Use "i admit" in a sentence

1. I admit it.

2. I was negligent, I admit it.

3. I admit, it sounds baffling.

4. I blush to admit it.

5. I admit, I'm an eavesdropper.

6. I must admit I like looking feminine.

7. I have to admit it: I a perfectionist.

8. I must admit I was impressed by Robert's demeanour.

9. I admit that Tom was right.

10. I admit to being congenitally lazy.

11. I admit I made a mistake, pure and simple.

12. I blush to admit that I haven't read it.

13. I must admit that maps obsess me.

14. 4 I admit it. I'm a worrywart.

15. I must admit, I have mixed feelings about his success.

16. I must admit I was surprised it cost so little.

17. Jared: Okay, I admit: I can be a big softy.

18. Assuming that I am on my deathbedAnd I must admit adultery

19. I have to admit that I was defeated by my stomach.

20. Dare I admit that after she did it

21. I just have the guts to admit it.

22. I'm rather accident-prone, I have to admit.

23. I have to blush to admit that thing.

24. I blush to admit it, but I quite like her music.

25. I admit I felt a twinge of guilt as we left.

26. Now, I was taken aback by this, I have to admit.

27. I gotta admit, now I'm really glad I bought this bag.

28. 21 I must admit that the results were disappointing.

29. I have to admit that I underrated the difficulty of the task.

30. Definition of Admittedly (adverb): I admit that is true

31. I want you to admit the truth to yourself.

32. I must admit that I was rather bemused by his sudden anger.

33. It's not a view I can admit to officially.

34. From these I glean an approach: I admit we harvested the beavers.

35. I must admit, though, it takes determination to go.

36. It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.

37. I must admit I was getting a trifle worried but then I met them.

38. I will admit I trained my sons more strictly than the other apprentices.

39. I wrote to them and telephoned as well - belt and braces, I admit.

40. When for extra measure I admit, it was a pleasure

41. Now the Gowanus is particularly smelly -- I will admit it.

42. I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy.

43. You were more sinned against than sinning, that I admit.

44. Now, I have to admit, we make a good team.

45. 13 I had to admit that he stupendous at that.

46. I hear you'd rather die than admit you had sex.

47. “I admit that I’m often initially attracted to pretty girls.

48. When I first came to Italy, more years than I care to admit! Bruschetta …

49. Why won't I admit that I must have the shortest arms in the world?

50. Herewith I admit that I read the terms and conditions and that I do accept them.

51. Of course, I didn't admit I have no idea what a cervical cap is.

52. I’ll admit that I often Anthropomorphize with my own dog, Luna.

53. I must admit to a prejudice in favour of British universities.

54. I suppose it's hard for a fanatic to admit a mistake.

55. I think you should just admit that you're a big softy .

56. As man-to-man,I think you should admit your mistakes.

57. I must admit that for a while, I missed my old lifestyle —but not anymore.

58. I'll admit I was taken aback when you added two gentlemen roommates.

59. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical of Couchsurfing at first glance

60. I must admit I liked her; she won't squander her grandfather's money, that's for sure.

61. I must admit that before my baby was born I was very apprehensive about motherhood.

62. To own or admit as true: I must Confess that I haven't read the book

63. I have to admit I find the name a little disagreeable on the aesthetic front.

64. To admit that you have done something wrong, or to admit unwillingly that something is true: [ T ] I’ve got something to Confess – I Confess that I ate the pie

65. As a romance author, I have to admit Curveballs happen while writing

66. I gotta admit, your enthusiasm makes me want you to catch him.

67. I admit to running the red light, but there were extenuating circumstances.

68. Nevertheless, I do admit relishing its other benefits, particularly water on tap.

69. I cried at the end and I'm not Ashamed to admit it

70. Why don't you admit that I am here because of Cardinal Dell'Aio's plot.

71. I was — I admit it — rather dashing — a man about town if not a downright cad.

72. I guess I have avoided it like the plague, without much wanting to admit my cowardice.

73. Well, I must admit, I'm a little short on liquid assets right now.

74. I must admit that millions of us roost in deep, pitch-black caverns.

75. That is sad, I admit, but proof of nothing other than old age.

76. • When I Badgered people, they had to admit that yes, I did look a bit like Eric Cantona

77. And it's a lot harder to frost me if they can't admit I exist.

78. From Middle English confessen, from Anglo-Norman Confesser, from Old French Confesser, from Medieval Latin confessō (“ I confess ”), a derivative of Latin confessus (Old French confés), past participle of cōnfiteor (“ I confess, I admit ”) from con-+ fateor (“ I admit ”).

79. Admit you're A.D.

80. I must admit the Hockin style was inclined to be more racy than that I used for the Gazette.