Use "horrendous" in a sentence

1. 1 She suffered horrendous injuries.

2. 5 The traffic was horrendous.

3. 14 That colour scheme is horrendous.

4. Nairobi has horrendous traffic jams.

5. 3 They have horrendous financial problems.

6. Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.

7. 13 It was a horrendous storm.

8. 7 Call it atrocious, horrendous, mystifying.

9. 4 Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.

10. • an Atrocious crime • Call it Atrocious, horrendous, mystifying.

11. With that, the psyche-scarring and horrendous depression came.

12. Answering questions while chomping through steak is horrendous.

13. A horrendous injustice was committed when Christ was executed

14. Rot creates horrendous smells that are putrid to experience.

15. 10 Traffic in the downtown Boston area is horrendous.

16. 8 Answering questions while chomping through steak is horrendous.

17. 6 Experiencing the majors was a pretty horrendous experience.

18. Pit bull dogs can inflict horrendous wounds on people.

19. 11 Jose Lima is coming off a horrendous season.

20. 9 This is so horrendous, it bears no description.

21. 12 She is still recovering from a horrendous car accident.

22. 15 Pit bull dogs can inflict horrendous wounds on people.

23. What have some found helpful in coping with such a horrendous experience?

24. In fact, it led to some absolutely horrendous treatment of human beings.

25. 2 He described it as the most horrendous experience of his life.

26. 28 It would have been a nightmare,[] it would have been horrendous.

27. Privilege parking places yield little profit, while special perks can precipitate horrendous losses.

28. 25 Privilege parking places yield little profit, while special perks can precipitate horrendous losses.

29. The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.

30. 20 The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.

31. 19 The news spread as quickly as the horrendous fire which engulfed the fallen plane.

32. It was Sippy Suds, his horrendous odors mysteriously absent in the cool of the night.

33. A horrendous mining disaster had entombed 129 men, and the prospects for their rescue were bleak.

34. Holidays can be horrendous. All right, I'll rephrase that. The first few days are invariably hell.

35. It was horrendous, and I don't see anything which could justify such acts of Barbarism

36. According to New Line's accounts, the trilogy made "horrendous losses" and no profit at all.

37. Then came the horrendous second world war, which claimed some 50 million military and civilian victims.

38. 16 It was Sippy Suds, his horrendous odors mysteriously absent in the cool of the night.

39. The cost of war is horrendous; the victors as well as the vanquished pay a terrible price.

40. 26 However, he is not so undiplomatic as to resist the horrendous hospitality of overindulgent underdeveloped countries.

41. In the 20th century, this has led to oppressive dictatorships within countries and to horrendous wars between countries.

42. Monstrous creatures and horrendous sounds rushed out in a cloud of smoke and swirled around her, screeching and cackling.

43. “A serious burn is one of the most horrendous traumas the body can suffer,” says the FDA Consumer.

44. 23 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out, and the casualties would have been horrendous.

45. Benighted is the tale of people stranded by a horrendous storm and flooding in a remote corner of Wales

46. 30 The first was hacking round Crieff, eventually posting a horrendous score of with Roy Nicolson as his playing partner.

47. Still others have found themselves trapped in a horrendous and expensive quagmire of political, emotional, financial and legal issues.

48. 18 It was a horrendous, rapacious strategy that they had used to gain control of their own home system.

49. 24 After all, the newspapers are brimming with reports of horrendous attacks on women, so the risk must be considerable.

50. Nineteenth-century forms and styles held sway until the 1920s when they were replaced by their horrendous antithesis - Functionalism.

51. 22 Still, it seemed that the Black Panther Party was subjected to the most horrendous harassment by government authorities.

52. Before we met again, both of us were to go through horrendous trials, repeatedly escaping death just by a hairbreadth.

53. Joy made one last desperate attempt and produced the most horrendous squeak ever, like a hare caught by a harvest scythe.

54. In Conquering Concussion, the reader is immediately drawn into the narrative of historical figures and their mysterious and sometimes horrendous

55. Ashkenazi Jews have continued to mentally out-compete other demographics since his statement, often suffering horrendous consequences for their toil

56. 29 Nineteenth-century forms and styles held sway until the 1920s when they were replaced by their horrendous antithesis - Functionalism.

57. 17 Still others have found themselves trapped in a horrendous and expensive quagmire of political, emotional, financial and legal issues.

58. Most of the additional 100,000 casualties would die in agony from ruptured organs, horrendous burns, or the slow hell of radiation sickness.”

59. 🔊 The car now Abuts the wall of the tunnel, having flipped and rolled after its horrendous crash with an oncoming SUV

60. 27 Half way across the site, the earth is scorched, and the remnants of dwellings bear witness to a horrendous fire.

61. 21 Joy made one last desperate attempt and produced the most horrendous squeak ever, like a hare caught by a harvest scythe.

62. Bridezilla tells pregnant bridesmaid to have abortion so wedding runs 'smoothly' A bridesmaid has revealed the horrendous situation she found herself in …

63. TheActualWalkman for Aedile Plebis INTRODUCTION Salve Councilmen As many of you know, Rome has been cursed with some truly horrendous Aediles in …

64. Chickens, Cooped up in jam-packed factory feed lots, are routinely dosed with antibiotics just to help them survive the horrendous living conditions

65. Preferably enough who Appose the horrendous healthcare bill that was recently signed, so it can be overturned before causing too much damage to our nation

66. Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who's The Sneaky-Beakiest Of Them All? I really, really hope Cav's SPAS got a destuction buff, that thing is horrendous

67. Known among fishermen as perhaps the least desirable catch possible, the Bushy browed Snaggle-Toothed Crappie is famed for its horrendous stench and the scale mold that covers its slimy body

68. And then there is the ever-present imponderable: the possible need, at some point, to finance the horrendous costs of reunification with destitute North Korea when that state collapses.

69. The NKJV translates it “guilty of bloodshed.” Murder is a horrendous crime in the eyes of both man and God; to be Bloodguilty, then, would be to deserve a severe punishment

70. Instead of indulging in something horrendous like book-banning, it should be seen as an opportunity to shore up our level of scholarship as well as Articulateness which is pathetically abysmal at present.

71. Bluejacket is the story, from an enlisted man's perspective, of the stubborn and relentless movement of the forces of the United States through the horrendous battles leading to final victory over the Japanese military machine

72. Budwood has chosen to run its homes with the same level of Quality Children's Homes Standards as are required in regulated children's homes." Reacting to Taylor's experiences, Dame Rachel de Souza said: "It's absolutely horrendous

73. Condemning Police Brutality and Calling for Action to Save Lives In response to the horrendous rise of police violence and militarization in our communities, Representative Ayanna Pressley, along with Representative Ilhan Omar, Representative Karen Bass and Representative Barbara Lee have

74. Although the hypothesis that the Java subduction zone is Aseismic is no longer tenable, there remains a danger that systematic research into past patterns will not begin until there is another horrendous disaster for which the population will have been poorly prepared.

75. ‘The horrendous accident Cruelly cut short the career of an incomparable artist, who was already famous as one of the greatest horn players of all time.’ ‘It was not the mythical, moral (but in reality often Cruelly repressive and deceitful) 1950s but rather the supposedly …

76. Causing fear or dread or terror; "the Awful war"; "an Awful risk"; "dire news"; "a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked"; "the dread presence of the headmaster"; "polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was"; "a dreadful storm"; "a fearful howling"; "horrendous explosions shook the city"; "a terrible curse"