Use "hypersensitive" in a sentence

1. Her skin is hypersensitive.

2. He's hypersensitive about his height.

3. She's hypersensitive to any form of criticism.

4. I discovered I was hypersensitive to caffeine.

5. He's hypersensitive to any kind of criticism.

6. He is hypersensitive to any kind of criticism.

7. Or are you hypersensitive when offered suggestions or criticism?

8. Allergies are the result of a hypersensitive immune system

9. The Abuser is hypersensitive and may react with rage

10. Jen's doctors found that she was hypersensitive to smoke.

11. He is hypersensitive to what people say about him.

12. Drug-induced (hypersensitive) interstitial nephritis, Analgetic nephropathy, urate nephropathy

13. Yet the peripheral zone is hypersensitive to sudden change.

14. Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance.

15. To investigate the allergen distribution and characteristic in hypersensitive children.

16. What are the indicators of the positive reaction to hypersensitive test?

17. The positions of the six nerve-specific hypersensitive sites are summarised in figure

18. This is a boon for anyone who is hypersensitive to the latter solvents.

19. DIOAN is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product.

20. Objective To approach the nursing care of 11 patients with antiepileptic drug hypersensitive syndrome ( AHS ).

21. If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to adalimumab or any of the other ingredients of Humira

22. Bruxism Several symptoms are commonly associated with Bruxism, including hypersensitive teeth, aching jaw muscles, and headaches.

23. So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem.

24. 11 So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem.

25. Reforming of DNase I hypersensitive sites in Long 12 transgenic mice in a copy number dependent fashion.

26. Annatto allergy symptoms can be experienced when a hypersensitive person comes in contact with this natural food coloring substance

27. Do not use ABILIFY if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to aripiprazole or any of the other ingredients of ABILIFY

28. The incidence of autoantibodies to human conducting tissue has been analyzed in sick sinus syndrome, bradyarrhythmia, and hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome.

29. Most frequent reactions in children hypersensitive to Antalgics, antipyretics and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are oedema (facial oedema especially) and urticaria

30. Vidaza should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to azacitidine or any of the other ingredients

31. I have had many patients, including physicians as adults who've been Circumcised, and initially after the circumcision, it's almost hypersensitive

32. Prezista should not be taken by patients who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to darunavir or any of the other ingredients

33. Efficib should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to sitagliptin, metformin or any of the other ingredients

34. Preotact should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to parathyroid hormone or any of the other ingredients

35. A brief statement was made on the antigenic determinant in Penicillin, mechanism of Penicillin Hypersensitive reaction and also the reaction type.

36. Allergic reactions are exaggerated sensitivities (hypersensitive reactions) that occur when your immune system responds abnormally to common substances such as pollen, dust and certain foods.

37. ‘The main common defence reaction is the hypersensitive response, characterized by the induction of rapid cell death at the site of the attempted attack by either an Avirulent …

38. The application of CFRM on various strategic weapons is introduced in this article. Carbon fiber is used in both civil and military purpose, so it's hypersensitive strategic materials.

39. And talking of paying too much attention to bodily sensations, you'll be unsurprised to learn that hypochondriacs tend to be hypersensitive to odd twinges (Barsky et al. , 19.

40. (D) A paramural body (PMB) associated with cell wall Appositions (asterisks) blocking plasmodesmata (in between two arrowheads) at the side of an intact mesophyll cell (MC) underlying a hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC*).

41. Do not take Irbesartan BMS if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to irbesartan or any other ingredients of Irbesartan BMS during the last # months of pregnancy, see section Pregnancy and breastfeeding if you are breast-feeding

42. But for reasons not clearly understood, the presence of IgE antibodies and the subsequent release of histamine provoke an allergic reaction in people who happen to be hypersensitive to a particular food protein.

43. ‘Mild Cinchonism consists of ringing in the ears, headache, nausea and disturbed vision.’ ‘Patients return to hospital deaf from Cinchonism, ill with fever, and showing parasites in their peripheral blood.’ ‘Some patients are hypersensitive to quinine and even small doses may give rise to Cinchonism.’

44. Metalyse should not be used in people who may be hypersensitive (allergic) to tenecteplase or any of the other ingredients, or in patients who have or have had recent bleeding problems or major surgery, or have a disease which may cause bleeding (such as a past stroke or severe high blood pressure

45. Do not take Ferriprox if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to deferiprone or any of the other ingredients of Ferriprox. if you have a history of repeated episodes of neutropenia (low neutrophil count). if you have a history of agranulocytosis (very low white blood cell count < #x#/l). if you are currently taking medicines known to cause neutropenia. if you are pregnant or breast-feeding