Use "heretical" in a sentence

1. Many of official doctrines are heretical.

2. Apostolici, the name of four different heretical bodies

3. But among sociologists and psychologists it is heretical nonsense.

4. It was oppposed as worthless and even heretical.

5. Apostate Antipopes, Heretical Books, and the Salvation Heresy R

6. For every church is orthodox to itself; to others, erroneous or heretical.

7. In feudal society, the Roman church regarded scientific theories as heretical beliefs.

8. Mr Brown's message is about as heretical as you can get.

9. Irenaeus, for example, embarked on a lifelong struggle against heretical teachings.

10. Do you think you can possess the world in such a heretical way?

11. The heretical thought would be unpunished, unrepented, out of their reach for ever.

12. For economics of relative main trend, psychological economics is a heretical economics.

13. In the old days he had hidden a heretical mind beneath an appearance of conformity.

14. Because of this, Plantin was plagued by rumors that he printed heretical books.

15. This is not as heretical a suggestion as it might seem at first sight.

16. 390), bishop of Laodicea who developed the heretical position concerning the nature of Christ called Apollinarianism

17. I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.

18. The doughty Government Investment Corporation of Singapore is not often a hotbed of heretical thought.

19. He said: "People should not generalize that all Shia are heretical, nor none are led astray.

20. Women who lacerated young feminist apprentices at conferences if they made the mistake of admitting confusion or heretical leanings.

21. The Holy Fathers also Anathematised Arius for his heretical beliefs and teachings, cutting him off from the Church

22. The main focus of my paper is on the “heretical,” Adoptionist christology” views held by some early Christians

23. Refusing to recant his doctrines as heretical, he was condemned to be burnt at the stake at Konstanz.

24. Song of Roland was written after this speech, for before this Turpin's militant theology would likely have been considered heretical.

25. The heretical tendencies of the Beghards and Beguines necessitated disciplinary measures, sometimes severe, on the part of ecclesiastical authority

26. Apollinarianism General Information. Apollinarianism was a heretical doctrine taught by Apollinaris the Younger, bishop of Laodicea in Syria during the 4th century.

27. The answer lies in the provision of a structured Church and in the definition of what constituted heretical belief.

28. I stress this in order to underline that the view which I express is idiosyncratic, prejudiced and probably heretical.

29. Wycliffe's teachings influenced two of the major heretical movements of the later Middle Ages: Lollardy in England and Hussitism in Bohemia.

30. At Cambrai in 1076 a Cathar who had been judged heretical but not sentenced was being held in the local jail.

31. Given these factors, any attempt to brand the Celtic Church heretical would only have entailed the complete loss of Ireland.

32. "The Cruelty of Heresy" goes through all the major heretical movements that have sprung up since the Gospel was first preached

33. Arianism definition: the doctrine of Arius , pronounced heretical at the Council of Nicaea , which asserted Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

34. His fellow aldermen would believe in anything rather than an heretical distaste for the city ambrosia of the soup tureen .

35. Although his proposal of plural worlds was considered heretical, it is difficult to believe it was that which determined his fate.

36. Discover Abandoned Bogomils Graveyard in Thessaloniki, Greece: This field of half-buried stone crosses was the burial place of a sect of heretical gnostics.

37. Aelfric was a heretical monk and villain from Marvel comics who opposed the werewolf hero known simply as Werewolf By Night

38. Then a tall paper hat was put upon his head, with the inscription "Haeresiarcha" (i.e., the leader of a heretical movement).

39. While researching this column we came across the word Ascitan, "a member of a heretical sect in the 2nd century A.D

40. The Apocryphal writings of early Christians have a reputation for being heretical because they are not part of the New Testament's 27 canonical books

41. Even after the onset of the Protestant Reformation, the clergy of several European countries did their utmost to limit circulation of so-called heretical books.

42. The Apocryphal Jesus is your chance to learn about the early Christian world from a variety of sources-many of which have been considered heretical

43. I should mention briefly here that physiology textbooks that you can read about will tell you that this is a kind of heretical thing to suggest.

44. Its thought influenced many heretical West-European sects, such as the Kathars in the Middle Ages, who were fiercely persecuted, and mystics as Jacob Boehme (1575-16.

45. But the word often expresses more than censure or blame, and seems to include the idea of utter rejection; as, to Condemn heretical opinions; to Condemn ones conduct.

46. A Bogomil was a member of a heretical sect that originated in Bulgaria in the tenth century. The sect was evidently named after its founder, the priest Bogomil

47. Breakaway adjective rebel, revolutionary, rebellious, dissenting, insurgent, seceding, secessionist, heretical, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary, schismatic a Breakaway group Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

48. Albigensian Crusade, Crusade (1209–29) called by Pope Innocent III against the Cathari, a dualist religious movement in southern France that the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical.

