Use "impersonal" in a sentence

1. Would you prefer impersonal?

2. His voice was coolly impersonal.

3. He was methodical, almost impersonal.

4. 13 He was methodical, almost impersonal.

5. Others see it as impersonal, transcending gender.

6. His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.

7. Chid's letters are absolutely impersonal.

8. The restaurant's service was rushed and impersonal.

9. I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.

10. I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.

11. It is a huge, inflexible and impersonal organization.

12. It was bare, cramped and impersonal.

13. I hate staying in hotels; they're so impersonal.

14. She has a very cold and impersonal manner.

15. Let's keep the criticism general and impersonal.

16. The rest of the room was neat and impersonal.

17. His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.

18. Even his children found him strangely distant and impersonal.

19. Business letters need not be formal and impersonal.

20. He was attentive but impersonal, and esteemed rather than loved.

21. It is a huge(, inflexible and impersonal organization.

22. 3 I find the atmosphere there rather impersonal.

23. I think we should keep things entirely impersonal.

24. Time of itself is a mere impersonal, abstract term.

25. It's big impersonal overstocked and full of ignorant salespeople.

26. The whole thing was conducted on an impersonal level.

27. Sometimes she seems a very impersonal, even unkind, mother.

28. Things like machines may develop or neglect certain things in people ...Machines make our life impersonal and stultify certain elements in us and create an impersonal environment.

29. A vast, impersonal, abstract pattern stands be-hind this legend.

30. I had no desire to work for a large, impersonal organization.

31. His touch was as impersonal as that of a doctor.

32. It became an impersonal, distant, uncaring, social and welfare service.

33. Some may feel that because God is invisible, he is impersonal.

34. They can be seen as abstract, impersonal information about land and resources.

35. Before then many children were cared for in large impersonal orphanages.

36. We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife.

37. And it frightened her. It made him seem impersonal, almost to idiocy.

38. Many Archetypes take the form of mythic characters who appear in various impersonal guises

39. A psychic gestalt may seem impersonal to you, but its energy forms your person.

40. The relationship between Paul and Timothy was not businesslike, cold, or impersonal.

41. Earthquakes, famine, and disease are impersonal forces that wreak havoc on millions of people.

42. Giving people time to get to know one another will make the meeting less impersonal.

43. Spanish has three impersonal forms: the infinitive, the gerund, and the past participle.

44. The churches have made God appear to be nameless, abstract, impersonal, beyond human comprehension.

45. My slight personal acquaintance with the subject of all this discouraging impersonal solemnity seemed slightly ridiculous.

46. The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy.

47. She didn't want to work for a big corporation where everything was so impersonal.

48. Not quite artificial , for the poet was always in love with love , an impersonal love .

49. It is also said that Hinduism believes in an impersonal rather than a personal Deity.

50. The room told me nothing. just a bare, impersonal space in a cheap, dingy hotel.

51. Synonyms for Avoidant include stand-offish, aloof, cold, distant, haughty, remote, reserved, detached, impersonal and unapproachable

52. Though this active force is impersonal, it can, like a powerful breath of air, exert power.

53. The impersonal ego is the assimilated or appropriated values of our culture--the Confucian true self

54. (often impersonal or passive) to grieve; distress; afflict: it Aggrieved her much that she could not go

55. The world of institutions and impersonal justice must be held in check by the an-Archical responsibility for the

56. There is also an impersonal voice, which can be described as the passive voice of intransitive verbs.

57. The Voice-Adjunction theory of agentive ‘by’-phrases and the Icelandic impersonal passive* Anton Karl Ingason, 1Iris Edda Nowenstein, Einar Freyr Sigurðsson2 1University of Iceland and 2University of Pennsylvania Abstract We investigate ‘by’-phrases in the Icelandic impersonal passive and argue that

58. (Matthew 6:19) Should we think of him, though, as merely some abstract, impersonal force or a vague First Cause?

59. It was the intent face of female in rut - yet it was also the face of Justine, impersonal with death.

60. Without the light from the screen, the condo room seems as dull and impersonal as a room in a Holiday Inn.

61. I found myself staring at her, my mind devolving from the content of the short and impersonal crematorium service.

62. Ideally Bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical authority relations, defined spheres of competence subject to impersonal rules, recruitment by competence, and fixed salaries

63. Rather, it was the impersonal active force of God that was moving to and fro over the unlighted surface of the waters.

64. The advent of mass production has made many workers feel like little more than cogs in the wheels of a massive, impersonal machine.

65. Advaita definition is - Vedantic nondualism that denies the separateness of any aspect of reality from the impersonal oneness of Brahma.

66. His concept of prayer, however, requires analysis and clarification in view of his expressed preference for an impersonal and formless Absolute.

67. Brahman is impersonal Being in itself, but it can be known through the many gods and goddesses that are manifestations of Brahman

68. The quality of the nursing records was improved and the nursing records were impersonal, true, veracious and can meet the need for quoting.

69. The other extreme took "law" completely metaphorically, picking out some standard or norm perceivable in natural phenomena which governs behavior through entirely impersonal means.

70. Although Archetypes are impersonal patterns of influence that are both ancient and universal, they become personalized when they are a part of your individual psyche

71. Brahma is a representation of the impersonal Brahman in a human form, usually with four faces facing the cardinal directions and four arms.

72. The remedies for these rights vivify it, investing impersonal "abstract right" and "dormant right" with vigor, to become "live right" and "active right. "

73. The evidence belongs to other materials that cannot be collected by the party concerned and his agent ad litem themselves due to impersonal cause.

74. A Critique is an impersonal evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the research being reviewed and should not be seen as a disparagement of the researchers ability

75. For the Hindus, this represents literally a “blowing out” or extinction of the flame of life through absorption into Brahman or the impersonal universal soul.

76. As of now, implicit characterizations of Bigness oscillate within a cluster of varied semantic fields-a pool of miscellaneous concepts:Bigness, through impersonations, is defined as «impersonal»

77. Zarathustra Abjures all those who would fain turn an IMPERSONAL eye upon nature and contemplate her phenomena with that pure objectivity to which the scientific idealists of to …

78. It's a regular -ER verb but takes être in the compound tenses.Arriver literally means "to Arrive," but is also used in some idiomatic expressions and as an impersonal verb.

79. He delights in distance and distraction; he delights in noise; he delights in impersonal communication—anything that would prevent us from the warmth of a voice and the personal feelings that come from conversing eye to eye.

80. Gee in Discourse Analysis, Conversation is Atemporal and impersonal in Discourse.; If any conception of reality represents it as changeless, then this is a conception of an Atemporal reality.; The one exceptional actual entity is at once both temporal