Use "hunch" in a sentence

1. Oh, my hunch.

2. Just a hunch.

3. Your hunch was right.

4. I have a hunch.

5. I just had a hunch.

6. I call this the " slow hunch. "

7. Stand straight, don't hunch your shoulders!

8. I bought a kayak on a hunch.

9. I had a hunch you'd be back.

10. Well, I have an old-fashioned hunch.

11. It's my hunch they headed for Tombstone.

12. His hunch had been right after all.

13. My hunch is that she's his mother.

14. Said he was running down a hunch.

15. 4 I bought a kayak on a hunch.

16. Stand up straight and don't hunch your back.

17. I won't risk American lives on a hunch.

18. He had a hunch that she was lying.

19. I guess people get a hunch about these things.

20. It seemed that the doctor's hunch had been right.

21. Ensure that you don't hunch over when you walk.

22. My hunch is that it wasn't the first time, either.

23. I had a hunch that something like this would happen.

24. My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area.

25. I had a hunch that she was not telling the truth.

26. He had to hunch over the steering wheel to see anything.

27. Their hunch was held not to amount to a reasonable suspicion.

28. I decided to follow my hunch and come and see you.

29. I have a hunch that he didn't really want to go.

30. Sometimes you have to be prepared to act on/follow a hunch.

31. I got a hunch you're gonna draw men like fish to the bait.

32. I saw her hunch across the street and was lost in a crowd.

33. If it were, I have a hunch that Fox would come out on top.

34. I phoned on a hunch to ask if they had any work for me.

35. Your manger had a hunch that you were the culprit, so she winged you.

36. Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms.

37. Dertain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms.

38. Across the street[], half a dozen teenage boys hunch over a broken bicycle.

39. Synonyms for Auguration include hunch, feeling, idea, impression, suspicion, inkling, premonition, presentiment, intuition and notion

40. I have a hunch that we'd all be a lot happier discussing this over dinner.

41. My hunch is that Kostunica's instincts are those of cooperation and good relations with neighbours.

42. Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms.

43. Acting on a hunch, I waited outside her house to see if she went out.

44. I have a hunch that true life starts at the point of recognizing our failure.

45. Our hunch a priori was that the coefficient on PTVOL1 would be negative and statistically significant.

46. But Jeanie would just turn away, hunch her shoulder and hook her arm, covering the page.

47. I took a few minutes to wiggle out of my pantyhose and hunch into my long pants.

48. And Darwin kept these copious notebooks where he wrote down every little idea he had, every little hunch.

49. 2 Twist some dials, and the machine trembles, two robot arms pick up soldering irons and hunch down on him.

50. First, it forces you to hunch over, an inefficient running form that can lead to neck, shoulder, and back pain.

51. Remembering my hunch that my drink was spiked leaves me confused. Without proof I should really lay the idea to rest.

52. It confirmed something I really had a hunch on, is that the audience actually wants to work for their meal.

53. In the past many decisions depended more on hunch and lobbying than hard evidence about the educational consequences of funding allocations.

54. The doctors investigated their hunch by having 142 randomly selected patients fill out a questionnaire after they re-covered from their anesthesia.

55. Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms. re being asked a question they can says Mr.

56. Your body should be straight up in the water; don't lean forward much or hunch over. Keep your shoulders back and look straight ahead.

57. Successful Spell Cleaving >cman scleave [Roll result: 151 (open d100: 88) Penalties: 7] You hang back for a moment and concentrate on the magical wards surrounding a hunch-backed dogmatist, before unleashing your attack upon them! You manage to cleave away a magical ward! The dim aura fades from around a hunch-backed dogmatist

58. Synonyms for Conjecturing include feeling, sensing, having a feeling, getting the impression, feeling in one's bones, having a hunch, believing, having a funny feeling, presuming and supposing

59. For now the savage goes up to the empty fire- place, and removing the papered fire - board, sets up this little hunch- backed image, like a tenpin, between the andirons.

60. I mean, here you have these guys who basically thought they were just following this hunch, this little passion that had developed, then they thought they were fighting the Cold War, and then it turns out they're just helping somebody find a soy latte.

61. And our hunch was that if you put people in a very stressful environment, if you distract them with disturbing, negative images, images of suffering and violence -- sort of like what you might see on the news, unfortunately -- that doing this might actually affect their attention.