with non-O groups that carry higher risks of severe malaria.

50. Acknowledging that immune cells move about far more than neurons,[Sentence dictionary] Paul spoke of the immune synapse as a "make and break" union in contrast with longer-term neuronal connections.

51. The dysphonic voice can be hoarse or excessively breathy, harsh, or rough, but some kind of phonation is still possible in contrast with the more severe Aphonia where phonation is impossible.

52. Behaviorism definition, the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively observable and quantifiable behavioral events, in contrast with subjective mental states

53. In contrast with those who transcribed dictated messages from God, Bible writers who received visions or dreams or who experienced trances often had some latitude to describe in their own words what they saw.

54. Optical Aberration, an imperfection in image formation by an optical system Chromatic Aberration, caused by differences in refractive index for different wavelengths of light, in contrast with monochromatic Aberration, which occurs for all frequencies of light

55. The main change is that any gain or loss resulting from changes in the actuarial assumptions is to be recognised directly in net assets, in contrast with the current requirement to recognise them in surplus or deficit.

56. In contrast with the contradictory findings of other research conducted in Taiwan, Ahern describes rites of betrothal and marriage and relations between Affines in a village where wife-givers appear 'distinctly superior' in ritual status to wife-takers' (p

57. Achillea ‘Paprika’ bears scarlet flowers that fades to pink-red with age, in contrast with finely divided grey-green leaves.It’s a good choice for growing in cottage and wildlife garden schemes, particularly as the flowers are attractive to hoverflies.

58. ‘The cantilever oscillation is Anharmonic and asymmetric when the quality factor is low, in contrast with TM AFM in air, where the cantilever oscillation is approximately sinusoidal and symmetric.’ ‘For an Anharmonic potential, the spacing between modes changes as energy increases.’

59. In contrast with the wealth of recent reports about the function of μ-Adaptins and clathrin adaptor protein (AP) complexes, there is very little information about the motifs that determine the sorting of membrane proteins within clathrin-coated vesicles in plants

60. Atticism was a rhetorical movement that began in the first quarter of the 1st century BC; it may also refer to the wordings and phrasings typical of this movement, in contrast with various contemporary forms of Koine Greek, which continued to evolve in directions guided by the common usages of Hellenistic Greek.

61. In contrast with the helium nuclei (alpha particles) which are positively charged, and therefore repelled by the considerable electrical forces present in the nuclei of heavy atom s, this new tool in atomic disintegration need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

62. The Cupules also were gradually wetter with time (Estimate = 3.99; χ 2 = 7.4, df = 1, p = 0.006) but, interestingly, in contrast with the high differences between wet and dry plots in terms of water content in the leaf litter, the differences in the relative humidity of the Cupules present in wet and dry plots were virtually nonexistent at the

63. The Cupules also were gradually wetter with time (Estimate = 3.99; χ 2 = 7.4, df = 1, p = 0.006) but, interestingly, in contrast with the high differences between wet and dry plots in terms of water content in the leaf litter, the differences in the relative humidity of the Cupules present in wet and dry plots were virtually nonexistent at the

64. The name "God Almighty" or "Almighty God" attributed to the Lord in the Old Testament is from the Hebrew name El Shaddai usually translated "God, the All-powerful One." In contrast with the numerous gods of the nations surrounding Israel, God was to be known as the Almighty God who reigned over all.

65. The Anschluss [ˈʔanʃlʊs]( listen) (spelled Anschluß at the time of the event, and until the German orthography reform of 1996; German for "connection" or union, political annexation1), also known as the Anschluss Österreichs (pronunciation(help·info)), was the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in March 1938.2 This was in contrast with the Anschluss movement (Austria and Germany

66. Atticism (meaning "favouring Attica", the region of Athens in Greece) was a rhetorical movement that began in the first quarter of the 1st century BC; it may also refer to the wordings and phrasings typical of this movement, in contrast with various contemporary forms of Koine Greek (both literary and vulgar), which continued to evolve in directions guided by the common usages of Hellenistic

67. Atticism (meaning "favouring Attica", the region of Athens in Greece) was a rhetorical movement that began in the first quarter of the 1st century BC; it may also refer to the wordings and phrasings typical of this movement, in contrast with various contemporary forms of Koine Greek (both literary and vulgar), which continued to evolve in directions guided by the common usages of Hellenistic