Use "haughty" in a sentence

1. The haughty rejected Him.

2. The Haughty Are Abased

3. Haughty Disregard for Jehovah

4. But you abase the haughty.

5. He replied with haughty disdain.

6. He spoke in a haughty tone.

7. And a haughty spirit before stumbling.

8. Yet, Jesus is not haughty or aloof.

9. Proud and haughty scorner is his name.

10. Haughty Uzziah made a leper (16-21)

11. He had an air of haughty aloofness.

12. He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.

13. Arrogante translate: arrogant, haughty, high and mighty

14. Jehovah’s day humiliates the haughty (6-22)

15. She has a rather haughty manner.

16. 8 He replied with haughty disdain.

17. Yet he was not a haughty aristocrat.

18. They were displeased with her haughty airs.

19. She was a lady of a haughty temper.

20. Do not be haughty, for Jehovah has spoken.

21. Miss Pybus said she was cold and haughty.

22. The haughty Servants meet him with a Frown.

23. Next comes “haughty,” or literally “superior-appearing.”

24. The haughty Ione burst into passionate tears.

25. Than to share the spoil of the haughty.

26. And your heart grew haughty because of your wealth.”’

27. He gave me a haughty look and walked away.

28. A haughty girl is always unpopular at school.

29. The priest was a fat and a haughty man.

30. Why, they would draw scornful laughter from haughty militarists!

31. The abasing of haughty rulers exalted Jehovah’s own “splendid superiority.”

32. Jessica turned away with a haughty look on her face.

33. 11 The haughty eyes of man will be brought low,

34. I saw a haughty little hedgehog and I was hooked.

35. And you will never again be haughty in my holy mountain.

36. What a desperate situation for the once haughty “daughters of Zion”!

37. After kindly Scriptural counsel is given, is he haughty or arrogant?

38. But your eyes are against the haughty, and you abase them.

39. In contrast, the proud and haughty despised Jesus and his message.

40. Better to be patient than to be haughty in spirit.

41. She flicked him a haughty smile, then strode briskly on.

42. Our talents, our achievements, and our privileges should never make us haughty.

43. Does that mean that ordinary people are not prone to becoming haughty?

44. People thought of him as being haughty and difficult to talk to.

45. 22 For You save an afflicted people, But haughty eyes You abase.

46. One who is puffed up, or haughty, unlovingly exalts himself above others.

47. But, by “strong identity,” did the writer mean “self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers”?

48. Bella came out of prison as haughty as when she went in.

49. And when that happens, Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn, haughty resistance.

50. For then I will remove the haughty boasters from among you;

51. The Bible indicates that haughty ambition is linked to human imperfection.

52. Are frowning and haughty tyrants to be preferred to generous Lords?

53. In ancient Judah of Isaiah’s day, haughty women decked themselves with many ornaments.

54. 29 “We have heard about the pride of Moʹab—he is very haughty

55. He was stoical, serious, austere , a melancholy dreamer, humble and haughty, like fanatics.

56. 17 Haughty eyes,+ a lying tongue,+ and hands that shed innocent blood,+

57. What does Condescend mean? To deal with others in a proud or haughty way

58. Some common synonyms of Arrogant are disdainful, haughty, insolent, lordly, overbearing, proud, and supercilious

59. The answers they receive from admission professionals often sound evasive disingenuous, and even haughty.

60. It was Jehovah who had humiliated that mighty king when he became haughty.

61. God’s Word, the Bible, foretold that in our time people would be “self-assuming, haughty.”

62. (Isaiah 13:3, 4) Who are these “sanctified ones” appointed to bring down haughty Babylon?

63. Synonyms for Contemptuous include disdainful, scornful, disparaging, derogatory, slighting, arrogant, denigratory, haughty, belittling and supercilious

64. Proud, Haughty, Scorner are the names Of him who works in the arrogance of pride.

65. ‘Even many who sympathize with his concerns find his Combative style haughty and unforgiving.’.

66. 🔊 That snobbish woman displays such Arrogance every time she opens her haughty mouth

67. [Jehovah] takes note of the humble, but the haughty he knows only from a distance. —Ps.

68. When Moses mentioned Jehovah by name to Pharaoh, that haughty Egyptian monarch retorted: “Who is Jehovah?”

69. Kureishi is pleased by the comparison, as he says Seth's haughty looks find favour with women.

70. Under different circumstances, this would have sounded patronizing, a wilted bouquet tossed by a haughty victor.

71. Synonyms for Condescending include arrogant, patronising, patronizing, haughty, supercilious, superior, pompous, snooty, uppity and snobbish

72. If he attempts to talk to you, you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing.

73. 4 That God is holy does not mean that he is smug, haughty, or disdainful of others.

74. Miss Swiss, Miss Gouda and that haughty Miss Individually-Wrapped American who thinks her cheese doesn't stink.

75. After all, God has hidden his purposes from the haughty and has revealed them to humble ones.

76. Synonyms for Avoidant include stand-offish, aloof, cold, distant, haughty, remote, reserved, detached, impersonal and unapproachable

77. A haughty attitude can cause us to feel that we do not need guidance from anyone.

78. It is a face that masks emotion rather than displays it, a composed face, insular, a little haughty.

79. Not a haughty Contemptuousness, but a humble thankfulness, becomes us, if we stand higher than our neighbour

80. 23 And You save an afflicted people; But Your eyes are on the haughty whom You abase.