Use "hang-up" in a sentence

1. Don't hang up.

2. Don't hang up!

3. Just hang up, Charlie.

4. Please don't hang up.

5. Why'd you hang up?

6. Do not hang up.

7. We'll hang up tonight.

8. Receiving hang-up phone calls.

9. I said, " Don't hang up. "

10. Please hang up the phone.

11. Jess, do not hang up.

12. Don't hang up on me!

13. OK, I'm gonna hang up now.

14. I can't let you hang up.

15. Do not hang up on me.

16. Some guys have this weird hang-up.

17. Why don't you hang up your clothes?

18. You hang up on me and Sarah dies!

19. I tried to hang up on this thing.

20. If a caller is rude, just hang up.

21. Anyway, I'm going to hang up on you.

22. Don't you dare hang up on me again!

23. Don't hang up on me-we must talk!

24. But that's a patriarchal hang-up, says Quilliam.

25. " Maybe I should call Bella and hang up. "

26. 24 Hang up one's hat in another's house. 

27. Let me speak to Melanie before you hang up.

28. Sometimes, a person may suffer from a hang-up .

29. After I hang up, I'll burn it, quite literally.

30. Problem of happiness is a hang-up of ethics.

31. Hang up your aprons and line up over here.

32. No, we only talk to him or we hang up.

33. 1 Hang up one's fiddle when one comes home. 

34. Next, hang up only the clothes from the winner pile.

35. 11 Hang up one's fiddle when one comes home. 

36. You know, people have hang- ups and that's my hang-up .

37. Don't hang up on me - I need to talk to you.

38. The emergent crisis is the hang-up faced by international society.

39. Before you hang up, take a look at your bank account balance.

40. Lfyou'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.

41. How many times have I told you to hang up your clothes?

42. Perhaps her ladyship would like to hang up her own clothes today!

43. When we talk on the phone, she may hang up on me.

44. If you have no other business, you may hang up the phone.

45. It's no use. Let's hang up and try for a better line.

46. Last chance before I hang up and go to work on your son.

47. I work in Astrodynamics, and you should hang up the phone, right now.

48. It really gets on my nerves when people hang up without leaving a message.

49. You hang up on me now, you're not gonna appreciate who I call next.

50. I am sorry I have to hang up now.Someone is knocking at the door.

51. Did these phones just go down or did that fucker hang up on me?

52. The 40 - year - old rodeo cowboy decided to hang up his spurs and retire.

53. When a woman's voice answered she had to hang up, her anger was so powerful.

54. If you get an obscene or abusive phone call, don't say anything and hang up immediately!

55. Would we please hang up our sponsor banners so that we were not mistaken for refugees?

56. In order to keep pushin'and to never hang up the phone, until you get what you want.

57. Addison, didn't compete on the track last summer and has decided to hang up her spikes.

58. You get double short vibration when you hang up the phone or have been failed to dial.

59. I kept getting mysterious phone calls where the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.

60. But don't hang up on the shares because I reckon they could hit Pounds 4 by Christmas.

61. Readers of this column will have concluded I have the same hang-up about finding the perfect house.

62. I always hang up promptly and go out for a nice cup of coffee to cheer myself up.

63. 24 Elsewhere anyone was at liberty to hang up a shingle and go into practice as a physician.

64. With annoyance calls, first of all, don't carry on a conversation. And secondly, hang up quickly and quietly.

65. Mary have a real hang-up about cats and doesn't like to be in the alike room with them.

66. I never find myself, fatigue in the voice, reminding Flaubert to hang up the bathmat or use the lavatory brush.

67. He returned with a Man from Mullingar, a newsagent who wanted a Halloween witch to hang up in his shop.

68. 3 He returned with a Man from Mullingar, a newsagent who wanted a Halloween witch to hang up in his shop.

69. If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!

70. The unconscious worry is that it I let go of my habit, my hurt, or my hang-up, who will I be?

71. See, if you'd have been here two and a half years ago, you'd know'bout that sign used to hang up over the bar.

72. The unconscious worry is that if I let go of my habit, my hurt, or my hang-up, who will I be?

73. Cuba aroma naupathia witticism anisotropically tiercels rumormonger chocolate arbitrement Bilineated Well-groomed unvindictive bee diphthongation crowing hang-up anti-Austrian scolders red-eye

74. The only hang-up: Just because Microsoft finished Mango a bit early doesn't mean that its OEM partners are ready to rock and roll.

75. If you receive an unwanted call from someone who claims to be Google or working with Google, feel free to hang up at any time.

76. After 20 minutes of lackadaisical cranking (I read a book while I do it), the paddles hang up on a half pound of golden butter.

77. "No U Hang Up" and "If That's OK with You" charted separately in Ireland, the former reaching number eleven and the latter entering at number one.

78. For example, a voice-over-IP telephony application might generate ring-in, ring-out, connect, and disconnect events, and expose call, hold, and hang-up actions.

79. Yesterday I met with the headman of the fishing village, and asked that we be allowed to hang up rice sacks for the rubbish on the ground.

80. Adrian Peterson doesn’t want to retire from the NFL, but he should Former Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has no desire to hang up his cleats anytime soon