Use "hellfire" in a sentence

1. Hellfire —All-Consuming?

2. Did Jesus Mean Hellfire?

3. Any tips for Hellfire Peninsula?

4. America's Secret, Bladed Hellfire Missile

5. You're just scaring the kids with all this hellfire and dAmnation. See also: and, dAmnation, hellfire.

6. Does God Punish People in Hellfire?

7. A Burster in the Hellfire Peninsula

8. Some church doctrines frightened me, particularly hellfire.

9. Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire.

10. Hence, they experience no torment or painful hellfire.

11. And he surrounds her in a circle of hellfire.

12. 8 He certainly believed in preaching hellfire and damnation.

13. After Hellfire, you have two zones available.

14. What do I do after Hellfire Peninsula?

15. (August 1, 2012); “Does God Punish People in Hellfire?”

16. The Hellfire fortifications surrounding the portal are beseiged by orcs.

17. He certainly believed in preaching hellfire and damnation.

18. The Trinity, immortality of the soul, and hellfire are fraudulent doctrines.

19. 2 He certainly believed in preaching hellfire and damnation.

20. Page Hellfire billowed from the demon's mouth toward father and daughter.

21. Unrepentant criminals better prepare themselves for hellfire and dAmnation after death

22. The alternative offered for bad people is eternal torment in hellfire.

23. Purchase Fuel Bomb: HELLFIRE +8 Cetane Booster Diesel Fuel Additive

24. False religion teaches that the wicked will suffer in hellfire.

25. The Bible says nothing about God’s tormenting people after death in “hellfire.”

26. They were a holy lot, with the emphasis on hellfire and damnation.

27. (b) What reasoning have you found to be effective when discussing hellfire?

28. Mauricio: Well, who do people usually say is “in charge” of hellfire?

29. * This teaching has given rise to the God-dishonoring doctrine of hellfire.

30. Immortality of the soul and hellfire are false doctrines that dishonor God.

31. Against small watercraft, they utilize Hellfire and Penguin air to surface missiles.

32. Now, prepare to launch a single AGM-114 Hellfire. On the target house.

33. Emberstorm: This talent will now correctly increase the damage the Warlock takes from Hellfire.

34. Guess that explains all that, uh, hellfire and damnation at the motel?

35. Battlecryer Blackeye is a level 70 NPC that can be found in Hellfire Peninsula

36. Therefore, the plan is to put a Hellfire through the roof of that house.

37. Who had exposed the falsehood of the Trinity, immortality of the human soul, and hellfire?

38. Also, it teaches the immortality of the soul, hellfire, and a heavenly paradise.

39. Battlecryer Blackeye is a level 12 - 30 NPC that can be found in Hellfire Peninsula

40. The immortality of the soul, the Trinity, purgatory, and a hellfire to torment people eternally.

41. And there is the dread of the unknown, above all , the awful fear of hellfire.

42. I would go through Hellfire if I could but get free from sin at last.

43. Hellfire without shield is meaningless, both seriously injured himself, and easy to be interrupted.

44. But the Soviet Union managed to fashion the only try of the game at Hellfire Corner.

45. New on Amuse View All Hellfire 23.5% THC 0.1% CBD Glass House Farms 3.5 grams $25.00

46. The Brimstone is an air-launched anti-tank missile produced in the United Kingdom, which was developed from the US-made AGM-114 Hellfire.Its name is also a reference to the Hellfire (e.g., "hellfire and Brimstone").

47. Because for some years now the Catholic clergy have been soft-pedaling the hellfire theme.

48. They were also enlightened as to the gross error of the churches’ teachings on hellfire and the Trinity.

49. How much more must the very idea of hellfire be repugnant to our loving heavenly Father!”

50. I sit now, caged, amongst the screams and the hellfire, as I await my own end.

51. A film, newsreel and illustrations of the tunnels in use bring the atmosphere of Hellfire Corner to life.

52. The Predator is a medium-altitude, long-endurance reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition system that carries two Hellfire missiles.

53. SOME who believe the doctrine of hellfire point to Jesus’ words recorded at Mark 9:48 (or verses 44, 46).

54. This doctrine led to a belief in hellfire, spiritism, ancestor worship and a host of other untrue teachings.

55. 10 Scenario 2: A deeply religious householder finds it hard to believe that bad people will not be tormented forever in hellfire.

56. Bright-Breasted Wyverns were released on April 1, 2010, alongside Hellfire Wyverns, Sunsong Amphipteres, Guardian of Nature and Nebula Dragons

57. About 1835, Grew penned an important pamphlet that exposed the teachings of the immortality of the soul and hellfire as unscriptural.

58. Some other myths alien to Christianity that also gradually developed were: the inherent immortality of the human soul, purgatory, Limbo, and eternal torment in hellfire.

59. To expose the absurdity of the hellfire doctrine, we might say: ‘No loving father would punish his child by holding his child’s hand in a fire.

60. Apostate doctrines included the false teaching that God is a Trinity, that the soul does not die, and that some souls are tormented eternally in hellfire.

61. Full scale development of the Mokopa began in November 1996, due to the ongoing United States arms embargo against South Africa making acquisition of the AGM-114 Hellfire impossible.

62. The French-born Bevatron was a member of the Hellions, the team of adolescent mutants formed by the Hellfire Club's then- White Queen, Emma Frost, joining shortly before the Hellions' clash with the New Warriors

63. Crossbones recruited the Controller and Voice of Doom to serve the Skull, led the Skeleton Crew against the Hellfire Club’s Selene, and, using psychic Tristam Micawber, located the Skull after Magneto kidnapped him…

64. And Antiascetic offenses), social bonds (attachments with family, friends and teachers, commitment to school, stakes in conformity an d general involvement and conventional beliefs) and religiousness (activity including church attendance, salience, “hellfire” beliefs and religious networks)

65. There are those who believe that gambling is the work of the devil and that those who take part deserve to be cast into hellfire and deserve all the losses they have on this earth and in the afterlife.

66. Most recently, we have noted that the US State Department made a determination approving possible Foreign Military Sales to Pakistan of AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters and AGM-114R Hellfire II Missiles and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $952 million.