Use "his job" in a sentence

1. Ask about his job, his interests, his goals.

2. His eccentric behaviour lost him his job.

3. He's proficient at his job.

4. He departed his job December

5. The wire was his job.

6. Despite losing his job he retains his pension.

7. He devoted all his time to his job.

8. His brother is doing famously in his new job.

9. He's browned off with his job.

10. Losing his job changed his whole outlook on life.

11. 152 stitches from his nose job.

12. His job here is only temporary.

13. His artistic talents were wasted in his boring job.

14. This judgment may jeopardize his job.

15. He contented himself with his job.

16. His job is to tame lions.

17. (Job 10:1; 14:13) In spite of his monumental suffering, however, Job maintained his integrity to God.

18. (Job 1:8) Job met divine standards that took his imperfections into account.

19. 4 When he lost his job, his future looked grim.

20. In spite of his miniscule salary, Tom loves his job.

21. Bill quit his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

22. George quitted his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

23. His interest in his new job soon began to pall.

24. Tom quit his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.

25. For this reason he lost his job.

26. His skills qualify him for the job.

27. He's starting his new job in November.

28. His job consists of dull , repetitive work.

29. He applied himself to his new job.

30. His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.

31. Well, he was just doing his job

32. He talked his way into the job.

33. 28 He was bumped from his job.

34. I admire his dedication to the job.

35. He was tied down to his job.

36. He got sacked from his last job.

37. His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.

38. He is utterly incompetent at his job.

39. His talents are wasted in that job.

40. I am glad about his new job.

41. 4 He was dismissed from his job.

42. The boy lost his job through inattention.

43. The worker lost his job through inattention.

44. His new job seemed to rejuvenate him.

45. Job showed appreciation for this lesson by confessing his error. —Job 42:1-6.

46. (Job 10:1, 15) Even in the midst of adversity, however, Job refuses to turn his back on his Creator.

47. 10 His age impaired his chances of finding a new job.

48. His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.

49. He learned to his dismay that he had lost his job.

50. In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.

51. Mark boosted his cousin into a better job.

52. Fear of losing his job harried the clerk.

53. 19 He was summarily dismissed from his job.

54. His efforts to get a job proved unsuccessful.

55. He left his job to start life afresh.

56. One family head was dismissed from his job.

57. How was Job able to endure his trials?

58. Why did Job speak about his earlier life?

59. My father was extremely good at his job.

60. In his job, patience is an invaluable asset.

61. He got fired and Begged for his job

62. He has run into trouble in his job.

63. His uncle Jed was right on the job.

64. He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.

65. Parliament's job is to rubber-stamp his decisions.

66. I'm trying to displace him in his job.

67. He devoted all his time to the job.

68. 16 I wonder why he left his job.

69. He lost his job during the great depression.

70. 21 He get feed up with his job.

71. He lost his job and just went bananas.

72. He has an international orientation toward his job.

73. His last known job was Minister of Commerce.

74. Zuma appeared anoint his deputy for the job.

75. His experience fitted him to do the job.

76. Nina: His present job seems a blind alley.

77. He doesn't feel fulfilled in his present job.

78. His job is very hush-hush .Sentence dictionary

79. He'll have to draw in his horns now he's lost his job.

80. Victor had fallen behind with his mortgage payments after losing his job.