Use "have ones way" in a sentence

1. The Blessed “Way of Righteous Ones”

2. White surfaces have long edges, black ones have short ones.

3. We can rightly be glad that new ones have joined us on the way to everlasting life.

4. Fortunately, the good ones have stayed.

5. The psalmist sang: “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.

6. “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.” —PSALM 119:1.

7. When loved ones never have to part,

8. The young ones have flown the nest.

9. In what way were the Nephilim “mighty ones” and “men of fame”?

10. Who are the ones not giving way to fear, and why so?

11. But resurrected anointed ones have far greater glory.

12. A number of substantial ones have been accepted.

13. 9 That episode demonstrates the way wrong fleshly desires can corrupt unwary ones.

14. This beautiful song begins with the words: “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.

15. Real ethnic crimes have begun to replace imaginary ones.

16. That way, you can all gang up on the weaker ones, like Winston here.

17. □ Spirit-begotten ones have been taken into what covenants?

18. What have God’s loyal ones endured, and how have they regarded these trials?

19. There are five of them, and in order to get to the really deep ones, the meaningful ones, you have to go through the early ones.

20. Many new ones have been activated in the field service.

21. Many have lost loved ones and nearly all their possessions.

22. What is denoted by the “sharing” that anointed ones have?

23. Some serious ones may have spinal monstrosity and articular entasia .

24. What have many disfellowshipped ones done, and with what result?

25. Then we have a few also side- scrollers -- classical ones.

26. Faithful ones would have nothing to fear from such predators.

27. And young ones have been exposed to violence at school.

28. I can sympathize with those who have lost loved ones.

29. Black Affronted is a Scottish way of expressing ones embarrassment, basically it is a local colloqualism for saying that you have been embarrassed by someone or something

30. Now they regularly drive about three and a half hours each way to help interested ones.

31. When appropriate, have young ones act out Bible events and dramas.

32. 25, 26. (a) Why can anointed ones have “freeness of speech”?

33. The ones that are dark grey have black heads and legs.

34. Many, especially among the young ones, have increased their service activity.

35. 23 That way, you can all gang up on the weaker ones,( like Winston here.

36. 20 I can sympathize with those who have lost loved ones.

37. What might help certain ones who have not yet been baptized?

38. Many of the latest smartphones have ultranarrow Bezels, ones that almost seem to have disappeared.

39. Is there any hope for our loved ones who have died?’

40. Invite young ones to recall how they have enjoyed distributing magazines.

41. Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.

42. But the best way of making amends is to substitute for old habits new, and better, ones.

43. 12/29/2017 c11 Adonca Well, that’s the way to keep your friends and loved ones, Ruby

44. Christian youths are influenced in a wholesome way by association with spiritually mature ones in the congregation.

45. In that way, the ones on your route will not fail to get their magazines on time.

46. The Bible explains: “Jehovah himself gives wisdom; . . . he will guard the very way of his loyal ones.”

47. Many sincere ones have thus heard the good news and have started to study the Bible.

48. Even young ones can have a fine share in this exciting work.

49. If you have especially deep Cupboards, invest in some stackable ones to …

50. Earwig males have either really large penile appendages or really small ones.

51. We have Chimneys in all shapes and sizes, including some unusual ones

52. Anointed ones have spared no effort in making the Kingdom their own.

53. At times, such ones have been deprived of any type of education.

54. Since the discovery of fast radio Bursts in 2007, scientists have dedicated efforts to identify the sources of extragalactic phenomena — ones that might exist outside the Milky Way galaxy.

55. " Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone. "

56. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

57. With a sense of urgency, Solomon warns: “Into the path of the wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of the bad ones.

58. The easiest way to spread Christmas cheer is to deliver thoughtful seasonal gifts to the ones you love

59. One way to change our genes is to make new ones, as Craig Venter has so elegantly shown.

60. Speak with loved ones regularly about your journey of healing and recovery in an open and authentic way.

61. The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have.

62. The ones that had hatched did not have Archenterons and were not motile

63. We have so many interested ones that it is hard to keep up.

64. “I have known some young ones who dated nonbelievers,” said a Witness youth.

65. 7 Never underestimate the effect that the Memorial can have on sincere ones.

66. How valuable they have proved to be in shepherding the many new ones who have accepted Bible truth!

67. At least two adjacent ones of the geographic areas have different channel availability.

68. Use the blue ones, not the pink ones.

69. That's very interesting. Is there a way to distinguish between the timed "deathtrap" dungeons and the regular ones?

70. Competition in the private sector works the same way: successful new ideas draw customers, and unsuccessful ones die out.

71. And of course, we have to deal with drivers, even the very small ones.

72. So the sunny ones swirl around, the cloudy ones float along, the rainy ones fall down, and the snowy ones flutter to the ground.

73. It will be triumphant when this world’s intellectual ones have drawn their last breath.

74. I have changed in every way.

75. For example, you may have to work to provide financially for your loved ones.

76. The ones that we love the most have the greatest potential to hurt us.

77. They are glamourous , beautiful stones to have wrapped around ones wrist in a bracelet.

78. 12 Concerning persecutors David cries out: “O God, the presumptuous ones themselves have risen up against me; and the very assembly of tyrannical ones have looked for my soul, and they have not set you in front of themselves.”

79. The police have barricaded the way.

80. We are not the only ones to have one of these in our backyard.