Use "hang around" in a sentence

1. Pays to hang around.

2. Please don't hang around, Fiona.

3. Some sleazy characters hang around casinos.

4. So don't hang around ... get stuck in!

5. Atie would rather die than hang around

6. So the neurotransmitter can hang around longer.

7. Just hang around all day and being lazy

8. All of us would hang around together.

9. Don't hang around here when we are busy.

10. Don't think that I will just hang around.

11. I didn't hang around with her much anyway.

12. Don't hang around — we have a train to catch!

13. Many of the town's dropouts hang around the square.

14. "Why do all these white men hang around you?"

15. Don't hang around school waiting for me ever again.

16. Sometimes the men hang about, especially around the younger women.

17. Don't hang around here and gab . Get yourself home, quick.

18. Cronies Two or more friends who constantly hang around you

19. Games start patronizing lot of fans to hang around in Akihabara.

20. They hang around street corners, facing the dangers of speeding traffic.

21. You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?

22. Everyone's aware of those perverts who hang around our school, right?

23. They sometimes hang around in cafes or pool rooms, sleeping most Anywheres

24. The Barflies is a group of drinkers that hang around Moe's Tavern

25. You hang around with that detective, the one with the silly hat.

26. They hang around the edges of the dance floor, drinking, jostled by gangs of teenagers milling around.

27. “This foolishness seems to surface easily when boys hang around in groups.

28. And we will be too if we hang around here any longer.

29. All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory.

30. Don't hang around that shiftless guy. You don't know what he will do.

31. 5 And this time, the host country might hang around a bit longer.

32. The smell of burnt powder seemed to hang around him in a cloud.

33. The people I used to hang around with were much older than me.

34. 3 All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory.

35. I thought I'd hang around for a while and see if she comes.

36. If you want to hang around here and confuse this lady further, go ahead.

37. Can't hang about, sir. Guards around. But I thought this might come In handy.

38. 22 Paul Collins's magnificent paintings hang in prestigious galleries and museums around the world.

39. Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.

40. He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.

41. Wants to be liked and likes to hang around and curry favour with teacher.

42. First thing you say, I'm not fazed , I hang around big stars all day.

43. And like an unwelcome house guest, a flu virus can hang around for days.

44. 14 He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.

45. If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talking shop.

46. Halloween around the corner as dark clouds hang over a graveyard littered with fallen leaves.

47. I was only supposed to stay a semester, but then he convinced me to hang around.

48. We thanked Jehovah and took the officer’s advice not to hang around bridges in the future.

49. I can't afford to hang around here waiting until you deign to come back to collect me.

50. Bowfin tends to just hang around the bottom as they are scavenging for the dead decaying matter

51. In this new shape, it can accommodate molecules called G-proteins, which hang around inside the cell.

52. I hang around this moral abattoir to do something exactly like this and you shut me out.

53. As he left, the crowd broke up, and I heard rumblings of disappointment about having to hang around.

54. Everyone likes to hang around with people with a similar image, it gives you more confidence to experiment.

55. Hang on.

56. From time to time, she fingered the heart pendant and religious medallion that now hang around her neck.

57. You know, people have hang- ups and that's my hang-up .

58. Hang on!

59. Hang tough.

60. It was easy enough to hang around in the courtyard enjoying the soft splash of sunlight on her bare arms.

61. 7 But all I can say is that she is hilarious, a goofball , and fun to hang around with.

62. Hang tight, Charles.

63. Hang in there.

64. Hang on, John!

65. Bungling To dress up in a crude bear suit and hang around with overly jolly people in brightly coloured clothing.

66. Hang on, Sam.

67. Hang on, sir!

68. Hang on, everybody!

69. ben dat hang

70. They hang retarded newborns?

71. Just hang up, Charlie.

72. Hang the map up.

73. Hang on, Raven.

74. Don't hang up.

75. Joey, hang on.

76. Don't hang up!

77. Hey, hang on!

78. Hang on tight.

79. Belinda shifted her sandalled feet nervously, wondering suddenly if Deana had decided to hang around until the mythical sailor showed up.

80. Imagine all the trouble hordes of tots and teenagers can get into with nothing to do all day but hang around.