49. Arianism is a doctrine that came from Arius, a priest who taught in Alexandria.To many Christians, the teachings of Arianism are heretical and are not the correct Christian teachings

50. Bogomils (bō`gōmĭlz), members of Europe's first great dualist church, which flourished in Bulgaria and the Balkans from the 10th to the 15th cent.Their creed, adapted from the Paulicians Paulicians, Christian heretical sect

51. 364, Illyria), Greek theologian and bishop of Ancyra (now Ankara, Tur.) whose attempt to mediate a controversy in the Eastern Church was rejected by the heretical faction and brought about his exile

52. In these documents the natural divine filiation of Jesus even as man is strongly asserted, and His adoptive filiation , at least in so far as it excludes the natural, is rejected as heretical.

53. Albigenses, generic name, deriving from the city of Albi, loosely applied to a number of Christian heretical sects which developed in Provence and south France in the 12 th century, the term being used especially in connection with Cathari

54. Arianism - heretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son heresy, unorthodoxy - a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion theological doctrine - the doctrine of a religious group

55. Bogomilism (Bulgarian: Богомилство) was a heretical Gnostic dualistic sect, the synthesis of Armenian Paulicianism and the Bulgarian Slavonic Church reform movement, which emerged in Bulgaria between 927 and 970 and spread into Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, Serbia, Bosnia, Italy, and France.

56. Albigenses, generic name, deriving from the city of Albi, loosely applied to a number of Christian heretical sects which developed in Provence and south France in the 12 th century, the term being used especially in connection with Cathari

57. Babism, Babiism the doctrines and practices of a 19th-century Persian sect that formed the basis for the current Baha’i organization, regarded as heretical by orthodox Muslims because its leader proclaimed himself to be the Imam Mahdi, the expected twelfth Imam …

58. Babism, Babiism the doctrines and practices of a 19th-century Persian sect that formed the basis for the current Baha’i organization, regarded as heretical by orthodox Muslims because its leader proclaimed himself to be the Imam Mahdi, the expected twelfth Imam …

59. One of the first treatise against the Bogomils was written around 970 by a Bulgarian priest Cosmas who prefaced it with observations concerning another Bulgarian priest spread heretical teachings in the territory around the reign of Czar Peter (927-963).

60. Admonitions (1 Occurrence) Sectarian (1 Occurrence) Father (11359 Occurrences) Example (54 Occurrences) Record (71 Occurrences) Happening (17 Occurrences) Heretick (1 Occurrence) Heretical (1 Occurrence) Heretic (1 Occurrence) Refuse (103 Occurrences) Instead (139 Occurrences) Scribes (85 Occurrences) Almsgiving (3 Occurrences) Alms (13 Occurrences)

61. As the doctrine of Antinomianism, or legal irresponsibility, is an extreme type of the heretical doctrine of justification by faith alone as taught by the Reformers, it is only natural to find it condemned by the Catholic Church in company with its fundamentally Protestant tenet.

62. Hypernyms ("Arianist" is a kind of): Christian (a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination) Derivation: Arianism (heretical doctrine taught by Arius that asserted the radical primacy of the Father over the Son)

63. According to this authority Jovinian in 388 was living at Rome the celibate life of an Ascetic monk, possessed a good acquaintance with the Bible, and was the author of several minor works, but, undergoing an heretical change of view, afterwards became a self-indulgent Epicurean and unrefined sensua

64. ‘Indeed, the formal Catholic procedures for Beatifying and canonizing saints are intended, inter alia, to guard against superstition, miracle - mongering, and popular enthusiasms of a possibly heretical nature.’ ‘Now that the miracle attributed to Mother Teresa has been authenticated, the Pope will beatify the Nobel Peace Prize winner.’

65. Cracking The Symbol Cone: Revealing The Secret Heretical Messages Within The Church An Renaissance Art by British author, lecturer, and historian Tim Wallace-Murphy is among the most informative explanations to the mysteries left behind of the Knights Templar, Leonardo Da Vinci, King Solomon, and the metaphorical art of the medieval Christian era.

66. Bewraying The Order of Nine Angles Preface The articles in this July 2015 compilation of Order of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) texts divulge in detail the inner esotericism of the O9A, hidden from non-initiates as that esotericism has been, for decades, by the various outer, exoteric (sometimes heretical, sometimes adversarial) 'causal forms' and

67. Parenthetically, it should be noted that even though the word Ascitan derives from the same root, this term does not refer to a patient with ascites but rather to members of a heretical Christian sect of the 2nd century, who were so named because of the practice of dancing around an inflated wineskin at their meetings, according to their

68. Antinomianism (anti, against, and nomos, law), the heretical doctrine that Christians are exempt from the obligations of the moral law.The term first came into use at the Protestant Reformation, when it was employed by Martin Luther to designate the teaching of Johannes Agricola and his sectaries, who, pushing a mistaken and perverted interpretation of the Reformer’s doctrine of

69. Begga and from a purported, reconstructed Old Saxon word *beggen, "to beg" or "to pray", have also been discredited.[4] The origin of the movement's name continues to be uncertain, as are the dates for the beginning of the movement itself.[5][6] There is likewise no evidence that Beguines ever formed part of the Cathar heretical groups