Use "hegel" in a sentence

1. Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art.

2. “In 1914 Beethoven, Hegel, and Goethe would have been in the trenches.”

3. According to Hegel himself, his philosophy was consistent with Christianity.

4. Marx’s theories also mirrored the views of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

5. He had to discuss knotty points of Rousseau and Hegel with her.

6. §181A In his own lecture comment Hegel simply underlines the fact that the structure of an Apodeictic judgment is In his own lecture comment Hegel simply underlines the fact that the structure of an Apodeictic judgment is

7. There is no mention of Hegel or Descartes, no study of syllogism or solipsism.

8. From Hegel he derives his basic manner of thinking, asserting the primacy of experience.

9. Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual - emotional growth.

10. According to Hegel in Science of Logic, the dialectical methods consists of three steps.

11. This thesis t hinks that subject is the joint betwe en marx dialectics and Hegel dialectics.

12. Much later the method of dialectic clash was polished up by Hegel and adopted by Marx.

13. 16 Hegel s tragic view is a purposeful fatalism , which has been criticized by Cherlishifski.

14. 5 Much later the method of dialectic clash was polished up by Hegel and adopted by Marx.

15. Hegel ? s concept of spirit is the synthesis of the Kantian distinction between noumenon and phenomenon.

16. Francis Bacon and Distutt de Tracy and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel contributed a lot to the development of ideology.

17. For Hegel, Heraclitus's great achievements were to have understood the nature of the infinite, which for Hegel includes understanding the inherent contradictoriness and negativity of reality; and to have grasped that reality is becoming or process and that "being" and "nothingness" are mere empty abstractions.

18. The triad thesis, Antithesis, synthesis is often used to describe the thought of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

19. Hegel presented an Absolutist model of socio-political history, and Marx an Absolutist model of society based on economic realities

20. Arthur Schopenhauer despised Hegel on account of the latter's alleged historicism (among other reasons), and decried Hegel's work as obscurantist " pseudo-philosophy ".

21. Alienation, the concept Hegel and Marx made so central to European political and social thought, has receded in importance in recent political philosophy

22. However, Hegel interprets not-A as not existing at all, not nothing at all, which cannot be conceived, but indeterminate or "pure" being without particularity or specificity.

23. The starting point of Dietrich Benner's general pedagogy comes from the philosophical and educational thoughts of Ruosseau, Kant, Herbart, Humboldt, Hegel, Schleier-macher and Fink.

24. Pure being and pure non-being or nothingness are for Hegel pure abstractions from the reality of becoming and this is also how he interprets Heraclitus.

25. In the 1840s, academic philosophy in Europe, following Hegel, was almost completely divorced from the concerns of individual human life, in favour of pursuing abstract metaphysical systems.

26. 7 In fact, both the Eurocentric approach with the personage of Hegel and Weber, and the China-centered approach representative of Frank and Pomeranz jointly indicate th.

27. Hegel presents sense Certainty as a sort of weak individual truth, completely dependent on the “here” and “now”, which is all relative to the individual or the “I”

28. Both of them were bitter academic adversaries of Hegel, who never embraced this kind of nationalism and remained skeptical towards any reactionary glorification of "typically German" traditions.

29. While the general concept of a supreme being has been present since ancient times, the exact term "Absolute" was first introduced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

30. For Hegel, 'subject' and 'object' are the dialectical moments of a deeper unity, the (dialectical) unity of Thought and Being (and, from the practical vantage point, of normative and affirmative propositions).

31. 23 In discussing Hegel, Voegelin also brands him a "Gnostic, " and then offers the following: "Gnosis desires dominion over being; in order to seize control of being the Gnostic constructs his system.

32. The history of Byzantine Empire, affirms Hegel several pages earlier (355), "exhibits to us a millennial series of uninterrupted crimes, weaknesses, Basenesses and want of principle; a most repulsive and consequently a most uninteresting picture."

33. Words without desire: Strauss, Hegel, and political violence Finally, his writing is occasionally dotted with uncommon words like "normativistic," " Anerotic," (246), "deictic," (75), "revanchist" (84), and "distantiation" (97).

34. The second reason for riffing on Hegel is because I show that the “cunning of India” is really the “cunning of Brahmanism.” India’s supposed enduring and transhistorical power is a way, I argue, of making Brahmanism stand in for Indian culture

35. Hegel at this time envisaged his future as that of a Popularphilosoph, i.e. a "man of letters" who serves to make the abstruse ideas of philosophers accessible to a wider public; his own felt need to engage critically with the central ideas of Kantianism did not come until 1800.

36. Like that Brahminist origin myth the Purusha Suktam, the Upanayanam, The celebrated (or reviled) Aryan Invasion (or Aryan Strolling in Through The Open Door) Theory, Varnasrama Dharma, Caste, Untouchability, Magical stuff in the Puranas, Schisms and Controversies, Monier Williams, Friedrich Hegel, Katherine Mayo, Karen Armstrong, Vivekananda

37. The "Shorter" or "Encyclopaedia" Logic, as it is often known, lays out a series of transitions which leads from the most empty and abstract of categories—Hegel begins with "Pure Being" and "Pure Nothing"—to the "Absolute, the category which contains and resolves all the categories which preceded it.

38. In the first part of his novel, Mr de Botton introduces his main character, Alice, and discusses the notion of reality with the help of such philosophers as Heraclitus, Plato, Hegel or Shopenhauer and poses the question, following Oscar Wilde, whether art imitates life or life that imitates art.

39. It is nearly Axiomatic that voters in an election typically prefer the more likable candidate.: By 1918, the use of military camouflage was Axiomatic, and in 1939 war artists were again mobilized to advise on concealment.: It is Axiomatic that every generation thinks the music of its youth was a benchmark of pop greatness.: In the context of the pervasive nineteenth century idealism of Hegel