Use "horrific" in a sentence

1. His injuries were horrific.

2. Her injuries were horrific.

3. This is a horrific condition.

4. Murder trial told of horrific attack.

5. Police described the attack as horrific.

6. It was the most horrific thing.

7. She's been through a horrific ordeal.

8. He stiffened at the horrific sight.

9. I have never seen such horrific injuries.

10. It's too awful/horrific/dangerous to contemplate.

11. The combination of horrific makeup, Abhorrent timing, …

12. He suffered horrific injuries in the attack.

13. Goalkeeper after horrific Blunder ended Olympic hopes

14. All these men are guilty of horrific crimes.

15. There were some very horrific injuries amongst them.

16. How can a sink plunger be so horrific?

17. The film showed the most horrific murder scenes.

18. A year on, their problems seem humdrum, not horrific.

19. His hated intelligence services still operate with horrific efficiency.

20. Some of the scenes we witnessed were quite horrific.

21. Reporters described the horrific scenes which followed the bombing.

22. He takes a ghoulish delight in reading about horrific murders.

23. Apaches is one of the most horrific stories of greed

24. Steven Soderbergh's star-studded Contagion is a horrific thrill ride

25. Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes.

26. It invariably translates into meaningless and horrific incidents of violence.

27. The blood in my veins curdled at the horrific sight.

28. He appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes.

29. Celebrities like Eminem, Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie had horrific upBringings.

30. And the more helpless the victim, the more horrific the crime.

31. This has been dubbed the decade’s (1990’s) most horrific hate crime.

32. New safety measures were being demanded after last night's horrific train crash.

33. VHS / AbhorrenT FUNERAL – „Horrific Homages” Oh, how I like such a splash

34. Consider the horrific calamities that Satan brought upon Job and his family.

35. The governor called this mass shooting " a horrific but ultimately unpreventable tragedy. "

36. The aid coming in has made no impression on the horrific death rates.

37. Throughout the war, there were horrific casualties amongst the civilian populations of both countries.

38. 7 synonyms for Bloodcurdling: hair-raising, horrible, horrid, horrific, terrific, hair-raising, nightmarish

39. Amalgamates are horrific creations that were injected with too much determinationby Dr Alphys

40. The Apoplexy which left Gail speechless was triggered by a horrific brain injury

41. It's impossible to forget such horrific events - they linger in the memory forever.

42. But even these horrific statistics may not tell the full extent of the problem.

43. Arming Your Patients with the Facts on Statins 03 Dec 2019 The pain was horrific

44. In Blasted, sex is a violation, a horrific violence that is never reciprocated or consensual

45. The experience of those on “Cannibal Island” is a horrific reminder of the dangers of dictatorship

46. Extreme memories for horrific brutalizations, sometimes in satanic rituals, sometimes involving really bizarre and unusual elements.

47. Abducted is about the real-life case of two kidnapped girls and their horrific ordeal

48. Before we had our child the idea of staying in every night would have been horrific.

49. Let us minimize the risk of horrific accidents on the roads where hazardous materials are involved.

50. Even the humble sparkler can cause horrific injuries when combined with a highly flammable shell suit.

51. A Choirmaster used his position to subject children to "horrific" sexual abuse, a court has heard

52. The trust of many children has been further betrayed by incest and other horrific acts of child abuse.

53. A secluded [sentence dictionary], idyllic hideaway on the California coast hides a horrific secret in this occult chiller.

54. 9 He will need plastic surgery after the horrific attack outside his home in Delamore Street, Walton, Liverpool.

55. Imagine, for a moment, the following horrific scene: A person is being roasted on a hot iron plate.

56. With the aid of a Mindwyrm Familiar, Aberrants can be further mutated into horrific monsters known as Abominants

57. In West Africa, there's a horrific trade of dead vultures to serve the witchcraft and the fetish market.

58. While his expression Beseeched her, she thought him fraudulent, covering his horrific deeds with an aura of Mr

59. The Aberrants of the cult’s dark underbelly take a grim satisfaction in their ability to shrug off horrific damage

60. Awfulize Awfulize - is the imagining of horrific situations and outcomes that don't yet exist, intense dread, fear, feelings of doom

61. They used the gentle touch to minimise the pressure on the 25-year-old woman following her horrific experience.

62. This particular murder case was so horrific that it shocked even the most hard-bitten of New York police officers.

63. Through this horrific murder and his attacks on the police the Batman has revealed himself to be an unqualified menace.

64. As the nation grapples with the second mass shooting in a month, Criminologists are examining the patterns behind these horrific events

65. An employee of Wayne financial who lost both his legs in those horrific events in Metropolis that happened 2 years ago.

66. A MONSTER Babysitter who murdered a one-year-old girl after weeks of horrific abuse has today been caged for life

67. Anthropocene: The Human Epoch offers a sobering -- and visually ravishing - look at the horrific ecological damage wrought by modern human civilization

68. Balthazar arrives on the scene of a horrific car accident and finds the body of a woman a few yards away

69. What amazes me is that, in spite of the horrific nature of what I have seen, I feel neither repulsion nor revulsion.

70. The beast named Apollyon reminded me of one named “the Destroyer” that I encountered during a series of horrific visions of the Holocaust

71. After maneuvering elements of his army onto the hills surrounding the fort, Price launched repeated assaults in the late afternoon hours, suffering horrific casualties.

72. Bergen-Belsen, this center of one of the most horrific atrocities in human history, had to also seem insane to an innocent young teen

73. Horrific video shows Bolivian university students falling to their death after metal rail collapses The victims' ages ranged from 19 to 27, authorities said.

74. Bludgeon Tool’s motto,"I can't be broken, blunted or bent!” becomes the storyline linking flesh and horrific cudgel tools for each individual story

75. All readers should steel themselves for a disturbing encounter with the Bafflements of a brother's commission of a horrific act and an unpardonable sin.

76. Larry Elder, the conservative pundit, radio host, and leading Republican candidate for governor of California, was recently subjected to a horrific display of Bigotry …

77. Biochemistry is the field of science that can save the future of our world from all the horrific things humankind is doing to nature

78. Eight Acrobats who plunged to the floor in a horrific 2014 accident during a circus performance have settled with the ownership and management of …

79. The horrific Bushfire season across Australia in summer 2019/2020, sadly saw 81 per cent of the koala population killed in New South Wales alone

80. A teen in the United States has defied all odds by surviving a horrific forklift accident after having the lower half of his body Amputated