Use "humankind" in a sentence

1. Jupiter descended to humankind.

2. With humankind speech is a social activity.

3. The consequences to humankind were disastrous.

4. Biohazards are the greatest threat to humankind

5. Brings peace and joy and hope to humankind.

6. One of these days, humankind will destroy the world.

7. Unquestionably, sin is the worst disability afflicting humankind.

8. How could humankind be redeemed from that sinful state?

9. The discovery had begun to put humankind in its place.

10. Humankind could never meet those demands of absolute justice.

11. With a sense of the mystic potency of humankind.

12. Outer space is the common heritage of all humankind.

13. It gives me a rather skewed impression of humankind.

14. 1. (a) What distressing conditions confront humankind in our day?

15. It was an American catastrophe, with painful repercussions on all humankind.

16. All humankind will be resurrected and receive the blessing of immortality.

17. The desire to mate in humankind is constant and very strong.

18. Humankind seems to have an insatiable urge to conquer and explore.

19. Why does God choose the Kingdom rulers from among humankind?

20. What will Jehovah do for humankind in the new world?

21. And that one picture exploded in the consciousness of humankind.

22. Once again this low view of humankind led to tragedy.

23. 19 Who can predict the misery that may befall humankind?

24. Strained and broken relationships are as old as humankind itself.

25. According to Jesus’ own words, how does his death benefit humankind?

26. According to the Bible, God himself revealed his name to humankind.

27. What love has Jehovah shown to humankind by means of the ransom?

28. Explore space and save humankind in Agos: A Game of Space

29. Explore space and save humankind in Agos: A Game of Space

30. The most threatening form of pollution known to humankind is poverty.

31. Now, fish farming is by far the best animal farming available to humankind.

32. Has it brought a grand new system for the blessing of humankind?

33. Humankind needed to orient itself Continually by Signs, or by an address.

34. Agape is the term that defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humankind

35. This linguistic confusion brought about the dispersal of humankind over the earth.

36. Almost nothing has happened since that time to allay the fears of humankind

37. A mission is a voluntary act of service to God and humankind.

38. It is the central psychological plague of humankind in the 21st century.

39. How can this energy be harnessed effectively for the good of humankind?

40. With all the animals in subjection to them, humankind would be very contented.

41. Anthropology is the study of humankind in all places and at all times

42. How can one man’s death rescue humankind from the fate of eternal death?’

43. (Matthew 5:45) To all humankind he gives “life and breath and all things.”

44. Although not deceived, how did Adam sin, and what was the result to humankind?

45. The twentieth century has brought humankind to the edge of the abyss many times.

46. It is the contradictory nature of humankind that makes the struggle with evil so complicated.

47. Eden was not only a historical reality, therefore, but a perpetual temptation for humankind.

48. Thus it was through Adam that sin, imperfection, and death were passed on to humankind. —Rom.

49. Instead of taking care of this gift from God, humankind is polluting it and destroying it.

50. Books are vitamins for the mind, and the best teacher of humankind. Dr T.P.Chia 

51. Humankind “taste the bitter, that they may know to prize the good” (Moses 6:55).

52. The condition of humankind to which the creation story belongs is the despair of sin.

53. To end Atrocity through love and forgiveness… this book is a beam of hope for humankind

54. But now it sits scowling outside the conversation of humankind, offering expert opinion with a sneer.

55. So let us open-mindedly see what it says about the earliest history of humankind.

56. On the other hand, the vast majority of humankind is interested in seeking mundane things.

57. They invented racial epithets that showed the same imagination which put humankind upon the moon.

58. During his ministry, he was able to note all around him the pitiful condition of humankind.

59. "The Amazons is a stupendous achievement—a long-anticipated centerpiece in the great puzzle of humankind

60. Faced with extinction in the far- flung future... can humankind open a portal to a parallel universe?

61. Amnion are fundamentally different from any Earth creature - particularly humankind - in their mental and emotional structure.

62. The story celebrates the birth of a boy, who is to be the redeemer of humankind.

63. Creationism is a religious belief that God or a divine being created the universe or humankind

64. Even some of his closest supporters found the prospect of a natural origin for humankind unacceptable.

65. The majority was still not ready to abandon the belief that humankind was intended to dominate the earth.

66. But humankind is now enveloped in an extensive variety of man-made fields at diverse energy levels.

67. Even today, the majority of humankind lives on the continents'coastlines or the banks of rivers and lakes.

68. Humankind has actually brought to justice some of those who committed the most heinous crimes against it.

69. Outer space was the heritage of all humankind, meaning that all States must benefit from its use.

70. An early historical report about humankind says: “They are all a single people with a single language!”

71. (5) No matter where we live, we look to God’s Kingdom as the only hope for humankind.

72. In this sense, the image reflects a humanitarian notion of universal similarities in the condition of humankind.

73. The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.

74. Humankind, in this view, is deeply flawed-driven by self-interest, pride, ambition, anger and other passions.

75. To examine how God comes to humankind through “the three Advents” discussed by Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Merton

76. A man or woman--in any state of life--who acts Chastely is exhibiting humankind at its very best.

77. There is no challenge more pressing nor more fundamental than developing a genuinely sustainable way of life for humankind.

78. (Colossians 1:15, 16) Out of it all, though, Jesus became “especially fond of” humankind. —Proverbs 8:31.

79. Humankind may one day join the ghostly parade of defunct species, but the jury on that is still out.

80. 6 Like Malthus and Young, [Ricardo] could not imagine that humankind would ever be totally freed from the Alimentary imperative