Use "headed for" in a sentence

1. We're headed for the drop-off!

2. He headed for the bus stop.

3. She headed for the nearest exit.

4. He turned and headed for the door.

5. Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.

6. Your Health? Are You Headed For Burnout?

7. It's my hunch they headed for Tombstone.

8. Your parents were headed for the theater.

9. The thirsty animals headed for the water.

10. He headed for me after I called him.

11. The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.

12. Come the Sabbath, Paul headed for the synagogue.

13. Thousands of faithful Jews quickly headed for Jerusalem.

14. So after the convention, we headed for New Market.

15. He and his family are headed for Yuan now

16. Are millions of workers headed for the glue factory?

17. Radio chatter indicated they were headed for the PEOC.

18. They were headed for their ships along the shore.

19. The marriage of one couple was headed for disaster.

20. 2 The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.

21. He and Cohen appeared headed for a major blowup.

22. The driver doubled back and headed for Howard Bay.

23. She unpacked her suitcase and headed for the beach.

24. We left port and headed for the open sea .

25. Everyone headed for the beach on that sweltering summer afternoon.

26. They crossed the mountains and headed for the valleys beyond.

27. She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.

28. Is the earth headed for a point of no return?

29. Without delay, they left their flocks and headed for Bethlehem.

30. We flew over the lake and headed for the mountains.

31. Headed for the world's major hubs of consumption, such as Dubai.

32. At this angle of descent, we're headed for some storm clouds.

33. She headed for the outsize black car that was parked opposite.

34. They're headed for the Korean shelter on the great plain, now!

35. The Bombaster is hiding in a meteor swarm and headed for Earth

36. The Saints broke camp and headed for home to prepare their defenses.

37. I smiled broadly , gathered it up and headed for the cash register .

38. They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross and headed for safety.

39. The ball was headed for a spot almost equidistant between the two wickets.

40. On 3 August, she headed for Kiska for her first shore bombardment mission.

41. The marriage of a couple in the Solomon Islands was headed for disaster.

42. Two days later, with Eberle and Livermore, she headed for the coast of Brazil.

43. It seemed the last chance for Helena's men and so they headed for it.

44. A cat named Fred slunk past his legs as we headed for the bedroom.

45. Trucks loaded with 16 tons of food and firewood headed for the Bosnian border.

46. They all piled into their cars and borrowed tractors, and headed for the Stanlow refinery.

47. Also, the Chickadee dream is a strong indicator that you are headed for great fortunes

48. She stopped at Norfolk for a week and then headed for Newport on 10 December.

49. He got his clippers out, then all of a sudden, he headed for the door.

50. According to information forwarded by our air staffs it's headed for the missile complex at Laputa.

51. After gunnery exercises, the fleet headed for the Panama Canal and transited it in mid-month.

52. As we headed for the pharmacy,I told her that Helen was going to help us.

53. He was going through the Prisoner Mess Hall. Guess he was headed for the Admin Office.

54. Faith's white heels Clacked on the pavement as they headed for the wide church double doors.

55. We think we've narrowed down her location to one of four cargo ships headed for Colombia.

56. To his left wing he made out a line of higher hills and headed for it.

57. With students and riot police headed for a major confrontation, Seoul was once again a boiling cauldron.

58. From there I headed for Athens where I visited the branch office of the Watch Tower Society.

59. 26 She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.

60. Shortly thereafter, the task force turned to the northwest and headed for Bougainville in the Solomon Islands.

61. She headed for the Virginia Capes 24 October 1960, successfully completing her first missile transfer at sea.

62. That night, those arrested —young and old— were herded into animal boxcars on trains headed for Siberia.

63. The crew cut away the anchors, unlashed the steering oars, hoisted the foresail and headed for the beach.

64. With tears in our eyes, in February 1962 we caught the train in Lisbon and headed for Madrid.

65. We made our way to Pesega, dried our clothing, and headed for Vailuutai to organize the new stake.

66. The gunmen released most hostages and headed for Chechnya with the rest after receiving a promise of safe passage.

67. Of course it is alarming to see adult society, seemingly on a collision course, headed for a nuclear holocaust.

68. She headed for Constance, where I was, but an air raid blast had left her face cut and bleeding.

69. A client could hold on to his jaw, and people would assume he was headed for a tooth extraction.

70. Underway on 5 September, the destroyer called briefly at Quebec (5 to 6 September) before she headed for Newport.

71. We walked along the shore as the sun's last rays winked over the darkening sea, then headed for home.

72. Expectation was boiling when we all climbed into Reg's minibus and headed for Chamden on that balmy September Saturday.

73. She was headed for the bus station, I thought, and from there back to the Amtrak station in Denver.

74. Accordingly, Wasp, the light cruiser Brooklyn, and the destroyers Sterett and Wilson, departed Grassy Bay and headed for Martinique.

75. 9 When they thinned out he headed for the cherry blossoms, then magnolia, chinaberry, pecan, walnut and prickly pear.

76. Starting from the Scenic Tunnel, long a tourist attraction, the pair headed for the opening that had previously been blasted.

77. Lin Piao, Mao’s heir apparent, stated: “Imperialism is headed for total collapse and socialism is advancing to world-wide victory.”

78. Determined not to re-enter blind institution life, I headed for the nearby technical college who wouldn't have me either.

79. The next day she headed for the Kuala Lumpur area and anchored in the Strait of Malacca on the 30th.

80. She departed San Francisco on 10 September and, after operations along the coast, headed for Pearl Harbor on 20 October.